171 Abstracts Accepted

# ID Abstract
1 abs-1
Challenges and Strategies for Ornamental Plant Business Development: A Scoping Review and Bibliometric Analysis (ScoRBA)

Riska Tiasmalomo (a*), Muslim Salam (b), Hari Iswoyo (c)

Ornamental plants are one of the agricultural commodities that have high economic value. In Indonesia, the ornamental plant business has shown significant growth in recent years. Behind the significant growth, there are various challenges that must be faced by farmers or business actors. Therefore, an effective business development strategy is needed to overcome these challenges. This study aims to examine the challenges and business development strategies of ornamental plants with relevant literature evidence. This study followed a scoping review and bibliometric analysis (ScoRBA) methodology. This review was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) statement. Bibliometric analysis was conducted to explore scientific data and focus on certain predetermined fields. Data sources were obtained from the Lens database. The total number of articles obtained was 1.405 articles in the range of 2014-2024. The results of the analysis obtained the conclusion that the challenges in the development of ornamental plant businesses are divided into two, namely internal and external challenges. Internal challenges include limited business capital, lack of knowledge and skills, lack of innovation, and difficulty managing costs. While external challenges are market competition, price fluctuations, pest and plant disease attacks, logistics limitations, climate change, limited access to capital, and difficulty in obtaining business licenses. The ornamental plant business development strategies applied are improving knowledge and skills, improving product quality, increasing promotion, improving customer service, establishing cooperation, building differentiation, utilizing technology, expanding marketing networks, increasing production efficiency.

Keywords : Ornamental plants, Challenges, Strategies, Development, Scoping review, Bibliometric analysis
2 abs-2
A Review: Plant-Based Proteins: Market Growth Opportunities for Agricultural Products

Mercy Bientri Yunindanova

Plant-based proteins have garnered significant global attention over the past few decades. The demand for plant-based proteins has increased not only due to dietary trends such as vegetarianism or religious influences but also because of growing consumer concerns regarding health and the environment. Although it is known that plant-based proteins cannot entirely replace animal-based proteins, several studies have demonstrated the important role of plant-based proteins for the human body. This trend should be seen as an opportunity not only for stakeholders in the food sector but also in the agricultural sector. Knowledge about commodities with high protein content should be promoted. Additionally, the role of plant breeding is crucial in this regard. The increase in demand should not only be met by increasing quantity but also must be accompanied by quality to ensure market sustainability.

Keywords : plant-based proteins, Market Growth Opportunities
3 abs-3
Optimizing Cocoa Production through Paclobutrazol and KNO3 Application: Effects on Yield and Cherelle Wilt Mitigation

Reynaldi Laurenze 1), Nasaruddin 1), Reski Anugraeni Rahman 3) and Ainun Rahmawati N. 2)

Among the various plantation commodities in Indonesia, cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) stands out because of its suitability for tropical regions and high market demand. However, cocoa production faces challenges such as fluctuating yields, one of which is influenced by the cherelle wilt factor that can reduce crop yields by up to 7-81% in cocoa plants. Paclobutrazol and KNO3 promote flower induction and support the formation and translocation of carbohydrates which can potentially mitigate cherelle wilt and improve cocoa production. This study aimed to investigate the effects of paclobutrazol and KNO3 on the reproductive growth of cocoa plants. The research was conducted in Bonto Macinna, Gantarang, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi from October 2020-March 2021. The study used a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications for all treatments. The first factor is paclobutrazol concentration with four levels: 0 mL.L-1 (control), 3.75 mL.L-1, 7.5 mL.L-1, and 11.25 mL.L-1. The second factor is KNO3 concentration with three levels: 0 g.L-1 (control), 15 g.L-1, and 30 g.L-1. The results showed that there is no significant interaction between paclobutrazol and KNO3 on cocoa production. Meanwhile, paclobutrazol concentration of 11.23mL.L-1 provided significantly higher results in production components such as cocoa pods formed (70.78 pods), percentage of cherelle wilt (48.54%), harvested pods (15.00 pods), dry weight of 100 seeds (150.95 g), and yield (838.04 kg.ha-1) compared to the KNO3 treatment.

Keywords : Cherelle wilt, cocoa, KNO3, paclobutrazol, production
4 abs-4
Sustainability Status of the Special Effort Program for Compulsory Pregnant Cows Based on Socio-Economic Dimensions

Tanri Giling Rasyid1), ST. Rohani1), Muhammad Hatta1), Pipi Diansari2), Alima Bachtiar Abdullahi3), Muhammmad Darwis4), Putra Astaman5)

The government is making efforts to address the internal need for beef cattle breeding stock, recognizing the pivotal role these stocks play in the prosperity of the beef cattle fattening industry. The quality of beef cattle breeds profoundly impacts beef production, prompting the government to pursue strategies aimed at enhancing domestic beef cattle breeding. This includes implementing a dedicated program focused on breeding pregnant cows. The research aims to assess the sustainability status of the special initiative program for pregnant cows in Barru Regency, focusing on socio-economic aspects. This study employs survey and interview methodologies. The data underwent analysis using the Rap-Local Beef Cattle Breeding ordination technique utilizing the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method to assess sustainability. The findings of the study indicate that the sustainability level of the specialized initiative for mandatory pregnant breeding cows in Barru Regency, focusing on socio-economic aspects, is relatively robust. The analysis highlights the significance of time allocation within the social dimension and the profit per head of breeding cattle within the economic dimension. Enhancing the sustainability of the program can be achieved by boosting sales of breeding cattle and engaging labor from the local community and farmer households.

Keywords : sustainability, socio-economic dimension, must be pregnant, beef cattle, farmer
5 abs-5

Erwin Najamuddin*, Tutik Kuswinanti, Ade Rosmana, Hasbi, Aminah, Abdul Fattah, Rahman.

This research aims to determine the ability of inducing resistance of maize plants using glomus etunicatum mycorrhiza against downy mildew caused by P. philippinensis. The research was conducted at the Wire House, Laboratory of Plant Pests and Diseases of the Cereals Research Institute in Maros Regency. This study used a randomized block design consisting of 3 combinations of treatment factors. The first factor consisted of three levels, namely three maize varieties, including: Anoman/susceptible check (V1), JH29 (V2) and Pertiwi6/resistant check (V3), the second factor consisted of 2 levels, namely Inoculation (M1) and non-mycorrhizal inoculation (M0), the third factor consisted of 2 treatment levels namely inoculation (P1) and non-inoculation of pathogens (P0). A total of twelve treatment combinations were obtained. Each treatment consisted of 10 test plants so that there were 120 experimental units. The results showed that resistant varieties independently effectively suppressed downy mildew infection caused by the fungus P. philippinensis. The combination of AMF G. etunicatum and moderate varieties gave a better increase in plant resistance responses compared to the combination of AMF G. etunicatum and other varieties. The increase in plant resistance response occurred through increased resistance properties and accumulation of secondary metabolites (phenols and salicylic acid). As an alternative control technique that is environmentally friendly, a combination of varieties with AMF is an option for controlling downy mildew in maize.

Keywords : Arbuskular Mycorrhyza Fungi, Induce Resistance, Maize Downy Mildew
6 abs-6
Growth performance of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and pak choy (Brassica rapa L.) varieties with different density ratios in the aquaponic cultiva

Amira Meyansari Naris,Edison Saade dan Muh. Farid BDR

The aquaponic cultivation system is an alternative cultivation technique that can be used to overcome the problem of limited land due to the increasing rate of development growth. The aquaponic cultivation system in this research integrates pak choy plants with tilapia fish. This research aims to determine rice varieties and the ratio of tilapia fish densities that provide high growth and production for pak choy and tilapia. The research was carried out in Simboro Village, Kec. Simboro and Islands, Kab. Mamuju, West Sulawesi from February to May 2024. The research was structured in a nested design for the plant component and a randomized block design (RAK) for the fish component. The first factor consists of 5 varieties of pakcoy, namely pakcoy white (v1), nauli F1 (v2), flamingo (v3), brisk green (v4) and naibai (v5), and the second factor consists of 3 comparisons of the density of tilapia, namely density 50 individuals per meter (p1), a density of 100 individuals per meter (p2) and a density of 150 individuals per meter (p3). The results obtained show that the brisk green variety (v4) is the pakcoy variety with the best total weight per plant at various tilapia densities with an average value of 137.00 g per plant and the density of 150 tilapia fish per meter (p3) is the density of tilapia with the best total weight per plant with an average value of 132.07 g per plant. A density of 50 tilapia fish per plant (p1) is the density with the best fish growth and survival rate. A density of 100 tilapia fish per plant (p2) is the density level with the best R/C ratio value with a value of 2.97.

Keywords : tilapia, fish density, pak choy, varieties
7 abs-8
The Dynamics of Paddy Rice Farmer Groups: in Tibona Village, Bulukumpa Sub-District, Bulukumba District.

Nurbaya Busthanul1*, Masyhur Syafiuddin2, Rasyidah Bakri1, Siti Hardianty Syam1, Nahda Shafiyah Luthfa1, Nabilah Rahmawati1, Nazhifah Dhiya3

Agricultural development relies heavily on farmer groups that play an important role in agricultural success. Strengthening these groups should include aspects of learning media, production units, and economic institutions, although currently the focus is more on economic units. The challenges of globalization require farmers to improve their knowledge, skills, organization and motivation. Effective farmer groups will survive, while groups formed only for government assistance tend to be unsustainable. Analyzing the dynamics of paddy rice farmer groups in Tibona Village, Bulukumpa Sub-district, Bulukumba Regency needs to be done to understand the behavior and constraints in improving welfare through farmer groups. This research aims to identify the dynamics of these farmer groups and determine the factors that influence them. This research used a qualitative approach, purposive determination of farmer groups, and data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the Tibona farmer group is dynamic with a percentage of 56.2%, which means that the farmer group in the village is successful in carrying out its function as a farmer group. Factors that influence include the characteristics of members (age with a range of 30-60 years, SD-SMA education, livelihoods dominated by unemployment), the availability of information about rice cultivation and the use of alsintan, and the support of supporting institutions in the Tibona farmer group.

Keywords : agricultural development, economic institutions, production units, farmer group strengthening
8 abs-9
Android based Application Design (E-Farm) as Information platform on Coffee Industry in Kurrak Village, Tapango District, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawe

Ahmad Munir Mahmud Achmad Muhammad Fadli

Abstract. The coffee industry is one of the important economic sectors in Kurrak Village, Tapango District, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi. Coffee is a leading commodity that contributes significantly to the local economy. The coffee industry in this village faces various challenges, including limited access to up to date information on cultivation, processing, and marketing techniques. The E-Farm application can be an effective solution to provide an easily accessible information platform for coffee businesses. The purpose of this research is to produce an E-Farm application as a platform for information sources for the community, especially for farmers. The methodology used in this research includes data collection through interviews and scientific references, needs analysis, system design, and application testing and evaluation. The result of this research is the design of an android-based E-Farm application that can help improve access to information and help increase the productivity and efficiency of coffee farmers in Kurrak Village. Therefore, this application is expected to contribute to the improvement of farmers' welfare and the development of the coffee industry in the area. Keywords: Application, Coffee, Digital, Industry, Information, Platform

Keywords : Application, Coffee, Digital, Industry, Information, Platform
9 abs-10
Anatomical Properties and Demarcation Point of Bambang Lanang Wood Juveniles Area Due to Differences in Planting Distances

A Arinana1, B C Azzahra1, S Utami2, R Andika3,*, I S Rahayu1, H Siahaan4, and S Sulaeha5

Bambang lanang wood has been widely cultivated in South Sumatra Province as carpentry wood. This study analyzes the anatomical and boundary characteristics of bambang lanang wood juveniles planted at different planting distances. The materials used were three wooden disks from the bambang lanang trees from the Forest for Specific Purpose in South Sumatra with a thickness of 2 cm. The trees were planted with spacing of 3 m x 3 m, 4 m x 2,5 m, and 6 m x 3 m 12 years old. Anatomical characteristics were analyzed for macroscopic and microscopic, and at the same time, the determination of wood juvenile boundary was based on the radial variation of three parameters: microfibril angle, fibre length, and wood density. The result showed that the difference in planting distances did not affect the anatomical characteristics of bambang lanang wood. In general, the macroscopic characteristic of bambang lanang wood is yellowish brown, the wood texture is rather smooth to smooth, integrated fibre direction, the wood surface is rather shiny, and the tactile sensation is rather rough, while the microscopic characteristics are mixed pores, some are solitary, and multiple radials with 2-3 cells and no tylosis is found. Meanwhile, differences in planting distances also did not affect the boundaries of juvenile wood areas; that is, the boundaries of juveniles could not be determined.

Keywords : fibre length, Magnolia champaca, microfibril angle, wood density
10 abs-11
Study of the Potential of Vigor Hybrids in Saline Tolerant Cayenne Pepper Plants

Eko Fransisko1*, Loso Judijanto2, Abdul Rasyid3, Rahmat Joko Nugroho4, and Eddy Silamat5

The study of the potential for hybrid vigor in cayenne pepper plants is dissertation research in the context of realizing novelty research on the selection process for saline-tolerant cayenne pepper plants. The initial stage in this research is to determine the genetic relationship of the germplasm of cayenne pepper in terms of looking at kinship, the benefits of kinship and diversity in a germplasm and measuring the kinship value of the cayenne pepper it self. The next stage is to induce the salt content (salinity) in the cayenne pepper plants. Salinity is a condition where salt is dissolved in excessive amounts, which is bad for plant growth.Symptoms Plants experiencing salt stress generally do not show a response in the form of direct damage but suppressed growth and gradual changes; inhibits cell enlargement and division, protein production and addition of plant biomass.Selection for salinity tolerance in cayenne pepper was carried out with a series of conventional breeding activities startingby selecting superior individuals from a segregating population, followed by crossing between selected individuals, and continuing with selection on their offspring. The final stage in this research is to look at the inheritance of salinity tolerance traits in cayenne pepper plantsobtained through the assembly of varieties.Hybridization (crossing) in cayenne pepper is cross-pollination between parents of cayenne pepper plants with different genetic makeup. General combining ability and specific combining ability are important characteristics of cayenne pepper. Heterosis is an important characteristic of cayenne pepper for salinity tolerance. Heterosis or hybrid vigor is a situation where the vigor of a hybrid (F1), namely the result of a cross between 2 parents (P1 and P2) exceeds the vigor of the average of the two parents or the vigor of one of the best salinity tolerant parents.

Keywords : Hybrid, Cayenne pepper, Salinity, Combining ability
11 abs-12
Genetic diversity of tangerine (Citrus reticulata L.) at two altitudes based on morphological and molecular marker

N I Asmita 1*, I R Saleh 2, E Syam’un 3, Y G D Anggraheni 4

The distribution of tangerines can occur naturally or through cultivation in both lowland and highland areas. Ten characteristics were used to explain the diversity of tangerines: type of rootstock, leaf type, intensity of leaf green color, leaf lamina attachment, leaf lamina shape, leaf lamina margin, leaf apex, fruit shape, shape of fruit base, and shape of fruit apex. Genetic diversity and relationships among accessions were analyzed using random amplified polymorphic DNA. The biplot graph showed that the shape of the fruit base and fruit shape correlate positively with each other, as do the leaf apex, leaf lamina margin and leaf lamina shape. Meanwhile, the type of rootstock character correlates negatively with the other characters. PCA reduced the number of characters to two principal components, which account for a total variance of 80.95%. The characters that significantly contribute to this variance are the type of rootstock (63.60%) and the shape of the fruit base (17.35%). The characteristics based on morphological and molecular features form different similarity coefficients. Morphologically, the highest similarity coefficient is 0.59, while molecularly, the highest similarity coefficient is 1. This indicates that the similarity based on morphological characteristics is relatively limited, whereas molecular, the similarity is relatively extensive.

Keywords : PCA, Biplot, RAPD, Relationship, Similarity
12 abs-13
Study Of Two-Wheel And Four-Wheel Tractor Mechanization In The Country Of Timor Leste

Arcanjo De Jesus¹,Iqbal²,Abdullah Azisᶟ

Agricultural tools and machines have an important role in the plant cultivation process which helps farmers from the land management process to the processing of agricultural products and helps overcome the decreasing number of farmers' workforce. The aim of this research is to find out and identify how agricultural mechanization is developing in Timor Lester. This research uses qualitative research. It is known that from 5 districts, 40 respondents were taken in Ainaro District . The validity test was carried out with a significance level of 5%, the r table obtained was 0.312 and the Cronbach's alpha value obtained was -1.707 < 0.60. In Bobonaro District , the results of the validity test carried out with a significance level of 5% obtained an r table of 0.312 and the Cronbach's alpha value obtained was -0.136 < 0.60. In Covalima Regency , the results of the validity test carried out with a significance level of 5% obtained an r table of 0.312 and the Cronbach's alpha value obtained was 0.384 <0.60. In Manatuto Regency , the results of the validity test carried out with a significance level of 5% obtained an r table of 0.312 and the Cronbach's alpha value obtained was -0.013 < 0.60. In Manatuto District , the results of the validity test which was carried out with a significance level of 5% obtained an r table of 0.312 and the Cronbach's alpha value obtained was 0.293 <0.60. The development of agricultural tools and machinery in Timor Leste has significantly increased plant productivity and work efficiency. The implementation of agricultural mechanization in Timor Leste , particularly through tractors, has significantly improved the consistency and quality of land cultivation by tilling the soil to a uniform depth, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing dependence on scarce manual labor

Keywords : Mechanization, Agriculture, Tractors
13 abs-14
In vitro mutagenesis and identification of bio-catharanthine induced polyploidy in chrysanthemum

Sitti Inderiati1, Muh. Farid BDR2, Feranita2, Katriani Mantja2

Chrysanthemum is a commercially important ornamental plant, ranking as the second most popular cut flower in the global floriculture market. To induce variation through chromosome doubling in Chrysanthemum indicum cv. Pinka-Pinky, the four-week-old in vitro grown nodal segments were treated with various concentrations of Bio-catharanthine (0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.2% w/v) for 8 h. Treated explants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium and the survived treated explants were sub-cultured to fresh MS medium for further growth and evaluation. The Ploidy level of plantlets was confirmed by flow cytometry and the induced tetraploids were cultured on multiple shoot proliferation and root induction media. Different Bio-catharanthine concentrations had different effect on survival percentage and did not significantly affect the number of shoots; however, the mutagen concentrations significantly influenced the number of leaves and roots as well as the speed of sprouting and rooting. The flow cytometry analysis showed that Induction of polyploidy (tetraploid) was achieved in all concentrations. These potential polyploids could be valuable for improving ornamental and horticultural value of Chrysanthemum.

Keywords : Induction, mutagen, polyploidisation, tetraploid
14 abs-15
The influence of the type of soaking material and soaking time on the quality of corn flour

1. Wanti Dewayani1,2 2. Siti Ramlah1,2*, 3. Rosniati1 4. Elisa Winanda1 5. Nurhafsah1 6. Justus Elisa Loppies1 7. Rahmi Hanuddin1

The abundance of corn production opens up opportunities to use corn as a local flour ingredient. Corn in the form of flour is more flexible, more durable, practical, can be enriched with nutrients (fortification), and is cooked faster by the practical demands of modern life. This research aims to obtain good-quality corn flour. Making corn flour using a completely randomized design with a factorial pattern. The first factor is the type of soaking agent (water, 1% yeast, and 1% lime (5%)) and the second factor is the soaking time (24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours). The result showed that soaking corn kernels using yeast for 48 hours gave the best results with a yield of 62.39%, water content of 7.74%, ash content of 1.00%, and fat of 5.97%. The water content and ash content meet the SNI SNI 01-3727-1995 quality requirements

Keywords : Corn, flour, quality, soaking, time
15 abs-16
Prospects for Avocado Cultivation Based on Farming Aspects and Nutritional Value

Indrayanto, Mahdiannoor, Nurul Istiqomah, Eddy Silamat4

Abstract Avocados have significant potential to be developed as a leading commodity. A feasibility analysis is an important approach in evaluating the prospects of avocado farming. This study aims to analyze the prospects of avocado cultivation from a business feasibility perspective as well as from the aspect of nutritional content. The analytical methods used to evaluate the business prospects of avocado cultivation include cost analysis, revenue analysis, and the R/C ratio. The analysis of avocado prospects from a nutritional content aspect is conducted through a literature review. From a nutritional standpoint, avocados have excellent content, being rich in healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals; they also serve as antioxidants and sources of folic acid. Avocados are considered to have various advantages, including high market value, diverse varieties, availability of land and technological resources, and potential market absorption in both fresh and processed forms domestically and internationally.

Keywords : Keywords: Avocado, cultivation, feasibility analysis
16 abs-17
Performance of Red Chili Plants (Capsicum Annum L.) on Organic Fertilizer Mixed with Palm Fronds, Empty Bunches, and Cow Manure

Sunarti1,*, Nurseha1, Farida Aryani1, Hesti Karlina Putri1, Sudi Febrianto1

One way to increase the productivity of chili plants is through fertilization. The use of organic fertilizers is one of the alternatives that can be chosen. This study aims to evaluate the response of red chili plants (Capsicum annum L.) to the application of organic fertilizer made from a mixture of empty bunch palm fronds and cow manure. The research was carried out from April-July 2024 in Lubuk Sini Village, Taba Penanjung District, Central Bengkulu Regency. The research method used is an experimental method with a Non-Factorial Complete Random Design (CRD) with one factor and four replicates. The treatment factor was the dose of organic fertilizer mixed with empty bunch palm fronds and cow manure consisting of five levels: D0 = NPK 200 kg/ha, D1 = 15 tons/ha, D2 = 20 tons/ha, D3 = 25 tons/ha, and D4 = 30 tons/ha. Data analysis using analisis of variance (ANOVA) was followed by the Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test at the level of 5%. The results showed that the dose of D4 = 30 tons/ha fertilizer had a very real effect on plant height and fruit weight of chili plants.

Keywords : Organic Materials, Dosage, Yields.
17 abs-18

Ernawati Djaya, Tutik Kuswinanti, Andi Nasruddin

A major challenge in sorghum cultivation is disease, which has a major impact on crop production and quality. This study aimed to identify and analyse the distribution and symptoms of common diseases in sorghum. The main diseases that often attack sorghum include leaf rust, mosaic, stem rot, anthracnose and leaf spot. The spread of these diseases can be influenced by various factors, such as environmental conditions, the presence of pathogens, and suboptimal cultivation practices. Disease symptoms in sorghum vary depending on the type of pathogen, for example leaf rust shows yellow to brown spots on the leaves, while mosaic causes an uneven pattern of light and dark green spots on the leaves. Stem rot often causes stem weakening leading to plant collapse, while anthracnose and leaf spot cause necrosis of leaves and other plant parts. A thorough understanding of the spread and symptoms of these diseases is important for developing effective control strategies. Thus, this research is expected to contribute significantly to efforts to improve the productivity and quality of sorghum crops through better disease management.

Keywords : Pathogen, Sorghum, Spread, Symptoms
18 abs-19
Impact of Boron as Priming Agent in Germination Performance on Shallot

Muhammad Faried1*, Elkawakib Syam’un1, Katriani Mantja1, Remi Widana Putri2, Abdul Jalil2, Krisna Gernandus Kuse2, Cennawati2, Padil Wijaya2

This study aims to determine the effect of boron (B) concentration as a priming agent on the germination performance of shallot seeds. The research was conducted at the Teaching Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, under screen house conditions, in May 2024. Ten concentrations of boron (0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 ppm) and one control treatment (0 ppm) were arranged in a randomized block design, with three replication. Significant effect of priming with B was only recorded in the parameters of germination percentage and germination speed index. The 100 ppm concentration exhibited the best effects on germination percentage (95.3%) and germination speed index (10.99). Increased B concentration showed a positive linear relationship with germination percentage (r2=0.96), germination speed index (r2=0.86), mean germination rate (r2=0.75), and germination speed coefficient (r2=0.75), and a negative linear relationship with mean germination time (r2=0.76) and T10 (r2=0.28). Therefore, the use of boron as a priming agent can be considered to improve the germination performance of shallot seeds.

Keywords : Allium ascalonicum L., germination, micronutrient, priming
19 abs-20
Vitex trifolia L. leaf extract as repellent to Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera : Tephritidae)

A D A Ainun1, S Sjam1*and Sulaeha1

The fruit flies Bactrocera dorsalis causes damage to various plants. These fruit flies can cause economic losses in quality and quantity at high infestation levels, so control is necessary. Vitex trifolia L. is one type of plant that has the potential to have bioactive compounds to control fruit flies and is a reasonable and eco-friendly alternative control. This study aimed to test the repellent activity of Vitex trifolia L. against fruit flies. The research was conducted in the laboratory using a completely randomized design consisting of 3 concentration treatments ( i.e., 1%, 3%, 5%) and 1 control with 5 replicates; each replicate included 10 fruit flies, so the total number of fruit flies used was 50. Testing was carried out using an olfactometer. The results showed that the fruit flies population was deficient in the concentration of V. trifolia L. extract compared to the control, and statistical analysis showed significant differences. The repellent effect of V. trifolia L. was seen until 9 days after the application of the extract; the percentage of repellency of V. trifolia L. was 88.29% at a concentration of 5% with a scale of 5 (very high).

Keywords : Crude extract, Fruit flies, Plant bioactive
20 abs-21
The Existence of Insect Pests and Natural Enemies in Rice Plants in the Highlands of Bengkulu Province

Sudi Febrianto1,*, Sunarti1

Rice plants are one of the main food commodities in Bengkulu province which often face attacks from various insect pests. Pest attacks can cause multiple disease symptoms that result in significant damage to rice plants, resulting in a decrease in production. Therefore, it is important to know the types of insect pests on rice plants and their natural enemies. The aim of this study is to obtain information about the existence of insect pests and natural enemies on rice plants in the highlands of Bengkulu Province. This research was conducted in June-July 2024 in rice paddy fields with two research locations that have an altitude of >200 meters above sea level in Bengkulu Province. Sampling was carried out using the Sweep net tool, and then the identification of insect pests and their natural enemies was carried out. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results showed that in the first and second locations, insect pest populations were dominated by Atherigona oryzae and Nephotettix virescens, with natural enemy populations dominated by Tetragnatha spp. and various other predators.

Keywords : Atherigona oryzae, Nephotettix virescens, Oryza sativa, Tetragnatha spp.
21 abs-22
The role of salicylic acid in enhancing shallot TSS germination under various salinity levels

Artika Fadilaniza1,* , Fachirah Ulfa 1 , Ifayanti Ridwan Saleh 1

Salinity stress is one of the factors that inhibit growth and reduce yield in shallot plants. This study aims to evaluate the role of salicylic acid in enhancing the germination of True Shallot Seed (TSS) under salinity stress. The seeds were soaked in salicylic acid solution at concentration of 0 mM, 0.5 mM, 1 mM, and 1.5 mM, and then tested for germination under salinity conditions induced by 25 mM, 50 mM, and 75 mM salt. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and followed by LSD test at α = 0.05 if significant effects were observed. The result showed that the treatment with 0.5 mM salicylic acid under 25 mM salinity stress provided the best result, with a germination rate of 89.33 %, growth rate of 29.33 %/day, vigor index of 14.70, radicle length of 1.62 cm, plumule length of 1.78 cm, wet weight of 1.00 g, and dry weight of 0.74 g. In conclusion, salicylic acid can enhance the germination of shallot seeds under salinity stress conditions up to 50 mM.

Keywords : Salicylic acid, shallot, salinity, TSS
22 abs-23
Development Strategies for the Utilisation of Alsintan in Maros Regency (Case Study of Development Strategies for the Utilisation of Four Wheel Tracto

Kartini¹, Iqbal², Olly Sanny Hutabarat²

The application of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery (Alsintan) is expected to solve the problem of labor shortages needed in farming, both in the pre-harvest (on-farm), harvesting (harvesting) and post-harvest (off-farm) periods, thereby reducing production costs, loss of yield towards farming efficiency so as to increase farmers' income. With the rental of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery (Alsintan), the government hopes that farmers can be more efficient in terms of labor and time, rice production is also expected to increase, making it easier for farmers to increase production. The existence of the Maros Regency Agricultural Agribusiness Management UPTD is considered very potential for farming businesses which can be realized through the Alsintan Service Business in the form of renting Agricultural Equipment and Machinery. For this reason, researchers are interested in conducting an analysis of the Development Strategy for the Utilization of Alsintan (Four Wheel Tractor) at the UPTD Agribusiness Management in Maros Regency. This study aims to analyse the internal-external factors that influence the development of the use of Four Wheel Tractors at the UPTD of Agricultural Agribusiness Management in Maros Regency using the SWOT Method and AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) for decision making.

Keywords : alsintan, four-wheel tractor, strategy, development, utilisation of alsintan
23 abs-24
PLANNING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COCOA INDUSTRY IN SOUTHEAST SULAWESI (Study: Upstream - Downstream Development of the Cocoa Agro-Industry)

La Oge, Sri Wahyuni, La Rianda, Asnani, Hasbullah Syaf, La Panga, and Abdul Khair Junaidi

The development of the plantation industry is essentially aimed at realizing the welfare of farmer communities, which is carried out by all stakeholders in the development of Southeast Sulawesi as the bearer of the mandate to realize the welfare of cocoa farmer communities. Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of Indonesia's leading commodities, which is more frequently exported than sold in the domestic market. The world's largest cocoa producers are Côte d'Ivoire and Ghana, while Indonesia ranks second in cocoa production after Côte d'Ivoire. The development of the cocoa agro-industry in Southeast Sulawesi is fundamentally directed towards creating linkages between the plantation sector and other industrial sectors to drive the increase in added value and economic activity growth in a region. However, the development of the cocoa agro-industry in Southeast Sulawesi faces serious challenges, namely low cocoa productivity due to high infestations of cocoa pod borer (CPB), which results in poor quality cocoa beans, and the suboptimal development of products from upstream to downstream, causing the continuity of dry cocoa bean supply to be unmet. The objective of this study is to examine the development of the cocoa agro-industry sector by measuring the competitiveness of processed cocoa products from Southeast Sulawesi in the international market. The research methodology employs a qualitative study approach related to the development areas of the cocoa agro-industry in Southeast Sulawesi. The data used include primary data obtained through field observations and interviews, and secondary data obtained through literature reviews relevant to the research focus. Data analysis uses an interactive analysis model consisting of three components: data presentation, data reduction, and drawing conclusions. This study involves 60 informants, including elements from the Plantation and Horticulture Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province, staff and extension workers, and village officials in the cocoa agro-industry area, heads of farmer groups, farmers, cocoa entrepreneurs, and cocoa industry practitioners. The study results on the planning area conditions become the main capital in development planning and serve as the basis for determining the strategy for developing the cocoa agro-industry in Southeast Sulawesi. Comprehensive planning for the development of the cocoa agro-industry is directed towards three development phases: short-term, medium-term, and long-term phases.The basic concept in the strategy for developing the cocoa agro-industry area aims to direct cocoa farmers to independently implement cocoa agro-industry practices. The Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Government has endeavored to involve various stakeholders, including farmer groups, practitioners, and academics, although these efforts have not encompassed all involved stakeholders, especially relevant Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) and the private sector. Support for the transformation of cocoa plantation technology in Southeast Sulawesi includes economic potential, media involvement, and the adequate role of higher education institutions in Southeast Sulawesi. Meanwhile, government regulations support the application of cocoa processing technology transformation and address technical issues encountered in the field. Other challenges include human resource issues in changing farmers' conventional mindsets and administrative constraints such as the lack of technical planning documents, weak coordination with relevant parties, and insufficient budget support for the technical implementation team in the development activities of the cocoa agro-industry area in Southeast Sulawesi.

Keywords : agroindustry, cocoa, planning, stakeholders.
24 abs-25
Financial Feasibility Analysis, Profitability Index, and Gross Margin: Study of Cocoa Farming in North Luwu Regency, Indonesia.

Andi Iva Mundiyah, Rahmawaty Andi Nadja, Muslim Salam, Andi Nixia Tenriawaru

The objective of this study was to examine the financial viability, profitability ratio, and gross margin of smallholder cocoa farming in North Luwu Regency. North Luwu Regency is home to one of Indonesia's largest cocoa-producing regions, situated within the South Sulawesi Province. In this study, the sample was 137 randomly selected cocoa farmers. The data used in this study was obtained from a structured interview process using a pre-made questionnaire. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, a quantitative approach was used, with data analysis methods including cost analysis, revenue, total income, net profit, rate of return, and profitability index. The research results show that the cocoa production costs incurred by farmers are IDR 8,623,866/ha. Moreover, the average cocoa production was 1,384 kg/ha with a selling price of IDR 36,349/kg, resulting in a gross margin of IDR41,962,240/ha and a net income of IDR33,338,374/ha. We may conclude that the rate of return on cocoa production was approximately 4.89 percent. The result of the calculation for the cocoa farm profitability index was 0.83. This figure of 0.83 suggests that for every 1.00 rupiah spent by farmers in the production process, there was the potential for a profit of 0.83 rupiah. It would seem, then, that cocoa farming in the research location was financially profitable, which would suggest that it is worth continuing to develop.

Keywords : Smallholder cocoa farming. Producing, Cocoa Farmers Income
25 abs-26
Development of sago plant in Palopo City

Dewi Marwati Nuryanti¹*, Darmawan Salman², Sumantri¹

This research aims to explore the development of sago plants in Palopo City, which is part of the Tana Luwu area, with a focus on: 1)Factors that cause a decrease in sago land area; 2)Economic potential of sago; and 3)Efforts that can be made to preserve and develop sago plants. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The informants for this research consisted of sago farmers/land owners, wet sago processors, academics, community leaders and from the government. Data collection methods are open interviews, structured interviews, FGD, observation and documentation. Data were analyzed descriptively. The research results show: 1)The factors causing the decline in sago land area are land conversion caused by the low economic value of sago plants and the long harvest time of sago plants; 2)The economic value of sago plants is between IDR7,000,000-IDR15,000,000 per ha per year and the income from wet sago processing is IDR58,600,000 per ha per 3-4 months; 3)Efforts that can be made to preserve and develop sago plants are to encourage people's interest in planting sago and developing sago plants through government programs, both as food crops and conservation plants.

Keywords : descriptive, economic potential, qualitative, sago land
26 abs-27
The Impact of Tropical Cyclone Seroja on Rice Farm Households in Kupang Timur Regency

M Syarifuddin 1), H M Sengadji 1), C N Namah 1), Masria 1), D Nenobesi 1), S Oishi 2)

This study aims to understand the impact of Tropical Cyclone Seroja on rice farmers in East Nusa Tenggara in 2021 and their adaptation strategies. The cyclone caused damage to approximately 1000 hectares of paddy fields, resulting in a 30% drop in rice productivity in Kupang Timur. We interviewed 103 rice farmers from four heavily affected villages: Oesao, Naibonat, Pukdale, and Baubau, who manage 0.25–3-hectare rice fields. Experiencing the storm increases farmers' knowledge in the generation, signs, and impacts of tropical cyclones. About 64% of respondents experienced damage to more than 50% of their land, but only 22% reported a production loss exceeding 50%. Disaster response was low, with many respondents citing inadequate aid and government preparedness. A majority expressed concern about future cyclones. Over 90% of the farmers believe better cultivation practices are the sole key to adapting to tropical cyclone hazards, highlighting the need for enhanced capacity building to improve farmer's preparedness and adaptability.

Keywords : Tropical cyclone, Rice farm households, Disaster impacts, Adaptation, Seroja, Kupang.
27 abs-28
Radiosensitivity And Effect Of Gamma Ray Irradiation On Chili Pepper Local White Cultivar In Batubara District

Rizki Pudan Nadapdap, Diana Sofia Hanafiah, Khairunnisa, Haryati, Kinanti Nurhayati, Khadija Caniago

Chili is one of the basic needs for Indonesian citizens. The ever-increasing need for chilies requires the breeding of chili plants to produce chilies with high production and good chili quality. Mutation is one of the plant breeding activities that can be carried out on chilies. Mutations of chili plants were carried out to see the effect on germination of chili plants and the LD50 value of 56.8614Gy with a radiation threshold for viable seeds of 300Gy

Keywords : batubara district,gamma ray, LD50, pepper, radiosensitivity
28 abs-29

ST. Rohani1)*, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar 1), Tanri Giling Rasyid1), Muhammad Hatta1), Pipi Diansari2), Putra Astaman3), Muhammmad Darwis4), Muhammad Erik

The development of corporate areas for beef cattle represents the initial step and method aimed at industrializing beef cattle through the use of local resources. In practice, the development of corporate beef cattle zones, which includes breeders, traders, and small to medium-sized entrepreneurs, is anticipated to promote a mix of strategic activities on an economic scale, affecting both on-farm and off-farm operations. It is hoped that this will support the development of an integrated beef cattle industry in the agribusiness system, so that it can ensure national food security through increasing beef cattle production in a sustainable manner, increasing competitiveness, and providing fair welfare for all parties involved. The aim of this research is to identify the role of corporations in strengthening beef cattle farming institutions. This research uses survey, interview and FGD methods. Primary data was obtained through interviews with informants/experts using questionnaires and analyzed using Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) to formulate complexity, hierarchy (levels) and classification between elements. The results of this research show that there are five roles of corporations in strengthening beef cattle farming institutions. The main roles of corporations in strengthening beef cattle farming institutions are: (1) providing markets for beef cattle commodities, (2) providing beef cattle, and (3) carrying out training and technical guidance for farmers.

Keywords : Corporations, institutions, beef cattle, breeders, ISM
29 abs-30
Are we ready to digital transformation? exploring the digital readiness on MSMEs agribusiness in Polewali Mandar

Fitri1*, Letty Fudjaja2, Rizky Ariesty Fachrysa Halik1

Digital transformation of MSMEs can support the Indonesian economy to realize the vision of an advanced Indonesia in 2024, which is to become one of the world leaders in the digital economy. However, digitalization in MSMEs is faced with various problems from the internal and external business environment. Previous research revealed that digital transformation seems difficult for MSMEs due to lack of funding, high labor costs in IT, etc. To pursue Indonesia's digital transformation in 2030, a study is needed on the readiness of business digitalization in MSMEs, especially in the agribusiness sector. The purpose of this research is to see the level of readiness of agribusiness MSMEs to face digital transformation and the driving factors that affect their readiness. This research uses a survey method conducted in the urban area (urba area) of Polewali Mandar Regency. The population of this study were all agribusiness MSMEs in Polewali Mandar Regency with a total sample or respondents of 40 MSMEs located in urban areas. The sampling method was purposive. Data analysis using descriptive data analysis and SEM PLS. The results of this study indicate that the readiness of agribusiness MSMEs in Polewali Mandar is still low. The driving factor affecting digital readiness is perceived benefits.

Keywords : digital readiness, digital transformation, MSMEs, agribusines
30 abs-31
(The Influence of Green Product and Green Promotion on Coffee Purchase Decision by Generation Z (Survey of Point Coffee Consumers in Majene Regency).

Fitri1, M Arhim1.*, Eka Rusmala1, Ni Made Viantika Sulianderi2

Indonesia is suffering from environmental degradation due to a lack of public awareness. The situation is getting worse due to the increase in waste coming from the downstream agribusiness industry. In the era of technology, messages of environmental awareness are increasingly widespread, so that people are beginning to realize environmental sustainability. This is what encourages business actors to switch to green marketing. This study aims to analyze the effect of green product and green promotion on coffee purchasing decisions at point coffee by generation Z in West Sulawesi. This research uses quantitative methods. Data were collected through a survey of 100 point coffee consumers in Majene Regency who are generation Z. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Square. Data were analyzed using the Partial Least Square Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). The results showed that green product and green promotion have a significant positive effect on consumer purchase decision

Keywords : Green Product, Green Promotion, Purchase Decision
31 abs-33
Modified sorghum flour as a wheat substitute in functional food waffle products

Suarni1,*, Anna Sulistyaningrum2, Muhammad Aqil1

Waffles are a versatile bakery product that appeals to a wide range of consumers, including children, teenagers, pregnant women, and adults. In addition, the products are affordable and accessible across different income levels. In the effort to develop innovative functional foods, one strategy is to substitute wheat flour with sorghum flour, which is high in dietary fiber, iron, and antioxidant. This study investigates the impact of incorporating modified sorghum flour, prepared through pre-gelatinization, on the physical attributes, nutritional content, and antioxidant activity of waffle products. Additionally, the research aims to identify the most favorable concentration of modified sorghum flour substitution for wheat flour based on panelist preferences. A completely randomized design was applied, featuring variations in the substitution levels of wheat flour with two types of sorghum flour, Numbu and Soper6. Findings revealed that the most successful waffle formulation combined wheat flour and modified Numbu sorghum flour at a ratio of 60% sorghum to 40% wheat (SNT 60%: TR 40%), which closely mimicked the characteristics of 100% wheat flour waffles and received high sensory ratings for color, texture, aroma, and taste. Moreover, this formulation demonstrated an antioxidant activity of 12.42%. The development of modified sorghum flour using the pre-gelatinization method, alongside the production of these waffles, introduces new opportunities for local entrepreneurs in the growing market for functional snacks.

Keywords : Modified sorghum flour, waffles, wheat substitute
32 abs-34
Characteristics of Superior Clones of Bengkulu Highlands Robusta Coffee

irma lisa sridanti, Dwi Ganefianti, Alnopri, Reny Herawati

Expanding the genetic base of coffee plants with local germplasm which is the source of the main alleles for key traits is very important to facilitate the breeding process and lead to the development of superior varieties. Robusta coffee cultivation in Bengkulu Province is still centered in the midland and highland areas. In future development to expand the adaptation of superior clones of highland robusta coffee, it is necessary to develop and expand the area of ​​cultivation land in lowland areas or areas. This research aims to explore and characterize the morphology of superior local clones of Bengkulu robusta coffee. The research was conducted on coffee farmers' land in the coffee producing areas of the Bengkulu highlands, namely in the Kepahiang, Rejang Lebong and Lebong districts. The research was conducted from July to August 2023. Data was collected using a survey method with descriptive analysis. Sampling of Robusta coffee plants was carried out by purposive sampling of plants that met the criteria. From research results, the superior clones of robusta coffee developed in the Bengkulu highlands that have received national certification are currently Sintaro 1, Sintaro 2, Sintaro 3 and Sehansece.

Keywords : Exploration, Characterization, Superior Clones
33 abs-35
Prevalence of Fusarium sp. Mycosis on Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) infesting chili crops in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

E Erwin, M Junaid, and A Nasruddin*

Prevalence of Fusarium sp. Mycosis on Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) infesting chili crops in South Sulawesi, Indonesia E Erwin, M Junaid, and A Nasruddin* Department of Plant Pest and Disease, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia 90245 Corresponding author’s email: andinasruddin@yahoo.com Abstract. Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is one of the major pests of chili plants in Indonesia. Our previous survey showed that the aphid was naturally infected by Fusarium sp. in several farmers’ fields in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Therefore, the current study was conducted to determine the prevalence of the aphid mortality due to Fusarium natural infection in the field. A field experiment was established with three chili cultivar treatments: Pilar F1, Baja MC F1, and a local cultivar of Saludua, arranged in a complete randomized block design with 10 replications. No fungicide applications were employed during the course of the study. Study results showed that no significant differences among the cultivars in the number of aphids per plant and the rates of the nymphal and adult mortality. However, the entomopathogen was highly virulent to A. gossypii with overall mortality rates against nymphs and adults were 49.4% and 58.1%, respectively. This suggested that Fusarium sp. has a potential to be developed as a bioinsecticide against the aphid.

Keywords : Aphis gossypii, chili, Fusarium sp., mortality, prevalence.
34 abs-36
Distribution and Population of Bemisia tabaci and Incidence of Pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus (PepYLCIV) in South Sulawesi

Sukiman , Sri Nur Aminah Ngatimin, and Andi Nasruddin

The purpose of the current study was to determine the distribution of Pepper yellow leafcurl Indonesia virus disease (PepYLCIV) and its vector, Bemisia tabaci, as well as the incidence and severity of PepYLCIV infection on chili plants in South Sulawesi. The survey was conducted in five chili planting centers in the province, namely: Regencies of Enrekang, Maros, Makassar, Gowa, and Takalar. In each regency, three planting locations of chili growers were observed, at each location five plants PepYLCIV-infected plants and five healthy plants were selected randomly. Three leaves were randomly selected from each sample plant to determine the population of B. tabaci and the severity of PepYLCIV attack. To determine the incidence of the disease, one hundred plants were observed in each location. The incidence was calculated based on the percentage of sample plants showing symptoms of PepYLCIV disease. In addition, the population of B. tabaci on other plants, namely eggplant, cassava, and African leaves were determined by following the procedures described previously. The results showed that the PepYLCIV had spread widely throughout the survey locations with varying levels of incidence and severity of the disease. The results showed that the highest incidence and severity of PepYLCIV were found in Takalar Regency, which were 40.2% and 54% respectively. The lowest incidence and severity of the disease were found in Enrekang Regency, which were 10.3% and 6.2% respectively. Meanwhile, the incidence and severity of the disease were moderate in Maros Regency, Makassar, and Gowa Regencies. The population of B. tabaci tended to be higher in diseased plants compared to healthy plants. Meanwhile, in other hosts, namely eggplant, cassava and African leaf plants, a fairly high population of B. tabaci was found but not significantly different from the population in chili plants. To the best of our knowledge, the results of this study are the first report on the distribution, incidence, and severity of PepYLCIV in South Sulawesi.

Keywords : Bemisia tabaci, chili, Pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia Virus, pest population, South Sulawesi.
35 abs-37
Enhancing the value of sago by traditional kapurung products

M Tahnur1, , D A Rampisela2* , Mahyuddin 3

Abstract. Some people who serve Kapurung in stalls or restaurants have turned Kapurung into a source of income by turning it from a staple family food consumed by the family into a product that has a selling value due to demand. The added value of sago will increase if wet sago is processed into Kapurung products. The research aimed to calculate the added value of wet sago processed into Kapurung products. The research used a survey method conducted at Rumah Makan Aroma Luwu, in May - June 2024. The selection of Rumah Makan Aroma Luwu as a research site with the consideration that it is the first restaurant to serve Luwu specialties including Kapurung with a business concept. This research was conducted in two stages. The first stage was the identification of the composition of the ingredients used. The second stage is to calculate the added value of Kapurung products using the Hayami method. The Kapurung product supply chain involves farmers as well as cutting and processing sago stems into wet sago. The wet sago is then bought by collectors and sold to Aroma Luwu. The main components of Kapurung products, if calculated in grams per portion, include Sago 100 g of (35.54%), Vegetables 121 g of (43.01%), Spices 40.35 g (14.35%), and Garnish / Topping 20 g of (7.11%) All components are then mixed into one unit with sago which has been made into sago rounds. Based on the composition of the costs used per serving of Kapurung products, it consists of Sago Rp.600, - (5.38%), Vegetables Rp.5,629, - (50.45%), and Spices Rp. 3,500, - (31.37%) and Garnish / Topping Rp.1,429, - (12.80%) with a total cost of each portion of Rp. 11,157. The results of the Hayami analysis of processing sago raw materials (wet sago) into one portion of Kapurung products required 80 g of wet sago to produce 100 g of sago in Kapurung products. The main raw material price of wet sago is Rp.600 with an average contribution of other inputs of Rp. 10,557 resulting in an added value of Rp.23,290, - with a value-added ratio of 68%.

Keywords : Kapurung, Value enhancement, Sago
36 abs-38
Utilization of Cellulose Microfiber from Oil Palm Frond Waste as Encapsulant for Human Probiotic

U Pato1, Yusmarini1, E Riftyan1, A A Putri1, S Karvina1, T Z Ningrum1, N Ikhwana1, Agrina2, T Leksono3, and A S Usman4

Probiotics have drawn much interest due to their potential to strengthen the immune system, enhance gut health, and benefit human well-being. Cellulose microfiber from palm oil frond (OPF) waste was used as an encapsulant of probiotics for human health benefits. This study aimed to assess the safety and probiotic properties of Pediococcus pentosaceus strain 2397 (PP2397) and Limosilactobacillus fermentum InaCC B1295 (LFB1295), including autoaggregation, coaggregation, hydrophobicity, and antimicrobial activities when encapsulated with or without cellulose microfiber hydrogel (CMFH) from OPF. The findings demonstrated that cellulose predominated fronds, followed by lignin and hemicellulose. PP2397 and LFB1295 cells encapsulated with or without HMCF from OPF did not produce gelatinase, cytolysin, or biogenic amines, nor did they exhibit hemolytic activity. The autoaggregation and coaggregation values of probiotics without encapsulation are higher than those of probiotics encapsulated with CMFH from OPF. LFB1295 cells encapsulated with CMFH from OPF had the highest surface cell hydrophobicity value compared to other treatments. LAB that has been encapsulated in CMFH from OPF or not could inhibit various pathogenic bacteria with different inhibitory properties. The current research demonstrated that LFB1295 and PP2397, encapsulated in CMFH from OPF, were safe probiotics with exceptional hydrophobicity, autoaggregation, coaggregation, and antimicrobial activities.

Keywords : Limosilactobacillus fermentum, Pediococcus pentosaceus, Probiotic property, Oil palm fronds, Safety
37 abs-39
Rice Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Bolaang Mongondow Regency

Hariyadi (1)*, Faisal (2), C I Wahyudin (3) , E L Putri (4) , A Herwitarahman (5), P Adwiyani (5), A P Putra (6)

Bolaang Mongondow Regency is one of the districts with potential productive rice fields and is the largest contributor to rice production in North Sulawesi Province. A prolonged process of rice production can harm environmental conditions. Rice's efficient life cycle process can be assessed by using the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method. LCA is a method that can analyze the environmental impact of a rice production process through energy inputs and emissions released in the rice production process. The research aims to analyze the process stages, raw material flow, energy consumption, and emissions produced during the rice production process in Bolaang Mongondow Regency. Research methods used are primary and secondary data collection, determination of objectives and limitations, inventory, and interpretation analysis. The result indicates that producing 1 kg of rice in Bolaang Mongondow Regency can release emissions of 1.07 kg CO2eq /kg of rice produced with a total energy use of 7.770,33 MJ/ton of rice. Most of the CO2 emissions come from production and transportation activities, while the largest value of non-CO2 emissions derives from the rice cultivation stage in the form of CH4 emissions.

Keywords : emissions, greenhouse gases, interpretation, inventory, methane
38 abs-40

Susanawati, Dimas Ilham Pangestu, Maesyaroh, Sabtanti Harimurti, Azura Amid, Norshazila Shahidan, Haji Hasyim

This study aims to describe the halal-certified fresh chicken meat supply chain and analyze the performance of halal-certified chicken meat supply chain in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This chicken meat supply chain research is through the halal-certified depot Bu Koes. The location selection was carried out in Yogyakarta considering the existence of Bu Koes fresh chicken meat depot. Sampling of supply chain actors using snowball sampling technique and combined with information from Bu Koes chicken depot. with respondents related to Bu Koes fresh chicken depot consisting of 8 farmers, 2 companies, 2 brokers, 1 Chicken Slaughterhouse, 1 trader, and 30 consumers. Descriptive analysis is used to describe the condition of chicken meat supply chain. The performance of halal-certified chicken meat supply chain is analyzed with three flows, namely product flow, money flow, and information flow. The results of the analysis show that halal-certified chicken meat supply chain through Bu Koes fresh chicken depot in Yogyakarta City consists of 4 chains, namely (1) farmers-company I-Chicken Slaughterhouse-end consumers; (2) farmers-company I-Chicken Slaughterhouse-traders-end consumers; (3) farmer-company II-broker-Chicken Slaughterhouse-final consumer; and (4) farmer-company II-broker-Chicken Slaughterhouse-trader-final consumer. The smoothest product flow occurs in chain 2. The smoothest money flow is in chain 4, while the smoothest information flow is in chain 2. Overall, the performance of halal-certified fresh chicken meat supply chain is smoothest in chain 2.

Keywords : product flow, money flow, information flow, fresh chicken meat, halal certified
39 abs-41
Performance of Integrated Raspberry Pi-Arduino Uno Based Climate Factor Monitoring System

Suhardi, Muhammad Tahir Sapsal, Olly Sanny Hutabarat, Abdul Waris, Haerani, Syahrial Sabaniah

The era of technology always demands effectiveness and efficiency; the same thing also happens in the field of agriculture. In Agriculture, plant watering is the one activity that requires effectiveness and efficiency, especially in the place where water resources are limited. Plant water need can be different in a various climate condition. Climate factors such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and sunshine could affect the soil moisture content. There are difficulties to measure water content with a sensor in a bigger field. With climate factor data, there are probability that we could predict soil moisture content for precision plant watering. The Climate factor monitoring system designed with main-satelite system that commonly used on Arduino to Arduino, but with Raspberry Pi 4b as a main and Arduino uno as a satellite. This system designed to accommodate multiple sensor, by additional pin and power from Arduino. Sensor reading data will be analyzed with moving average to see the noise level. To evaluate the Main-Satelite system, factory calibrated dht22 will be used to compare the sensor reading between the sensor attached on main (raspberry pi 4b) and the sensor attached on satellite (Arduino Uno) using Pearson correlation and cosine similarity. The result shown that Pearson correlation between two data is 0,997 and cosine similarity 0,99 that indicates there are no problem in data reading caused by main-satelite system

Keywords : Climate factor, Cosine similarity, Pearson correlation, Precision farming, Plant water need
40 abs-42
Characteristics of bubbles in a venturi aerator type water culture system

Sitti Nur Faridah, Husnul Mubarak, Suhardi, Iqbal and Asyer Manganna.

The water culture irrigation system uses a growing medium in the form of water that is quite deep and the water does not flow. This media character has the consequence of limited oxygen availability in the root area due to poor circulation. Plant roots submerged in nutrient solutions rot easily, due to lack of oxygen. Using the right aeration system can meet the need for dissolved oxygen for plant growth. Microbubble technology can increase the oxygen content in the water culture system nutrient solution. This research uses a ventury earator to produce microbubbles with 3 pressure differences, namely 70 KPa, 75 KPa and 80 KPa respectively. Bubble characteristics were analyzed using the image processing method with the Matlab application. The research results show that differences in water flow pressure will produce differences in the size and reach of bubbles from the ventury aerator. A flow pressure of 80 KPa produces a bubble size of 14.07 – 44.95 m with an average size of 21.12 m and a bubble reach of 33 cm. The pressure of 75 KPa is 14.35 – 65.06 m with an average of 27.26 m and a reach of 31 cm. Pressure of 70 KPa is at a distance of 15.75 – 97.80 m with an average of 33.83 m and a range of 26 cm. The smaller the bubble size indicates the higher the oxygen content in the nutrient solution.

Keywords : dissolved oxygen, microbubble, flow pressure
41 abs-43
Exploration of Fermentation Methods in Enhancing Bioactive Compounds in Green Plants: a Review

Naurah Nazifah Sarmadi and Arfina Sukmawati Arifin

Green plants are recognized for their potent free radical inhibition, attributed to their bioactive compounds, such as phenolics, which neutralize free radicals by donating hydrogen atoms or electrons. Though present in small quantities, these bioactive compounds offer significant health benefits, including in managing immune disorders, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and neurodegenerative conditions. Previous methods to enhance these compounds, such as physical processing, microencapsulation, genetic engineering, and solvent extraction, have limitations. Fermentation has emerged as an eco-friendly and effective alternative for increasing bioactive compound levels in green plants. This process involves the hydrolysis of phenolic fucosides by β-glucosidase, releasing free phenolics and enhancing bioactivity. This review seeks to identify optimal fermentation strategies across different green plant species, focusing on the specific plants and microorganisms used.

Keywords : Bioactive, fermentation, plants.
42 abs-44

Reni1*, Didi Rukmana1 , Jusni1 , Rahim Darma1 and Nixia Tenriawaru2

Abstract. Soybean agribusiness development is a key issue in Central Sulawesi Province. This research is aimed at identifying the condition of the soybean agrobusiness system in Parigi Moutong Regency, which is one of the centers of soybean production in the region. A total of 27 informants with a total of 5 stakeholders and 22 soybean farmers were interviewed. Data were collected in a structured manner through in-depth interviews using interview guidelines. Based on the data obtained, a strategy for soybean farming development was developed using SWOT analysis. The results show that (1) the upstream subsystem has not yet functioned, where the actors of the procurement of production facilities are still carried out individually which causes a lack of production inputs, namely, the problem of soybean seeds. (2) In the farming subsystem, soybean cultivation has provided benefits for farmers. (3) The processing industry has an important role in the soybean agricultural subsystem in the district. It is expected that the local government of the district will assist soybean farmers in implementing the strategic mapping that has been formulated by making adjustments to soybean agricultural conditions.

Keywords : Development Strategy, Agribusiness, Soybean, SWOT
43 abs-45
The potential of fermentation technology in minimizing allergens and antinutrients to optimize food safety and nutrition: a review

Harum Bunga Cinta1,*, Muhpidah Muhpidah2

The presence of allergens and antinutrients in food ingredients can elicit adverse effects on consumers, including triggering allergic reactions and disrupting the body's absorption of nutrients. One method for the reduction of allergens and antinutrients is through the process of fermentation. Fermentation is a processing method employed in the food sector that can enhance the flavor of foodstuffs while simultaneously modifying the composition of nutrients and bioactive components. This review article examines the potential of fermentation technology to reduce the presence of allergens and antinutrients in food products. The review emphasizes the necessity of lowering allergens and antinutrients in foodstuffs, and the mechanism of action of fermentation processes in achieving this reduction. Moreover, the article presents a comparative analysis of the advantages of fermentation methods in minimizing allergens and antinutrients relative to other techniques.

Keywords : Allergens, antinutrients, fermentation.
44 abs-46
A Review of Plant-Based Proteins as Vegan Additives in Food Products

A G H Margono, M Asfar

Flavorings are pervasive food additives employed extensively across various food production processes. However, a significant proportion of these flavorings are typically derived from synthetic compounds, which can pose health risks when consumed in excessive quantities. This review investigates the emergence of vegan flavorings as a viable alternative to synthetic counterparts within the food industry. The primary objective of this review is to explore the development of flavorings derived from plant-based sources, specifically legumes, through the application of fermentation techniques. This article assesses the profound influence of legume-based products on the nutritional profile and flavor enhancement of food items. It will underscore the comparative benefits of utilizing plant-derived proteins, particularly from soybeans, kidney beans, and peanuts, as vegan flavorings, in contrast to conventional synthetic flavorings. Furthermore, this review will delve into the production process of vegan flavorings through fermentation, which employs natural enzymes sourced from plant-based ingredients, thereby contributing to the advancement of healthier and more sustainable food products.

Keywords : Fermentation, flavoring, legumes, plant-based.
45 abs-47
Exploration of Rhizosphere Bacterial Diversity from Enrekang Shallot

Suharman1 , Fachirah Ulfa2 , Baharuddin Patandjengi *3 , Katriani Mantja2

Exploration of rhizosphere bacterial diversity from Enrekang shallot plantations at several points that are potential sources of bacterial diversity. The presence of rhizosphere bacteria in the soil is one indicator of soil fertility and soil health. This study aims to identify the diversity of rhizosphere bacteria from shallots as an initial stage in determining the potential of bacteria as an environmentally friendly and sustainable biostimulant agent in increasing shallot growth. Onion rhizosphere soil samples were taken from different locations, namely Pekalobean, Batunoni, Lakawan and Tampo villages. Soil sampling is done randomly and each plant is taken as much as 100 grams of soil by pulling out the shallots along with the roots. The sample was weighed as much as 1 gram and sterilized the surface and then isolated by the multilevel dilution method and poured into NA (Nutrient Agar) media. Bacteria that have grown are isolated again to get pure isolates. The results showed that there were 12 isolates of rhizosphere bacteria found after selection and macroscopic characteristics and obtained isolates from pekaloben had the highest number of colonies. Further studies will be carried out on physiological and molecular analysis to see the potential of rhizosphere bacteria as growth stimulants

Keywords : Exploration, bacteria, rhizosphere, shallot.
46 abs-48
Determinants of work motivation and performance management of BUMDES: In search of driver factors in promoting rural development

A A D W Ikram1,*, M Salam2, M Ramli AT3, and S Muhammad3

Village development through Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) is expected to contribute to economic recovery. In accordance with their norms and obligations, stakeholders must participate and commit to its management. However, multiple interests sometimes conflict with BUMDES administration, causing dysfunction. BUMDES will fail if this continues. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of local political roles, village facilitators, education and training, recruitment, and organizational culture on work motivation and performance of BUMDES administrators. This research was conducted in Bola District, Wajo regency, Sulawesi Selatan Province, Indonesia, using primary data collected from selected respondents. While the respondents in this study were BUMDES administrators, community leaders, and private parties with a total of 140 people. Then the data analysis used is Stuctural Equation Modeling (SEM) using the Software of Smart-PLS. The results of this study indicated that local politics, village assistants, education and training, organizational culture have a positive and significant effect on work motivation. Then local politics, village assistants, and organizational culture, and work motivation had a positive and significant effect on the performance of BUMDES administrators. Based on these findings, local governments should revitalize local politics, reorient BUMDES' organizational culture toward a modern business organizational culture relevant to rural situations, and improve village assistants' education and training to improve their work motivation and performance. Therefore, BUMDES aims to become a driver factor behind economic improvement and rural development at the research site in the future through improved work motivation and management performance.

Keywords : BUMDES, local politics, management performance, organization culture, recruitment management, traini
47 abs-49
Effect Of Trichokompos and Actinomycetes sp on The Production Of Cocoa Plants (Theobroma Cacao L.)

Asmiaty Sahur, Nasaruddin, Indah

The decline in cocoa plant productivity due to climate conditions and land degradation has resulted in a decrease in soil fertility. One effort to solve this problem by providing nutrient needs through fertilization, namely using organic fertilizer trichokompos and biological fertilizer actinomycetes. The aims of this study was to investigate and analyze the effects of trichocompost and Actinomycetes on the growth and production of cocoa plants. The research was conducted using a Two-Factor Factorial Design based on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The first factor is, trichocompost, consisting of 3 levels: 0 kg/tree, 5 kg/tree, and 10 kg/tree. The second factor is Actinomycetes, consisted of 3 levels: 0 CFU/ml, 103 CFU/mL, 106 CFU/mL, and 109 CFU/mL. The interaction between trichocompost and Actinomycetes significantly influences parameters such as pod formation (76.17), drop flowers percentage (66.32%), harvested fruits (9.67), seeds per fruit (34.15), production per tree (337.5 g/tree), and production per hectare (374.96 kg/ha). Trichocompost treatment significantly affected parameters such as pod formation (39.44), percentage of valves falling off (62.92%), and fruit retention percentage (37.08). actinomycetes treatment had a significant effect with the best results on stomatal density parameters (452.65). Conclusion. Trichokompos 5 kg/tree and actinomycetes 106 CFU/mL treatment showed the best results on almost all parameters.

Keywords : : actinomycetes; cocoa; trichocompost;
48 abs-51
The Effect of Actinomycetes and liquid organic fertilizer on the growth of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) seedlings during the main nursery period

Asmiaty Sahur, Yunus Musa, Putri Layuk Saramma

Background. The decrease of oil palm production occurs due to the reduction in the number of productive trees because the old age of the plant so that it is no longer productive in producing oil palm. Thus, it is necessary to rehabilitate to increase oil palm production through rejuvenation that starts from the nursery by adding nutrients through the use of liquid organic fertilizers and Actinomycetes to support the growth of oil palm seedlings.. Objective. This research aims to determine and study the effect of giving Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Actinomycetes on the growth of oil palm seedlings. Methods. The research was conducted in the form of a two-factor factorial experiment with a Split-Plot Design (SPD) as its experimental design. The main plot was Liquid Organic Fertilizer consisting of 4 levels, namely control, 3 mL/L, 6 mL/L, and 9 mL/L. The subplot was Actinomycetes Application consisting of 3 levels, namely control, 106 CFU/mL, and 108 CFU/mL. The treatments were replicated 3 times. Results. The best interaction was found in the application of liquid organic fertilizer 9 mL/L with Actinomycetes 108 CFU/mL on the root length parameter of 47.03 cm. Liquid organic fertilizer concentration of 9 mL/L affects the increase in plant height (14.59 cm) and concentration of 6 mL/L affects chlorophyll a (414.10 µmol.m-2), chlorophyll b (211.79 µmol.m-2) and total chlorophyll (625.43 µmol.m-2). Actinomycetes 108 CFU/mL gave the best results on root length (47.03 cm), wet root (10.91 g) and dry root (4.77 cm). Conclusion. Liquid organic fertilizer combined with Actinomycetes interacted well on root length (47.03 cm), organic fertilizer applied gave the best results on plant height (14.59 cm) and chlorophyll content A (414.10 µmol. m-2), chlorophyll content b (211.79 µmol.m-2) and total chlorophyll (625.43µmol.m-2). and The application of actinomycetes gave the best results on root length (47.03 cm), wet roots (10.91 g) and dry roots (4.77 cm). Keywords: Oil Palm; Liquid Organic Fertilizer; Actinomycetes

Keywords : Oil Palm; Liquid Organic Fertilizer; Actinomycetes
49 abs-52
Potential of Rosella Hibiscus Sabdariffa L) As a Herbal Medicine for Health

Sri Muliana Putri Bakara1*, Siti Nurmawan Sinaga2, Herna Rinayanti Manurung3, Rosmani Sinaga4, Ribur Sinaga5

Hibiscus Sabdariffa L usually called the rosella plant, is a plant that has many benefits starting from the petals, leaves, seeds, and stems, has been used as an herbal medicinal plant since ancient times with a variety of substances that are good for the human body. Hibiscus Sabdariffa L contains antioxidants, anti-diabetes, as a diuretic, anti-cholesterol, anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-lipidemic, anti-hypertensive, and immunomodulatory agent. This literature summarises some of the nutritional benefits of rosella and its potential use as a herbal medicine. This literature method uses a systematic review. The database used is PUBMED, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. Using keywords that correspond to the potential of the Hibiscus Sabdariffa plant for health, 15 articles were obtained in Indonesian and English. There have been various studies related to the nutritional content of the Hibiscus Sabdariffa L plant which has great potential to be used as an herbal medicinal ingredient that has many benefits and is safe for consumption every day which is discussed in this review.

Keywords : Keywords: Hibiscus Sabdariffa L, Herbal Medicine, Nutritional Potential.
50 abs-53
The presence of Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenee) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and other insects on cocoa pods

R E Wahyuni1,*, V S Dewi1,2 and E Brugman1

Indonesia's cocoa production has decreased every year. This is influenced by several factors, one of which is the attack of the main pests Conopomorpha cramerella and Helopeltis spp., with attack severity of 40-72.8% and 33-55%. In addition, Conogethes punctiferalis, or yellow peach moth, has been reported as a major pest infesting cocoa plantations in South Karnataka, South India, with infestation levels reaching 30-40%. The insect has the potential to cause severe damage with population increases. Reports of this species in Indonesia remain limited. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the presence of C. punctiferalis on cocoa pods. The samples used were symptomatic cocoa pods from clones M04, M01, S1, S2, THR, GTB, Local 1, and Local 2. The cocoa pods were then placed in storage containers, and the presence of insects was observed daily for 40 days. C. punctiferalis insects were found in clones M04, S1, and Local 1. In addition, C. cramerella, Nemapogon granella, Bradysia impanties, Araecerus fasciculatus, and four unidentified insect species were also found, all identified insects categorized as pests.

Keywords : clone M04, cocoa main pests, yellow peach moth
51 abs-54
Assessing gender equality in prospective marine conservation areas: insight from Jembrana District, Bali, Indonesia

W P Rum1,*, A K Dhani2, M E Fachry1,3, H Zubair1,4, N Arsa1,5

This study addresses the issue of gender equality in the prospective Marine Conservation Areas in the Jembrana District of Bali Province, Indonesia. With the zonation plan documents for these areas undergoing endorsement, community engagement is crucial. However, attention must be given to the involvement of females in fisheries management, as gender bias can affect social interactions and hinder decision-making. The research aims to analyse the gender roles within fisher households, providing insights into the development and management of Marine Conservation Areas. The study sites are two villages within the Jembrana District Marine Conservation Area. A quantitative approach was employed using a questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument regarding on Moser Gender Analysis Framework. Data analysis utilized descriptive methods with Likert scales and inferential methods including non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests, supported by RStudio software for statistical analysis. Results reveal significant differences in roles between males and females, with females actively involved in various household tasks and decision-making. The study emphasizes the importance of considering gender dynamics in the planning and management of Marine Conservation Areas and suggests diversifying livelihoods to support family resilience and resource preservation. Gender-inclusive policies are essential for sustainable development in fisheries-dependent coastal communities.

Keywords : conservation, fisher, gender, livelihood, perception.
52 abs-55
Improving coffee land management in the community forest scheme: a gender perspective strategy for Kahayya Village

N Arsa1,3*, N E Dungga1,2, E B Demmallino1,2

This study explores the dynamics of coffee land management within the context of the Community Forest Scheme in Kahayya Village, emphasizing a gender perspective. Three key indicators—Area Management, Activities Management, and Business Management—provide insights into the successes and challenges of achieving sustainable and equitable practices. While implementing area management strategies demonstrates a commitment to legal compliance and responsible resource utilization, persistent barriers hinder women's active involvement and decision-making. Gender roles in activities management showcase shared responsibilities but underscore institutional and cultural constraints limiting women's participation. Furthermore, significant gender disparities in business management highlight the necessity for inclusive policies recognizing women's multifaceted roles. The findings underscore the need for comprehensive strategies, including policy adjustments, institutional reforms, and cultural re-evaluation, to foster gender equality and ensure the sustainable management of coffee land within the Community Forest Scheme in Kahayya Village.

Keywords : coffee land management, gender perspective, sustainable development.
53 abs-56
Synergy Application of Mixed Extracts of Maja Fruit Plants (Aegle marmelos) and Biduri Leaves (Calatropis gigantean L.) and Antagonistic Fungi to supp

1. Alifah Zul Amnah 2. Sylvia Sjam 3. Ade Rosmana

Anthracnose disease is a disease caused by the fungus Colletotrichum sp., this disease is found in many chili plantations, especially in South Sulawesi, besides that this anthracnose disease can cause damage with attack intensity ranging from 25% - 100%. The results of interviews conducted with farmers in controlling farmers use synthetic fungicides with spraying intensity once a week. Excessive use of synthetic fungicides can cause many negative impacts on the environment. Therefore, one alternative that can be done is to use vegetable pesticides derived from plant extracts. It is known that Maja Fruit (Aegle marmelos) contains polyphenols that are toxic to fungi and Biduri Leaf (Calatropis gigantea L.) contains tannin compounds that can function as antifungal and Trichoderma sp is one of the biological control fungi. This study used a complete randomized design (CRD). The treatments used were different concentrations of mixed extracts of Maja fruit (Aegle marmelos) and Biduri leaf (Calatropis gigantea L.), namely 0% (control), 1%, 3%, 5% and 7%. The stages of this research are laboratory and field research with stages, namely making PDA media, isolation of Colletotrichum sp. fungi, Antagonist Test and Synergy Test of plant extracts and Trichoderma sp. The test results showed a high presentation of inhibition against Colletotrichum sp. Is Trichoderma sp. Namely 74%, while Gliocladium sp. 57% and Aspergillus sp. 56%. And in the synergy test between mixed plant extracts of Maja Fruit (Aegle marmelos) and Biduri Leaf (Calatropis gigantea L.) and Trichoderma sp. In suppressing the growth and development of the fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides at concentrations of 1%, 3%, 5% and 7% the test results show the best concentration at a concentration of 5%.

Keywords : Anthracnose, Capsicum annum, Colletotrichum, Plant-based pesticides, Trichoderma
54 abs-57
A Study of Organic Farmers' Issues in Indonesia: Employing a Systematic Review in Addressing Sustainable Agriculture's Challenges

Vandalisna1,2*, R A Nadja3, M Salam3 and L Fudjaja3

Organic farming is increasingly considered important in achieving sustainable agriculture, which is a production system that prioritizes soil, ecosystem, and human health by avoiding the use of synthetic chemicals. The purpose of this review article was to analyze the various issues faced by organic farmers in Indonesia, which include technical, economic, and social challenges. The method of analysis used in this review was qualitative meta-analysis, a systematic and comprehensive review which is an attempt to conduct a rigorous secondary qualitative analysis of primary qualitative findings to provide a more comprehensive description of organic farming problems in the country. The important results found from this review are that organic farmers in Indonesia face significant constraints in market access, pest control without chemical pesticides, and lack of government policy support. In addition, high production costs and complex certification processes further burdened farmers. However, it was also found that organic farming had provided important environmental, human health, and economic benefits. These findings had important implications for farmers, policy makers, and consumers. Therefore, in order to overcome the problems of organic farming, increasing and expanding market access, increasing farmer skills in agricultural practices in general and biological control in particular, increasing access to farm capital and reducing production costs, and increasing government support are the right solutions in supporting the sustainability of organic farming.

Keywords : organic farming, organic farming issues, meta-analysis, sustainable agriculture, government policy
55 abs-58
Profile of Fecal Microflora in Relation to Food Habit of Male Adult from Pekanbaru, Indonesia

U Pato1*, Yusmarini1, E Riftyan1, W Akbar1, Y E Marsoit1, Agrina2, A S Usman3 and Suyanto3

The composition of fecal microflora indicates its digestive system and eating habits. Feces are mainly made up of water, microorganisms, undigested meal remnants, and waste products from metabolism. The precise composition can differ significantly based on a person's diet. This study aimed to examine the relationship between adult men's dietary habits and their fecal microbiota composition. This study involved 30 adult male subjects aged 18-21 who lived in Pekanbaru City, Indonesia. Secondary data were obtained through questionnaires filled out by the subjects. Primary data, which included total plate count (TPC) and the number of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Bifidobacteria, E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella, were analyzed in the laboratory using specific media. The number of microorganisms was analyzed using the ANOVA procedure of SPSS Version 26. The least significant difference procedure was used to determine whether a statistically significant difference existed between the means. Multivariate analysis was conducted to determine the effect of eating habits on the number of fecal microbes. The quantity of microflora, including TPC, LAB, Bifidobacterium, E. coli, Salmonella and Shigella, varied significantly among participants, according to statistical analysis. There were 10.10–12.86 log CFU/g of TPC, 7.72–10.16 log CFU/g of LAB, 3.98–7.42 log CFU/g of Bifidobacterium, 7.73–10.16 log CFU/g of E. coli, and 5.29–10.80 log CFU/g of Salmonella and Shigella. The number of each microbe was significantly influenced by the kind of diet and frequency of food consumption among 30 subjects.

Keywords : Microflora profile, Male, Adult, Food habit, Pekanbaru.
56 abs-59

Iqbal, Abdul Azis, Muhammad Tahir Sapsal, Husnul Mubarak, Abdul Waris, Daniel Useng, Mursalim, Gemala Hardinasinta, Febriana Intan P H, Muhammad Rizal

South Sulawesi (Sulsel) is one of the coffee production centers with a planting area of 71,473 hectares in 2020. Based on the South Sulawesi Disbun, the average annual production of South Sulawesi coffee reaches 34,059 tons (Dirjenbun, 2021)1 The problems faced in cultivating coffee in Bantaeng district include that because 96% of this plant is cultivated by the people, the cultivation techniques are not in accordance with the recommendations for good agricultural practice (GAP); low plant productivity; weak farmer institutions; The value added received by farmers is low because some of it is exported in the form of coffee beans, limited capital and low mastery of post-harvest technology resulting in low coffee quality. The main obstacles in production are a lack of knowledge regarding good plant procedures and cultivation, insufficient extension workers, and difficulties in accessing information regarding good coffee cultivation. The rapid development of communication technology today has an impact on the number of communication media that can be used to disseminate agricultural information. One of the communication media that can be used is cyber communication or internet media. Information sharing in the context of disseminating good plant information is also an obstacle in improving farmer performance considering the conditions in areas that are quite difficult to reach. In the midst of the many digital platforms that can be used, farmers are quite minimal in their use of this technology, so the learning, consultation and information sharing processes are still not optimal. This research gave birth to a digital farming system model (Digital Farming) that can be used by various stakeholders to increase farmers' knowledge so that they can increase productivity and quality of coffee in Bantaeng district.

Keywords : productivity, coffee, digital agriculture, application
57 abs-60
Effects of Germination and Spontaneous Fermentation on the Physical Properties of Soybean, Kidney Bean, and Mung Bean Flours

D G Nadhifa 1, M Mahendradatta 2,3*, F Bastian 2,3

Soybeans, kidney beans, and mung beans are commonly consumed commodities in Indonesia. They are well-known for their high nutritional value but also include antinutrients that prevent the body from absorbing nutrients. Germination and fermentation are cost-effective methods of reducing antinutrients in beans, which also affect the physical properties of the resulting bean flour. The current study investigated the effects of germination and spontaneous fermentation of soybean, kidney bean, and mung bean on the physical properties of their flours, specifically regarding color intensity, bulk density, water-holding capacity, and oil-holding capacity. The research findings indicate that fermentation and germination reduced the brightness and bulk density of soybean and mung bean flours but increased them in kidney bean flour. While fermentation and germination processes inclined the water-holding capacity of all three types of bean flours, they declined the oil-holding capacity of soybean and kidney bean flours. Furthermore, fermentation resulted in higher brightness and water-holding capacity of bean flours compared to germination. However, germination tended to produce higher bean flour bulk density than fermentation, and insignificant differences were exhibited between the two treatments in the oil-holding capacity of the bean flour.

Keywords : fermentation, germination, kidney bean, mung bean, physical properties, and soybean
58 abs-61
Production And Quality Of Paprika (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) On Planting Kelor Leaves Extract And Corn Root Biochar

Rifki Alauddin 1, Elkawakib Syam'un2*, Katriani Mantja2

The use of organic materials is expected to support the optimal growth process of peppers. This study aims to fulfil the nutrients one of them by utilising Moringa extract and corn cob biochar and to determine the best dose on the growth and production of paprika (Capsicum annuum var. Grossum). The research was conducted in Muntea hamlet, Bonto Lojong Village, Ulu Ere Subdistrict, Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi at an altitude of 1400 masl. The research was conducted using a 2-factor factorial design in a group randomised design (RAK). The first factor of moringa extract (K) was 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%. The second factor of corn cob biochar (B) was control, 10 t ha-1, 20 t ha-1, 30 t ha-1. Very significant effect on chlorophyll index in the interaction of 50% + 30 t ha-1 (62.41), and vitamin c content in the interaction of 75% + 20 t ha-1 (19.26) mg/L. Very significant effect on the dose of corn cob biochar on the parameters of fruit length 20 t ha-1 (6.70) cm, fruit diameter 30 t ha-1 (62.97) mm, fruit weight 20 t ha-1 (120.41) grams, number of fruits 20 t ha-1 (2.50) fruits, fruit weight per plant 20 t ha-1 (496.26) grams, and soluble solids 20 t ha-1 with an average of (8.42)%. This is due to the content of zeatin contained in moringa leaves and supported by corn cob biochar as a soil conditioner so that optimal growth of paprika plants occurs.

Keywords : biochar, moringa leaf extract, paprika, vitamin C
59 abs-62
The Analysis of Production Capacity Using Rough Cut Capacity Planning Method (Case Study at PT. Untuk Indonesia Hijau)

Amri Hidayat1,*, Mahmud Achmad2, Februadi Bastian2, Munira3

Abstract. PT. Untuk Indonesia Hijau is a small-scale company based in Indonesia, specializing in the processing of cocoa beans to produce fermented cocoa beans, cocoa mass, and chocolate bars. Currently, the company's production process is driven by customer demand, often neglecting the efficient utilization of available facilities and resources, resulting in escalated operational costs. The existing workstations exhibit underutilized resources while certain machines and workers are overloaded in specific conditions. The objective of this study is to thoroughly evaluate and analyse the production capacity of each workstation for the production of each product. This comprehensive evaluation and analysis, employing the Rough-Cut Capacity Planning method, encompasses production forecasting, calculation of available capacity at each workstation, determination of the required capacity for each workstation, and a rigorous capacity feasibility test by comparing available capacity with required capacity. The findings of the Rough-Cut Capacity Planning using the CPOF method indicate that nearly all workstations demonstrate positive capacity values over a 12-month period, indicating that available capacity can satisfy production demands. However, there exists a considerable excess work capacity, underscoring the need for additional strategies to optimize operation efficiency.

Keywords : Cacao Processing Capacity, CPOF, Feasibility, Forecast, MPS, RCCP.
60 abs-63
Full Costing Method as a Method of Determining Harvest and Post-Harvest Costs: A Study of Clove Plantations in Ogodeide District, Tolitoli Regency, In

N Hikmah1,2*, M Salam3, L Fudjaja3 and P Diansari3

The purpose of this study was to determine how much the harvest and post-harvest costs of cloves incurred by clove farmers in the Ogodeide Sub-district, Tolitoli Regency using the variable cost method. Ogodeide Sub-district is the second largest clove-producing area in Tolitoli Regency located in Central Sulawesi Province. In this study, the sample used was 121 clove farmers using a proportional random sampling method. The data used in this study were obtained from a structured interview process using a pre-prepared questionnaire. Meanwhile, to achieve the objectives of the study, a quantitative approach was used, using the cost analysis method. The results showed that using the full costing method, the harvest costs incurred by farmers were IDR 50,332.54/kg and post-harvest costs were IDR 3,403.79/kg for each kg of dried cloves. The average production produced by clove farmers in Ogodeide Sub-district reached 164 kg/ha for the July - December 2023 picking season. So the gross profit earned by farmers reaches Rp 71,263.67 / kg in the range of dry clove prices of Rp 120,000 / kg.

Keywords : Harvest Costs, Post-Harvest Costs, Full Costing Method, Proportional Random Sampling.
61 abs-64
Mineral as an Indicator of Soil Fertility Potential of Horticultural Crops in Uluere District, Bantaeng Regency

Maulia Andini, Asmita Ahmad, Meutia Farida

Soil fertility is a significant factor affecting the productivity of horticultural crops, and soil minerals are one of the factors determining soil fertility. The higher the reserves of easily weathered minerals, the more fertile the soil becomes. This study aims to determine minerals as an indicator of the soil fertility potential of horticultural crops in Uluere District, Bantaeng Regency. Soil sampling used purposive sampling, which represented each land use. Analysis of soil chemical properties includes pH with pH meter, C-organic with Walkley and black method, and bases cation with ammonium acetate titration method. Analysis of soil minerals and parent material using a thin section and identified by the Kerr method. Calculate nutrient reserves using the Notohadiprawiro method using the formula 100-% quartz. The results showed that the mineral content at the research site was dominated by plagioclase and orthoclase minerals. Potential soil fertility based on nutrient reserves ranges from 70%. C-organic content is 1.7-2.3%, and soil pH ranges from 5-5.8. Potential soil fertility at the research site is included in the good category with the dominance of easily weathered minerals consisting of pyroxene, orthoclase, plagioclase, and amphibole, which carry nutrients Ca, Mg, K, and Na, with exchangeable bases greater than 50%. Potential soil fertility in the Uluere Sub-district is categorized as good for the growth and production of horticultural crops.

Keywords : soil, nutrients, minerals, horticulture, Bantaeng
62 abs-65
Correlation of Soil Chemical and Mineral Properties for Food Crop Fertility in Bantaeng District, Bantaeng Regency

Jumriah Syarip1, Asmita Ahmad2,* Muh. Jayadi

Abstract, Minerals present in soil are one of the determining factors for soil fertility potential. The chemical properties of soil minerals affect the chemical properties of the soil, especially regarding nutrient availability. Good soil fertility correlates with plant growth and increased productivity. This study aims to determine the correlation between soil chemical and mineral properties for food crop fertility in Bantaeng District. Research locations were determined using purposive sampling, representing each land use for rice fields and corn. Soil analysis included pH analysis using a pH meter, organic carbon content using the Walkley and Black method, and base content using ammonium acetate titration. Soil mineral analysis was performed using thin sections and identified using the Kerr method, with correlation tests conducted using Pearson's method. The study showed that soil pH ranged from 5-5.8, organic carbon content was 2.1%, and base content was Ca 25%, Mg 10%, Na 5%, and K 3%. The mineral content in the soil is dominated by easily weathered minerals, including Pyroxene 73%, Amphibole 57%, Biotite 35%, and Muscovite 14%. Correlation tests show that the more easily weathered minerals in the soil are positively correlated with the availability of bases with a base content of >35%. The conclusion, soil minerals are positively correlated with the content of available bases in the soil and contribute to the supply of nutrients for food crops.

Keywords : Keywords: rice, corn, pyroxene, amphibole, soil
63 abs-67
Chemical Quality Of Meat Syrup And With Addition Of Sugar

Siti Fatima

Abstract. This study aims to determine the effect of sugar addition on the chemical quality of nutmeg flesh syrup. This study was conducted in Tolitoli Regency, Central Sulawesi. The method used in this study was a completely randomized design method at 5 treatment levels with different sugar concentrations for each treatment, namely 50g, 100g, 150g, 200g, 250g. After analyzing the data, it can be concluded that treatment P5 (addition of 250g sugar) produced the highest total dissolved solids (64.33 ̊Brix), viscosity (43.00 cP), and pH (4.73) compared to other treatments. While treatment P1 (addition of 50g granulated sugar) had the highest vitamin C content, namely 22.79 mg/100g.

Keywords : Syrup, Nutmeg Flesh, Sugar
64 abs-68
Importance Knowledge of Red Bean in Butterfly Artificial Diet

Sri Nur Aminah

The common problem insect artificial diet especially for butterfly larvae is the nutritional composition of the material used. They are very different textures, water content and nutritional composition compare to natural diet from Aristolochia leaves. The ability controlling nutritional component of the artificial diet giving best result mass rearing of insect target. Troides helena Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) have been successful mass rearing in the artificial diet based red bean as the substitute of wheat germ. Artificial diet based red bean able increasing longevity and adult hatched from the pupae. Artificial diet was given to T. helena larvae from 2th instar until formed a pupae. Result of the research showed T. helena adult to be male normally and three of them was crippling. The artificial diet of butterfly larvae as the solution increasing population of butterfly in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park, South Sulawesi.

Keywords : Troides helena, butterfly, red bean, artificial diet, South Sulawesi
65 abs-69
Controlling Temperature and Humidity for Sustainable Agriculture

Sitti Nur Faridah, Muhammad Tahir Sapsal, Tisha Aditya A. Jamaluddin, Andini Dani Achmad and Reskyanto Ari

Global climate change has had a direct impact on the agricultural sector. The uncertain climate, with increasing fluctuations in temperature and air humidity, has a major impact on the sustainability of agricultural cultivation. The use of greenhouses equipped with temperature and humidity control can be an alternative in overcoming the impacts of climate change. This research aims to produce a control system that controls the temperature and humidity in the greenhouse, and is monitored using the internet of things. The control system is designed using the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) application with a closed loop system and works on-off according to the setting point, temperature (380C) and air humidity (80%). The research produced a control system that can control temperature and humidity, remain stable according to the setting point and can be monitored via the thingspeak platform. Data was not read at thingspeak 26.04% and the average delay was 16.5 seconds. Overshoot in temperature (1.18%) and humidity (1.49%) at a settling time of less than 4 minutes. The temperature and humidity are stable with a steady state error within tolerance limits

Keywords : closed loop system, control system, green house, internet of things
66 abs-70
Effect of potassium fertilizer dosage on growth, productivity, and tuber quality of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.)

Syebielza Bahma Inzaniah1*, Suwarto1, D Guntoro1, A Bahrun2, CI Wahyudin3, A Herwitarahman4, P Adwiyani4 .

Cilembu clone sweet potato is one of the sweet potato species that is in great demand by the Indonesian people. The current productivity of honey sweet potato only reaches 12 tons/ha which is still low compared to the demand for honey sweet potato. This productivity problem can be caused by the low weight of tubers per plant. Increasing tuber weight can be done by adding K fertilizer. This research aims to study the growth response, productivity and quality of honey sweet potato clones. The research material consisted of sweet potato seedlings of honey/ cilembu clones and various doses of K fertilizer carried out at Merdesa Ciakarawang garden. The study used a group randomized design with five levels, namely no fertilizer (K0), KCl doses of 50 kg ha-1 (P1), 100 kg ha-1 (P2), 150 kg ha-1 (P3) and 200 kg ha-1 (P4). The results showed that the P4 treatment with 200 kg ha-1 K fertilizer on plants produced the best vegetative response compared to other treatments and the control. P3 treatment gave the best harvest with an average weight of healthy tubers 3470 g per plant

Keywords : Cilembu, Productivity, Tuber, Weight
67 abs-71
Growth of Oil Palm Seedlings (Elaeis guineensis jacq) in Various Compositions of Solid Waste and Liquid Waste from Palm Oil Mills

Nurhafiqa1,, Abd. Haris Bahrun2, Asmiaty Sahur2*, Reynaldi Laurenze2

Abstract. The increasing area of oil palm plantations from year to year and the increasing number of oil palm plants that need to be rejuvenated, the need for quality seeds is increasing. The problem faced in oil palm cultivation is the limited ability of the soil to provide nutrients for the growth and development of oil palm. Objective. to determine and analyze the effect of the composition of solid waste planting media and the provision of liquid waste from oil palm mills on the growth of oil palm seedlings. Methods. This study used a split plot design. The first factor is the composition of the planting media as the main plot consisting of 4 levels of treatment, namely: soil, solid waste (decanter solid) and soil 1:1, solid waste (decanter solid) and soil 1:2 and solid waste (decanter solid) and soil 1:3. The provision of palm oil mill liquid waste as a sub-plot consists of 4 levels of treatment, namely: control 0 mL, 100 mL, 150 mL, 200 mL. Results. The use of 1:2 composition of planting media in oil palm nurseries at the main nursery stage gave a significant effect on the parameters of plant height with the best average of 54.37 cm, dry weight of the crown with an average of 41.37 grams, number of leaves with an average of 6.88 and leaf area giving an average of 284.57 cm2, The composition of solid waste and soil planting media with a ratio of 1:3 gave a significant effect on the parameters of root wet weight with an average of 30.43, root dry weight of 8.60, root volume of 38.17 mL, wet weight of the crown of 122.23 gr and root crown ratio of 0.22. The provision of 200 mL of palm oil mill liquid waste gave a significant effect on the observation parameters of wet weight of the crown of 109.26 gr and the provision of 150 mL of factory liquid waste gave a significant effect on leaf area of 280.48 cm2. Conclusion. The use of planting media composition 1:2 and 1:3 is a good planting media composition used in oil palm nurseries, while the dose of 150 mL of palm oil mill liquid waste is the best dose for the growth of oil palm seedlings.

Keywords : Planting media composition; liquid factory waste; solid; seedlings;
68 abs-72
The Impact of Using Green Betel Leaves and Red Betel Leaves in Traditional Medicine on Farmers' Welfare

Nurlian J Lumempow Mardiana Ahmad Sartini Sartini Andi Nilawati Usman Stang Stang

This study explores the impact of green and red betel leaves on the well-being of farmers in developing countries, where traditional medicine plays a crucial role due to limited access to modern healthcare. Green betel leaves (Piper betle) are valued for their antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties, while red betel leaves (Piper crocatum) are recognized for their additional antibacterial and antifungal benefits. The research highlights that these leaves address health issues such as infections, wound healing, and inflammation, offering a cost-effective alternative to modern treatments. Additionally, the cultivation of betel leaves provides economic benefits by diversifying income sources for farmers. This study underscores the significance of integrating traditional remedies into health practices and the need for further scientific validation to optimize their use in improving farmers' health and economic stability.

Keywords : “red betel leaf,” “green betel leaf,” “betel leaf varieties,” “pharmacology,” “health benefits,” “al
69 abs-73
The Supply Chain Efficiency of Organic Rice in Kulonprogo Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Eni Istiyanti1, *, Nurul Isnaeni2

Organic rice has better quality than non-organic rice so that its price is relatively more expensive. However, many farmers do not enjoy the price difference because they compete with large producers. The study aims to describe the supply chain and analyze the efficiency of the organic rice supply chain. The study was conducted in Kulonprogo Regency, precisely in Nanggulan District, which is a pioneer in organic rice farming and has received organic certification from the Organic Certification Institute. A total of 67 respondents were obtained through a census from members of the organic rice farmer group. The cooperative is a marketing institution in Kulonprogo that buys organic rice from farmers. The organic rice supply chain was analyzed descriptively, while the efficiency of the supply chain was analyzed using indicators based on the Performance Measurement System including production costs, profits, return on investment, and transaction costs. The results of this study indicate that the organic rice supply chain is formed by two chains consisting of three supply chain actors, namely farmers, cooperatives, and consumers. Chain 1 is the most efficient supply chain based on profit value and return on investment. Farmers should sell organic rice to cooperatives to be efficient.

Keywords : Chain, Efficiency, Profit, Return on investment
70 abs-74

A.Tenri Ampareng1,*, Itji Diana Daud1, Andi Nasruddin1, Reynaldi Laurenze2

The production of large chili peppers in Indonesia continues to decline due to very high fruit fly attacks in the field. Therefore it is necessary to control fruit flies using some atsirih oil as a fruit flies attractant. Objective. This study aims to determine the preference of fruit flies (Bactrocera spp.) to the treatment of a combination of several types of essential oils and trap colors in chili plants. This research was conducted in Balo-Balo Village, Belopa District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. It took place from July 2023 to February 2024. The research was conducted using a two factor factorial design. Where the first factor is M0 (Treatment without antraktan), essential oils from various types of plants where M1 (Citronella essential oil), M2 (Basil leaf essential oil), M3 (Clove essential oil) and M4 (Methyl eugenol). The second factor consists of two levels, namely, W1 (Traps that are not colored), W2 (Yellow traps). The results of this study indicate that the best treatment is in the treatment of yellow traps treated with methyl eugenol 3 ml, this treatment traps the most fruit flies in all observations and has the lowest fruit flies attack intensity.

Keywords : Chili, Oil of Atsirih, Methyl Eugenol, fruit flies
71 abs-75

Besse Nur Aulia1,* Rafiuddin2, Muh Jayadi3, Reynaldi Laurenze2

Cocoa production in Indonesia has decreased due to decreased soil fertility. The study aimed to determine the impact of combined fertilization and biofertilizer application on increasing the productivity of cocoa plants. The research was conducted in Sabbangparu Subdistrict, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province, from January to June 2024. The research used a Separate Plots Design (SSD), the main plot was the compost dose consisting of 4 levels, namely No compost, the subplots were biofertilizers consisting of 4 levels, namely No microbial biofertilizer, FMA 50 grams tree-1, actinomycetes 50 ml tree-1, FMA 25 grams tree-1 + actinomycetes 25 ml tree-1 thus there were 16 combinations with 3 replications and 2 plant units so that there were 96 experimental units. The interaction of compost dosage of 5 kg ha-1 (p2) with actinomycetes biofertilizer 50 ml L-1 (k2) showed the best results on the number of flower bunches formed (67.50 bunches), the number of fruit bunches formed (58.33 bunches), the percentage of fallen fruit bunches (70.29%), the number of harvested fruits (13). The results showed that the dose of compost 5 kg ha-1 (p2) + actinomycetes 50 ml L-1 (k2) produced the best growth and productivity of cocoa plants.

Keywords : Biofertilizer, Cocoa, Compost Dosage, Productivity
72 abs-76


Some conventional agricultural tools are now being replaced by sophisticated technology which aims to make human work easier. One of them is that conventional land processing using animal power now uses machines in the form of tractors. One type of tractor is the Quick G600 which is a traction type and is easy to operate in narrow areas such as rainfed rice fields. This research was conducted on rain-fed rice fields in Tompobulu sub-district, Bantaeng district, South Sulawesi province with an edge cultivation pattern. The Quick G600 tractor has specifications: Kubota brand drive engine, crank starting system, diesel fuel, power 5.5 – 6.5 hp with rpm 2200, fuel capacity of 8 liters and lubricating oil capacity of 2 liters. Based on the test results of the Quick G600 tractor on rainfed rice fields with a land area of ​​0.24 ha The average processing width after operation was 27.4 cm with an average depth of 10.7 cm and wheel slip of 0.08%. The theoretical field capacity was obtained at 0.052 with a processing time of 0.51 hours and the effective field capacity was 0.046 ha/hour with a speed of 0.86 m/second Keywords: Quick tractor, rainfed rice fields, edge pattern

Keywords : quick tractor, rainfed rice fields, edge pattern
73 abs-77
Effect of Air Velocity and Grain Mass on Drying Rate of Ciliwung Variety Grain Using Fluidized Bed Dryer Title


One of the determinants of rice quality in Indonesia is the problem with the grain drying process. So far. farmers have only used traditional methods by placing them directly in the sun. which is still relatively low. Proper drying requires uniform heat to slow grain deterioration after harvest, grain must be dried to a level that allows safe storage of moisture content 13-14%. Therefore. a good drying method is needed to produce grain drying with good moisture content quality. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of air velocity and grain mass on drying rate using a temperature of 50 oC using a fluidized bed dryer. This research method uses speed variations of 2.0 m/s. 2.5 m/s, da 3.0 m/s with a sample weight of 150 g. 200 g and 250 g. using a temperature of 50 ℃. The research parameters included moisture content, drying rate, cracked seeds. This drying process shows that the change in sample weight is affected by the air speed used. The greater the air velocity used. the greater the decrease in the resulting sample weight. The highest drying rate occurs at the beginning of drying while with increasing time and the drier the remaining material is water bound to the material cells so that the decrease in water content becomes smaller and finally reaches the desired moisture content. The speed of the air and the mass being dried affect the drying rate and there is an interaction between the two factors. Air speed affects the craking of rice grains.

Keywords : Content, Grain, Moisture
74 abs-78
Production of maltose syrup from sago starch uses the enzymes β-amylase and pullulanase

Nurfadillah1*, A Laga1, F Bastian1.2

Sago is one of the carbohydrate source plants that is often found in various regions in Indonesia, especially eastern Indonesia. However, the use of sago in Indonesia is still not optimal. One alternative use is to enzymatically modify starch to produce maltose syrup using β-amylase and pullulanase to hydrolyze the glycosidic bonds α-1,4 and α-1,6 in sago starch. The enzyme β-amylase (EC catalyzes the hydrolysis reaction of glycosidic bonds α-1,4 and pullulanase (EC catalyzes the hydrolysis reaction of glycosidic bonds α-1,6. Maltose syrup can be an alternative sweetener to reduce the amount of sugar imports in Indonesia. The optimal conditions in the process must be known to obtain pure maltosa syrup. The purpose of this study is to determine the concentration of the substrate, the reaction time of saccharification and the total maltose produced. Analysis of raw materials on starch content, amylose content, amylopectin and moisture content. The findings of the study show that the starch content is 89.46%, amylose is 14%, amylopectin is 85% and the moisture content is 12.4%, the starch content of sago has a high enough purity so that it has the potential to be used as a raw material in making maltose syrup.

Keywords : β-amylase, enzymatic hydrolysis, maltose syrup, pullulanase, sago starch.
75 abs-79
Adapting young cacao trees to climate change: organic mulch and hedgerows shade on soil microclimate under extreme heat

D Risal1,2, R Neswati3*, M Jayadi4, I R Saleh5

Climate change has caused extreme heat that significantly impacts the growth of cacao trees. This study examines the effect of organic mulch and shade of the hedgerow system on the growth of young cacao trees and soil microclimate as an adaptation to the high temperatures. Hedgerow systems potentially produce biomass that is used as organic mulch on the cacao sub-canopy using the treatment of coconut leaves (B1), banana leaves (B2), livestock feed residue (B3), and without mulch (B0). Measurements of soil temperature, moisture, and percentage of shades were carried out 14 days after treatment at three observation times (8-9 a.m., 1-2 p.m., and 4-5 p.m.). Meanwhile plant growth for height, diameter, and canopy) was measured four months after treatment. The result of observation indicated that it significantly reduced temperature and increased soil moisture mainly at 8-9 a.m.. In addition the applications of coconut leaf mulch provided the best results on canopy growth, plant height, and stem diameter. The interaction between shade and banana leaf mulch at 4-5 p.m. resulted in the highest shade percentage, supporting optimal soil microclimate. This study emphasizes the importance of managing agricultural systems and bioresource to overcome the impacts of extreme heat due to climate change.

Keywords : adaptation, climate change, hedgerow, soil microclimate, young cacao trees
76 abs-80
Utilization of Green Betel Leaf (Piper betle L) in Health Product Development and its Potential to Support Sustainable Agricultural Practices

Mukminah Almukarramah, Mardiana Ahmad, Sartini, Andi Nilawati Usman, Stang

Green betel leaf (Piper betle L) is a traditional plant that has various therapeutic properties and has long been used by the wider community as an alternative medicine. This review aims to analyze the utilization of green betel leaf (Piper betle L) in the development of health products and its potential in supporting sustainable agricultural practices. The research method used was systematic review. The literature search used Google Scholar, NCBI-PubMed, Elsevier, and Wiley databases that met the inclusion criteria. The results of the literature review showed that green betel leaf can be utilized as an antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial. Green betel leaf has been developed into various types of health products, including; wound healing gel, jelly consumed to prevent vaginal discharge, facial health toner, toothpaste, lotion for the treatment of tinea versicolor, antiseptic soap, and mouthwash. In the agricultural sector, green betel leaf has potential as a biofungicide and vegetable insecticide that can reduce dependence on chemical pesticides. It can be concluded that green betel leaf has a significant role in the development of health products and sustainable agricultural practices.

Keywords : Green betel leaf, Benefits, Agricultural Potential, Green betel leaf products
77 abs-81
Effectiveness of Colchicine Concentration and Immersion Duration on Polyploidisation Level of Lembah Palu Shallot (Allium wakegi Araki)

1. Khusnul Khatima, 2. Rinaldi Sjahril, 3. Feranita Haring, 4. Muhammad Riadi, 5. Maemunah, 6. Budi Setiadi Daryono, 7. Novitasari, 8. Ireneus Seno

Lembah Palu shallot is one of Central Sulawesi's leading commodities used as raw material for the fried onion industry and has become a local brand of Palu. This variety is included in the Wakegi onion group, a unique onion plant resulting from a cross between the elder's Allium cepa and Allium fistulosum. This crossbreeding process, likely an alloploidy process, results in an onion that does not produce seeds, indicating that the plant is triploid. Efforts can be made to improve the character through polyploidization using colchicine. This research aims to study the interaction between the length of soaking and the use of colchicine on the process of polyploidization of Lembah Palu shallots and to analyze and evaluate the effect of colchicine concentration and length of soaking on the process of polyploidization of Lembah Palu shallots. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, which began in December 2023 - April 2024. The first factor is the concentration of colchicine consisting of 5 levels of treatment namely 0.0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, and 0.1% and the second factor is the length of soaking consisting of 3 levels of soaking treatment namely 3, 6 and 9 hours based on a randomized block design (RBD) pattern arranged factorially with two treatment factors. The results showed that the concentration of 0.1% colchicine showed the best results on sprouting time (6.84 HST), leaf thickness (1.30 mm), and pseudo-stem diameter (2.43 mm). In addition, colchicine mutagens concentrations of 0.025, 0.075 and 0.1% were able to obtain hexaploid plants.

Keywords : Lembah Palu shallots, Colchicine, Polyploidy
78 abs-82
Land use change and its impact on paddy field fragmentation in mamminasata urban area

Ahmad Firman Ashari1,*, Risma Neswati2, Mahyuddin3, Samsu Arif4

The expansion of Makassar City into surrounding urban areas within the Mamminasata region has led to the conversion of rice fields into settlements. This fragmentation of rice fields into smaller, separate areas can reduce food productivity, cause environmental degradation, and threaten biodiversity. This study aims to analyze the changes in rice field land use and measure the fragmentation index in the Mamminasata urban area from 2016 to 2024. Methods include satellite imagery processing for land use classification, map overlay for identifying rice field changes, and converting raster data to vectors using the ‘reduceToVectors’ function in Google Earth Engine to calculate fragmentation metrics. The findings reveal a decrease of 1,015 hectares in rice field area from 2016 to 2024. This change led to an increase in rice field fragments from 5,245 to 5,305, a reduction in average fragment size from 475,785 m² to 470,410 m², relatively stable standard deviation values (23,532 in 2016 and 23,557 in 2024), and a slight increase in the coefficient of variation from 49.46 to 50.08 over the same period.

Keywords : fragmentation index, land fragmentation, rice field conversion, remote sensing, Google Earth Engine
79 abs-83
Structure and diversity of underground vegetation in the Kayu Lara Research and Tourism Forest, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi

M Wiharto1,*, M Wijaya2, A A Mahyuddin1, A Muis1, A Lodang1, Syamsiah1, Diyahwati3

A study of the structure and diversity of understory vegetation at Kayu Lara Research and Tourism Forest, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi, has been conducted. Species of the sapling shrub layer were found as many as 28, with families as many as 23, and for the herbaceous layer as many as 17 with families as many as 12. At three observation locations of the sapling shrub layer, the maximum and minimum values were found for Species richness (S) = 7-26, The Shannon-Wiener index (H’) = 1.65-2.97, Evenness index of Pielou (E) = 0.79-0.93, Simpson’s dominance index (D) = 0.063-0.23, and Simpson's diversity index (1-D) = 0.77-0.94. Furthermore, for the herbaceous layer, S = 2 - 15, H’ = 0.65-1.52, E = 0.78-0.94, D = 0.12-0.55, and 1-D = 0.43-0.82 were obtained. In the sapling shrub layer, 11 species were found to be the three species with the highest Important Value Index (IVI), while for the herbaceous layer, there were 8 species. Three species with the highest IVI of the sapling shrub found in all locations were Dinochloa sp., and Tetracera scandens, while for the herbaceous, was Selaginella doederleinii. Cluster analysis based on both vegetation layers formed 3 types of communities.

Keywords : Community type, Herbaceous layer, Kayu Lara Research and Tourism Forest, Luwu Regency.
80 abs-84
Biochar as a soil improvement, potential and challenges in small scale agricultural practices: A review

Muh. Rispan Ady(1,3), Baharuddin Patandjengi(2), Nasaruddin(3), Ifayanti Ridwan Saleh(3)

Biochar is an organic material produced through the pyrolysis process of C-based raw materials (biomass) with compositions and function a soil amendment. This article was aimed to provide more in-depth information about biochar raw material sources, manufacturing methods and technology as well as the rot of Biochar as a soil amendment to support plant growth and productivity other than that its challenges in small-scale agricultural practices. Biochar is a solid material (in the form of charchoal) which is rich in carbon resulting from the conversion of organic waste (agricultural biomass) through an incomplete combustion process with a limited oxygen supply at high temperatures which is difficult to decompose through the pyrolysis process. Sources of biochar raw materials in the form of agricultural waste are quite abundant, including rice husks, coconut shells, palm oil waste, corn cobs, cocoa shells and others. Biochar functions as a soil amendment that is able to improve the chemical properties of the soil (pH, cation exchange capacity, N-total, P-available), the physical properties of the soil (Bulk density, porosity and the soil's ability to hold water). Further study will be carried out on the use of empty oil fruit bunch biochar on the growth and productivity of oil palm plants.

Keywords : Charchoal, Productivity, Pyrolysis, Organic Waste
81 abs-85
Selection of Hybrid Corn Tolerant under Low Nitrogen Fertilization

Ervendi1, M Azrai2*, M Riadi2, R Laurenze2, R Efendi3

Developing tolerant corn varieties with low nitrogen fertilization significantly advances nutrient-poor land, especially for hybrid varieties. This study aims to assess the performance of different corn hybrids at both optimal and low nitrogen levels. The study was carried out in the dry season of 2024. The experiment was arranged using a nested randomized complete block design, where two replications nest on nitrogen level status. This study had 33 cross-test hybrids, 11 inbred lines, 3 pure lines testers, and two hybrid check varieties as genotype levels. Based on the results, 11 cross-test hybrids had significantly higher productivity (ranging from 9.9 t/ha to 10.54 t/ha) than the P 27 variety (7.59 t/ha) under normal nitrogen fertilization conditions. Under half nitrogen fertilization, 21 cross-test hybrids with a productivity of 2.73 t/ha to 3.49 t/ha were significantly superior to the P 27 variety (2.23 t/ha). Based on the stress tolerance index analysis, 26 cross-test hybrids were classified as moderate, while 7 hybrids were categorized as sensitive. The check varieties P 27 and Bisi 18 were found to have stress tolerance values of less than 5, indicating their sensitivity to low nitrogen fertilization. Based on the overall results, several hybrid lines are considered potential to be developed into adaptive varieties, especially under low nitrogen conditions.

Keywords : Corn yield, Hybrid varieties, Low nitrogen, Tolerant corn, Zea mays
82 abs-86
The Application of Bibliometric Analysis in Examining the Research Results on Laying Hens Production: A VOSviewer- Based Literature Review

Ayu Wulandary, Rahmawaty Andi Nadja, Muslim Salam, A. Nixia Tenriawaru

Laying hens production plays an important role in the global food system, especially in providing high-quality protein through egg production. Research on laying hens production is spread across multiple disciplines, which poses challenges in synthesizing knowledge and identifying research gaps. This study aimed to visualize and analyze the global research landscape on laying hens production, including production trends, key themes and research collaborations on laying hens production. The results of this study were expected to provide a comprehensive picture of the condition and description of research results on laying hens production. Furthermore, in an effort to achieve the objectives of this study, we used bibliometric analysis with the VOSviewer analysis approach. The results showed a steady increase in the number of publications on layer production over the past two decades. Significant growth was seen in research focusing on sustainability, animal welfare and technological innovation. This empirical fact reflects the growing global interest in environmentally friendly poultry farming practices. The majority of publications come from countries with strong poultry industries, such as the United States, China and Brazil. However, developing countries such as India and South Africa are also contributing to the growing number of studies.

Keywords : laying hens production, bibliometric analysis, VOSviewer approach, sustainability, animal welfare an
83 abs-87
The changing of soil quality and microbial community with additional biomass on intensive and non-intensive cultivation lands

M R S Moata, W Boboy, S Vertygo

Dryland management is complicated by various challenges, water scarcity, lack of soil organic matter, slopping, and stones soil due to climate change. Local practicing farming system slash and burn is a common method for land clearing. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of biomass addition to different soils on soil quality. Soils were collected from intensive-IC and non-intensive cultivation- NIC lands (slash-burn system) at Netpala village Timor Tengah Selatan, NTT- Indonesia. Each soil was treated with five treatments (control, 20% addition of rice husk charcoal-RHC, wood charcoal-WC, rice husk-RH, and wood leaf-WL) and three replicates for each treatment. The samples were incubated for 30 days, composited, and analyzed for the chemical properties of soil and microbial P community. After biomass addition, all chemical compounds (Ntot, P2O5, K2O, Corg, pH, and total microbial P) were increased for both lands, but higher at NIC’soils. However, IC sois are more responsive when adding biomass over control. Each treatment provides different response, the highest response of IC: NIC respectively are N (67% WL: 26% WL), P2O5 (125% RHC: 107% WC), K2O (64% WL: 25% WL), Corg (140% WC: 115% WC), Mic-P (160% WL: 146% RHC), and pH (5,8 to 6 pH: 6,1 to 7,4 pH). The IC has affected to lower quality of soil (control) but an additional 20% of biomass has improved the quality of soil even though not as high NIC soils were only used once a year (rainy season after land burning). Maintenance of climate adaptive and sustainable productivity of dryland requires additional biomass of over 20% for IC land and up to 20% for NIC.

Keywords : C-organic, Dryland, microbial P, Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium
84 abs-88
Technology for Optimizing Shallot Production from True Shallot Seed through the Application of Seedling Numbers and Fermented Coconut Water

Fachirah Ulfa1*, Elkawakib Syam'un1, Muti'ah Fadhilah Adhan2

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of varying seedling numbers per planting hole and fermented coconut water concentrations on the growth and yield of shallots from True Shallot Seed (TSS). The experiment was conducted from July to November 2021 at the Exfarm Experimental Garden, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, using a factorial 2-factor (F2F) design in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). The first factor was the number of seedlings per planting hole (1, 2, and 3 seedlings), and the second factor was the concentration of fermented coconut water (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%). The results showed no significant interaction between the number of seedlings per hole and the concentration of fermented coconut water on all measured parameters. However, the treatment with 3 seedlings per hole resulted in higher bulb numbers, fresh biomass weight, and yield, while the 30% fermented coconut water concentration provided the best results for vegetative growth parameters. In conclusion, applying 3 seedlings per planting hole and 30% fermented coconut water is recommended to enhance the growth and yield of shallots from True Shallot Seed.

Keywords : Keywords: fermented coconut water, shallots, seedling number, True Shallot Seed (TSS)
85 abs-89
Characterization and comparison of soluble and insoluble bioactive compounds in katokkon chili landraces from South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Rahmansyah Dermawan1, Tandu Ramba2, Abdullan Bin Arif3, Kaimuddin1, Amir Yassi1, Hari Iswoyo1, Muhammad Faried1

Katokkon chili is a type of local chili from Toraja, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, which has a unique character, both in shape and spicy taste. This research will reveal the bioactive compounds in three Katokkon chilies' landraces: Limbong Sampolo Sampolo, Leatung 1, and Leatung 2. Dissolved and undissolved bioactive compounds were identified using the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) method. The findings were that these three Katokkon chili landraces had different bioactive compound compositions. However, the Limbong Sampolo Sampolo landrace has the most bioactive compounds, namely 58 types, compared to the Leatung landraces 1 (36 compounds) and 2 (32 compounds). The most soluble bioactive compound in the Limbong Sampolo Sampolo landrace is n-hexadecanoic acid, while in the Leatung 1 and 2 landraces, it is capsaicin. Then, the insoluble bioactive compounds were dominated by 6-Hepten-3-one and 5-hydroxy-4-methyl in the three Katokkon landraces tested.

Keywords : bioactive compounds, GC-MS, katokkon, landrace
86 abs-90
Local Government Policies in the Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land in Maros district

Ashar Prawitno & A. Irsyad

Land conversion is the change of function of part or all of a land area from its original function to another function that has a negative impact on the environment and the potential of the land itself. Consequently, it will accelerate changes in the existing pattern of land use in an area. Therefore this study is to determine the role of local government in the establishment of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection as an effort to control the conversion of paddy fields and Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection in Maros Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach with a narrative research strategy that provides an explanation and expression of the reality of the role of the Maros Regency Agriculture and Food Security Office in efforts to protect sustainable food agricultural land in Maros Regency. The results showed that: the role of government in the implementation of Sustainable Food Agriculture Land as a regulator, dynamiser, facilitator and catalyst.

Keywords : Role, Government, Sustainability
87 abs-91
Design and Build Mechanism Off Gasoline Motor Driven Sprinkler Irrigation Pump Automatically on Shallots (Allium Ascalonicum L.) in Enrekang Regency


The design of the off-mechanical system of the gasoline motor driving the sprinkler irrigation pump automatically on shallot plants is expected to increase the efficiency of the use and provision of water to plants to prevent excess water which can cause rotting of bulbs in shallot plants. This study aims to suppress the rotting of tubers due to excess water. The research was conducted with the method of designing and installing an off mechanism control system in the field and testing by direct observation. The design results show the servo motor moves 180 to move the gas lever of the gasoline motor. The evaluation of the sprinkler irrigation system carried out the coefficient of uniformity (Cu) at intervals of 10, 20 and 30 minutes, respectively, of 83.15%, 84.12% and 85.76%. The Cu value indicates that the sprinkler irrigation system made is feasible to use. The automatic off mechanism control system on the gasoline motor functions according to the expected set point, where if the value of the soil moisture content is 70% then the servo motor will turn on to move the old gas motor gasoline to the off position and the servo motor will return to its initial position when the water content is low. land is at a value of <70%. The sprinkler irrigation operation takes 10-28 minutes to reach the set point.

Keywords : Sprinkler irrigation, Coefficient uniformity, Servo motor, Automatic
88 abs-92
The Effect of Using Green Betel Leaves (Piper Betle L) in the Utilization of Local Plants Based on the Maritime Continent in Indonesia

Andi Mahdiyyah Arif1, Mardiana Ahmad1*, Sartini Sartini2, and Stang Stang3

Green betel leaf (Piper betle L) is a typical (native) Indonesian plant that has properties or a myriad of benefits because it is the basic ingredient of natural medicine (herbal). In addition, green betel leaves grow in many areas of Indonesia such as Java, Madura, Bali, Aceh, Sumatra, Timor, Sulawesi, Ternate, and Lampung. This study aims to present an analysis of the benefits of betel leaves as a local plant for health and agriculture. The literature search used online tools accessed through Sciencedirect, Google Scholar and NCBI-PubMed. Betel leaf contains chemical substances namely flavonoids, carvarol, alkaloids, eugenol, gluside, steroids, saponins, tannins, sugars, diastase and essential oils. Pharmacological activities in betel leaves include antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and immunomodulatory. Green betel leaves have many health benefits, namely inhibiting bacterial growth, wound healing, vaginal discharge and antiseptics. In addition to health, there are other benefits for agriculture, namely as a family medicinal plant (TOGA) and can be used as a natural pesticide (vegetable).

Keywords : Green betel leaf, local plant, maritime continent
89 abs-93
Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Ginger in Indonesia

Ayu Lestari Has 1 , Andi Nilawati Usman 1 , Muh Tamar 2, suryani As,ad 3 , dan Sitti Rafiah 3

Ginger, as one of Indonesia's specialty spices, has a variety of health and culinary benefits. Many studies have been conducted on the physical and chemical characteristics of ginger in Indonesia. This study aims to present a comprehensive analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of ginger that have been researched by various sources in Indonesia. The methodology used entailed conducting a comprehensive review of primary and secondary literature. The literature search utilized online tools, including NCBI-PubMed, Google Scholar, and Elsevier. Indonesia has many types of ginger, including red ginger, elephant ginger, and emprit ginger. Gingerol and shogaol are the components that have received the most attention. Important health benefits include overcoming digestive problems, boosting immunity, anti-inflammation and improving blood circulation

Keywords : Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Ginger, Red Ginger, Elephant Ginger, Emprit Ginger
90 abs-94
Analysis of Hybrid Corn Supply Chain Management in Sorong Regency Papua Barat Daya Province

N Nurhalizah1,*, A R Siregar2, A N Tenriawaru2

Hybrid corn occupies the fourth position of the ten most cultivated food commodities in Sorong district. However, there are several problems that the supply of corn is often unstable and supply chain activities are disrupted. This study aims to identify the mechanism and analyze the performance of the corn supply chain in Sorong Regency. This research divided into two stages: identification of corn supply chains using Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) modified by Vorst (2006); and Analysis of Supply Chain Performance with an Efficient Marketing Approach. Result of the study show that there are four channels of corn supply chain consisting of farmers, collectors, wholesalers, and feed mills. The largest total marketing margin is found in channel III, amounting to Rp4000/kg, the largest farmer's share is obtained by channel IV with percentage 86%. B/C ratio obtained by each member of supply chain >1. It can be concluded that the condition of corn supply chain in Sorong Regency is not running well, so there needs to be improvement from every member of the supply chain; The farming carried out is classified as efficient and financially and economically profitable. marketing efficiency obtained is classified as efficient because it is worth <33%.

Keywords : Corn FeedMarketing Efficiency, Food Supply Chain Network, , Hayami Method
91 abs-95
Attraction Response of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) to Napier Grass (Pennisetum purpureum) and Tomato (Solanum lycope

A M Rusisah1, S Sulaeha2,* dan V S Dewi3

Semiochemical compounds produced by plants can be an attractant for certain insects. Insect activity and behavior depend on the type of compound components contained in plants that are detected by the insect's olfactory nervous system. The existence of these attractant compounds can be utilized as an environmentally friendly insect pest control. This study aims to determine the response of S.frugiperda pests to napier grass extract and tomato leaves as a source of kairomone or attractant substances for these pests. The research method uses a preference test with a Y-tube olfactometer with various types of solvents including Met, EA, and nHex. Tests were carried out using napier grass and tomato leaf extracts at a concentration of 2%, with 5 ml, and 10 replicates in each solvent. The test extracts were placed in each glass bottle connected by a hose to each Y-tube sleeve. The observation variables were the length of visitation time and the proportion of S.frugiperda attracted to each extract. Data were analyzed using paired T-test at α=0.05 level using IBM SPSS Statistics software ver. 29. The test results showed the longest visitation time of S.frugiperda was of tomato leaf EA extract with an average visitation time of 17 minutes 31 seconds (00:17:31) with a Sig T-Test value of 0.001. The proportion of attraction in the first 5 minutes was EA solvent were 60% of S.frugiperda imago, so that tomato leaf extraction has the potential as a source of kairomone in attracting S.frugiperda for control purposes.

Keywords : Olfactometer, Preference, Semiochemical, Y Tube
92 abs-96
Sugar Composition of Honey from Apis trigona, Apis dorsata and Apis mellifera

Siti Alo Pasaribu 1 , Andi Nilawati Usman1*,Muh Tamar2 ,Sitti Rafi’ah3

Sugar composition in honey is one of the important factors determining honey's quality and health benefits. This study aims to assess the variation of sugar composition in honey produced by bee species Apis trigona, Apis dorsata and Apis mellifera. The literature review results showed that the sugar composition of honey from Apis dorsata is higher than that of honey from Apis trigona and Apis mellifera. Various factors, including the type of nectar source plant and the enzymatic activity of the bees, influence this difference. The method used entailed an extensive review of primary and secondary literature and a literature search using online tools, namely NCBI-PubMed, Google Scholar, and Elsevier. Variations in sugar composition have important implications for the physical and chemical characteristics and potential health benefits of each type of honey. A deeper understanding of the sugar composition of honey can provide valuable information for developing higher quality and specific honey-based products.

Keywords : Apis dorsata, Apis mellifera, Apis trigona, Sugar, Honey.
93 abs-97
Physicochemical Quality Of Baruasa With Low Glycemic Index Using Sorghum Sugar (Sorghum Bicolor L.Moench) As A Substitute For Cane Sugar


Granulated sugar is an essential ingredient in cake-making, but excessive use of granulated sugar can negatively impact health. This study aims to evaluate the potential of substituting sorghum sugar for granulated sugar in the production of kue baruasa, a traditional cake popular in Indonesia. Sorghum sugar, derived from the sorghum plant, is known to have a better nutritional profile compared to granulated sugar, including higher levels of vitamins and minerals and a lower glycemic index.he method used in this literature review involved searching databases such as Google Scholar. Based on the review findings, cakes made with sorghum sugar substitution show increased fiber and mineral content compared to cakes made entirely with granulated sugar.This study concludes that sorghum sugar can be used as a healthier alternative to granulated sugar in making kue baruasa, with the added benefit of improved nutritional value. The use of sorghum sugar also offers the potential to reduce the negative health impacts of excessive sugar consumption. However, further adjustments are needed to ensure optimal organoleptic quality with higher levels of substitution.

Keywords : Glycemic index, Sorghum sugar, Traditional cake
94 abs-98
Quality and physicochemical properties of combined rice from germination and pre-cooking process

Nur Rina Abdullah

Precooked sprouted rice appears to be an alternative for improving products and has been studied for its different nutrients and bioactives. Knowledge of the characteristics of pre-germinated rice used as a functional food ingredient is very important. This is because the germination process can affect the characteristics of the resulting pre-germinated cracked rice. The rice germination process begins with soaking the rice seeds in water for a certain period of time, usually between 12 to 24 hours. The purpose of this soaking is to accelerate the biochemical changes necessary to initiate seed growth. During soaking, the rice seeds absorb water, which causes swelling of the seeds. This process triggers various biochemical reactions within the seeds, including increased activity of enzymes such as amylase. Meanwhile, the pre-cooking process causes metabolic changes in the rice. Steaming results in gelatinization, where starch crystals are broken down and expand into a viscous gel, which then retrogrades during drying, re-forming more stable starch crystals. This change not only increases grain hardness but also alters the physical and chemical characteristics of the rice. Precooked rice has physical characteristics such as harder and less breakable grains, and a more yellow color. This journal discusses the cooking and textural properties of brown rice that has undergone the germination process (soaking and germination). The method used in the literature review is in the form of a research data base and journal references regarding the quality and physicochemical properties of combined rice resulting from the germination and pre-cooking process.

Keywords : germinated rice, GI, GABA, Harvested dry grain, milled dry grain, pre-cooking
95 abs-99
Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Honey in Indonesia

Riska Purnamasari 1, Andi Nilawati Usman 1* , Muh Tamar 2, and Sitti Rafiah 3

As a country with high biodiversity, Indonesia has various types of honey that are unique and rich in physical and chemical properties. This study aims to assess the physicochemical characteristics of seven kinds of honey produced from various plants in Indonesia, namely forest honey, longan honey, coffee honey, randu honey, rubber honey, kaliandra honey and acacia honey. Each type of honey was analyzed based on parameters such as moisture content, pH, sugar content (fructose and glucose), HMF (hydroxymethylfurfural) content, antioxidant activity, and mineral content. The results showed that forest honey had lower moisture content and high antioxidant activity, while longan and coffee honey showed a balanced sugar composition that inhibited crystallization. Randu and Calliandra honey had low HMF levels, indicating good storage quality. Rubber and acacia honey are known for their higher mineral content, particularly potassium and calcium, which provide added nutritional value. The literature shows that honey in Indonesia is rich in diversity in terms of its physical and chemical characteristics.

Keywords : Chemical characteristics, Honey, Indonesia, Physical characteristics.
96 abs-100
Effect of Broiler Feed on the Quality of Animal-based Health Products

Eka Agustina1 , Andi Nilawati Usman1*, Risfah Yulianty2, Sharvianty Arifuddin3, Andi Ariyandy4

Feed is essential in broiler meat production, ultimately affecting the quality of animal-based health products. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of broiler feed on the quality of animal-based health products. In this study, the composition of broiler feed consisting of various types of flour was analyzed, as well as its impact on nutritional content, especially protein, fiber, and fat. The method used was a literature study examining the protein, fiber, and fat levels in these products. The results showed that carrot flour is the best choice for rations with high protein and fiber content. However, if you also consider fat content, Salvinia Molesta can be a more balanced alternative with significant fat content. The best overall ratio, considering the balance between protein, fat, and fiber, is Salvinia Molesta. In conclusion, broiler feed is essential in determining the nutritional value of animal-based health products, which can be utilized to develop better-quality health products.

Keywords : Broiler, Feed, Health Product, Nutrition Content.
97 abs-101

Risky Wulandari1, Mardiana Ahmad1*, Hasta Handayani Idrus2, Darmawansyah Darmawansyah3, and Werna Nontji4

Soybean (Glycine max L.) is a plant belonging to the legume family and originates from East Asia, is one of the food crop commodities that has great potential in supporting food security and the community's economy. Soybeans can be processed into soy milk because they have good content for health and can be a good source of economy, examining the economic potential of soy milk as a supplement for adolescents with primary dysmenorrhea. Literature study by reviewing 30 references to published articles in national and international journals accessed through sciencedirect, Google Scholar, Pubmed. Soy milk has high protein, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, and C, water, carbohydrates, fat, calories and calcium and isoflavones that can overcome primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls. Soy milk also has economic potential so that it can be a profitable business because it only requires simple equipment and does not require special skills.

Keywords : Soy Milk, Adolescents, Primary Dysmenorrhea, Economic Potential
98 abs-102
The use of drone imagery to identify the effect of weeds on rice plant productivity (oryza sativa).

AM Kamal, FA Farabi , J Nawawi

Background. Weeds are plants that can affect rice production because they are competitive for nutrients. The presence of weeds is generally monitored by conventional methods even though these methods have several weaknesses including being less effective if carried out in large rice fields. Therefore, a faster and more efficient method is needed, such as the use of drones. Purpose. This research aims to determine whether the vegetation index of drone imagery can be used to determine the effect of weeds on rice crop production based on the relationship between VARI, RGBVI, and NGRDI vegetation indices. Methods. This research method uses drone imagery with ten days of temporal data for three repetitions and uses regression analysis to determine the relationship between vegetation index and rice production. Results. The results showed that the trend of chlorophyll of rice plants decreased as the intensity of teki weed and water hyacinth increased in the weed plot area with the lowest chlorophyll at the age of 67 HST. Conclusion. Drone imagery can be used to determine the effect of weeds on rice production, the vegetation index that has the strongest relationship is the NGRDI index, and validation data shows that the control plot has the highest determination value of R² = 0.9418 with the equation y = 0.5712x + 0.9827.

Keywords : Drone, Weeds, Vegetation Indices
99 abs-103
Research Development of Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University in The Last 3 Decades: A Bibliometric Analysis

Muhammad Fuad Anshori1,2*, M. B. Mario1,3, Risky Nurhikmayani1,4, ⁠Siti Hardiyanti Syam1,5, A. Hermina Julyaningsih1,6, Febriana Intan Permata Hati1,6

The Faculty of Agriculture is the seventh faculty of Hasanuddin University, established on August 17, 1962, by the Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Dr. Ir. Toyib Hadiwijaya. The age of this faculty has reached 62 years in 2024 and has experienced dynamic scientific developments. However, the analysis related to the development of science has never been studied. On the other hand, bibliometric analysis is a popular approach to understanding the development of science based on a database. This analysis can be applied to determine the development of science at the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University (Faperta Unhas) based on the Scopus database for the last 3 decades. Therefore, this study aims to identify the scientific trends of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, on the number of documents, international collaboration interactions, scientific topics, and author impact. This study was conducted through bibliographic data mining on the Scopus index database. The keywords used in the process are adjusted to Faperta Unhas' affiliation. The mined database was analyzed using bibliometric concepts through VosViewer and bibliophily R Studio software. Based on the analysis results, there are 1148 Scopus documents affiliated with Faperta Unhas. The percentage of international coauthorship reached 11.24% of the documents obtained, with Japan as the leading collaborator country of the Faperta Unhas community. The most researched topics by the Unhas Faculty of Agriculture community are food supply, integrated circuits, cultivation, and sustainable development. Meanwhile, the most relevant author of the database is Yunus Musa.

Keywords : Agricultural Development, Bibliometric review, Food supply, Indonesia, South Sulawesi.
100 abs-104
Endophytic elicitor enhance pharmacological potency in Phyllanthus niruri L.

Winda Nawfetrias1* Delvi Maretta1 Irna Surya Bidara1 Cri Wahyuni Brahmi Yanti3 Yomi Guno2

Plants produce secondary metabolites for survival in extreme environments that are valued for medicinal purposes. These metabolites can be enhanced using abiotic or biotic elicitors, such as endophytic fungal, which act as elicitors in various medicinal plants. Phyllanthus niruri, or meniran, is an Indonesian medicinal plant with various bioactive compounds and rich pharmacological activity. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is an endophyte fungus of P. niruri and known as a pathogenic fungus that causes anthracnose in horticultural plants. This study proposes that the elicitation of C. gloeosporioides through seed treatment induces bioactive compounds related to plant defense, which are beneficial for human health. The present study was carried out during 2022 and 2023 at an experimental greenhouse of National Research and Innovation Agency, Banten, Indonesia. We treated P. niruri’s seed with C. gloeosporioides inoculum and analyzed methanolic extract of P. niruri based on gas chromatography mass spectrophotometry (GCMS). The study identified 43 compounds and 46 compounds, respectively, in control and elicitation treatment. We detected 26 bioactive compounds that are identified in both treatments, control and elicitation treatments. Octacosane,2-methyl-; Octacosane; Nonacosane, 2-methyl-; Isoshyobunone; Heneicosane; Docosane; 9-Octadecenoic acid; 9-Octodecenal (Z); 1-Nonadecende; 1-cis-Vaccenoylglycerol; and 13-Octadecenal tend to increase in elicitation treatment compared to control. These compounds are associated with the cuticular component of plants and have important roles as anti-fungi, anti-microbial, and stress response. The research showed that 23 specific compounds were detected only in elicitation treatments. These compounds are detected to have medicinal potency as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cholesterol, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-cancer, and immunomodulator.

Keywords : Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, elicitation, fungi, pharmacology, Phyllanthus niruri
101 abs-105
Microclimate Impact Growth and Physiology Response of Phyllanthus niruri L.

Mohammad Khrisna Adi Prabowo 2, Dwi Pangesti Handayani1, Rizky Dwi Satrio2, Nurfaida3, R Dermawan3, Winda Nawfetrias1*

We studied Phyllanthus niruri L. (meniran) in three different environments with varying microclimate especially temperatures, relative humidity, and photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) to determine the optimal environment for P. niruri growth. The present study was conducted from March to May 2024 at National Research and Innovation Agency, Banten, Indonesia's experimental greenhouse, screen house, and growth room. Microclimate parameters were observed thrice daily at 8 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm during the research. The three environments significantly differ in microclimate. The average temperatures, relative humidity, and PPFD of greenhouse are 34.98±3.77 oC, 63.27±6.82%, and 405.27±43.70 µmol m-2 S-1, screenhouse are 32.48±0.49 oC, 71.39±1.75%, 290.17±30.57 µmol m-2 S-1, growth room is 21.64±0.46 oC, 92.92±0.93%, 6.82±12.71 µmol m-2 S-1. Different microclimates induce significant soil temperature and moisture. The soil temperatures of greenhouse, screen house, and growth room are 29.11±0.07 oC, 28.93±0.15 oC, and 28 oC. The soil moisture of greenhouse, screen house, and growth room are 44.71±14.14%, 71.43±8.66%, and 100%, respectively. All treatments were repeated nine times. After six weeks, growth parameters such as shoot length, root length, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight, root dry weight, and physiology response such as chlorophyll content index, H2O2 level, and proline level were observed. The result showed that all parameters except root fresh weight and proline level showed significant differences between microclimate treatments. The greenhouse environment showed significantly different shoot lengths, root lengths, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight higher than screen house and growth chamber. However, the greenhouse environment showed higher level of H2O2 that indicates temperature, relative humidity, PPFD respectively 34.98±3.77 oC, 63.27±6.82%, and 405.27±43.70 µmol m-2 S-1 have the potency to influence the physiological response of P. niruri while maintaining biomass accumulation.

Keywords : meniran, microclimate, temperature, photosynthetic photon flux density, relative humidity
102 abs-106
Response of two cayenne pepper varieties to various fertilizer concentrations as smart fertigation database

Lukita Devy1,*, Daniel Kresna Fiendra Tauvik Togutua2, Peni Lestari1, Rina Aprianti1, Siti Himawati1, Nailulkamal Djamas1, Rahmansyah Dermawan3, Endan

Chilli is one of the most important commodities in Indonesia and requires high number of inputs. Using inputs such as fertilizer that suitable with plant's requirement will induce efficiency. This experiment aims to determine the efficient fertilizer concentration in cayenne cultivation. There are two varieties of cayenne (Bara, Genie) and five concentrations of AB mix fertilizer (0, 350, 700, 1050, 1400 ppm). Observations were made on growth (plant height, dichotomous height, number of leaves, stem diameter, SPAD, plant fresh and dry weight) and yield (number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit fresh and dry weight). Results showed that vegetative growth revealed significant response to fertilizer in plant height, number of flowers, SPAD and stem diameter. Plant height and SPAD were higher in Bara while number of flowers and stem diameter were higher in Genie. There was no significant difference in yield to various fertilizer concentrations, but trend showed the increase of these parameters at 1400 ppm. Genie variety has a higher fresh fruit weight than Bara, presumably because of its good tolerance to drought. It is recommended that further fertilizer concentration research be carried out at a higher dose than 1400 ppm to elaborate plant response in higher nutrient concentrations.

Keywords : AB mix, agricultural database, precision agriculture, vegetative growth, yield
103 abs-107
Investigating waxy corn genetic variability based on qualitative traits

M. F. Idris1, M Azrai2, M Riadi2, S.B Priyanto3, Haikal Akbar2.

Variability is crucial for effective breeding of waxy corn plants. This study aimed to investigate the variability in waxy corn based on qualitative traits. The research was conducted at the teaching farm of the Faculty of Agriculture at Hasanuddin University from May to August 2024. Eight different hybrids were evaluated using a randomized block design with three replications. Twenty qualitative traits were assessed during the study. To measure variability, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and clustering analysis were used. The results indicated that most qualitative traits showed high variability. However, the traits related to anthocyanin coloration of silks, including its intensity, as well as the number of primary lateral branches, their attitude, the length of the main axis above the highest lateral branch, and the length of lateral branches, showed low variability.The clustering analysis grouped the genotypes into two categories: group 1 : (wcx 3, wcx 6, wcx 7, and wcx 8) and Group 2 (wcx 1, wcx 2, wcx 4, and wcx 5)

Keywords : Genetic variability, qualitative traits, waxy corn
104 abs-108
Production of VCO-based products for health

Indah Triana1, Andi Nilawati Usman1, Risfah Yulianty2, Sharvianty Arifuddin3, Andi Ariyandy4

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) production in Indonesia has great potential, given the abundant availability of raw materials and the health benefits offered. However, to achieve sustainability in this industry, it is imperative to pay attention to product quality and innovate in the production process. These two areas, along with strategies to overcome existing challenges, are the key to the future of VCO production. With these measures, VCO can continue to be Indonesia's flagship product in the global market. This literature review aims to determine the various methods of VCO production and the health benefits of VCO. The method used is a literature study, based on several databases of search results with the keywords selected in the search are “production” “VCO”, and “health benefits”, filtered based on the title of full text availability. In conclusion, the production of VCO has many methods including acidification, centrifugation, heating, fermentation, cooling, salting and salting methods. The cooling method is one of the best ways to produce high-quality VCO. Although the process is slower and may produce less oil than the fermentation method, the quality of the oil produced is superior. The lauric acid contained in VCO will be converted into monolaurin, a monoglyceride compound that has antibiotic properties including antiviral, antibacterial, antiprotozoa, so that it can increase the human body's resistance to disease and accelerate the healing process.

Keywords : Production, VCO, Health Benefits
105 abs-109
Optimizing sugar-free hard candy formulations: physicochemical, sensory and stability analysis of regular and chili-flavored variants

Filiana Santoso, Sulie Asri, Abdullah Muzi Marpaung

This research aimed to identify optimal formulations for sugar-free hard candy, focusing on base and chili-flavored variations. Among 16 base formulas tested, the formulation containing 90% isomalt, 4.5% erythritol, and 5.5% sorbitol was identified as the most favorable, based on sensory assessment by 50 untrained panelists. This specific combination resulted in translucent, light-colored candies, with variations in texture attributed to different ratios of isomalt, sorbitol, and erythritol. High isomalt content produced a firmer, less sticky candy with a yellowish hue and low moisture, while high erythritol content yielded a softer, transparent candy with low moisture and high soluble solid content. Formulas with high sorbitol content produced a softer, stickier texture due to its hygroscopic nature. For the chili-flavored variation, nine formulas with varying amounts of citric acid and chili powder were evaluated. The formula containing 0.5 grams of chili powder and 0.9% citric acid achieved the highest hedonic score of 5.95 from 43 respondents, indicating moderate approval. Stability tests conducted at 25°C and 40°C over 8 weeks revealed no significant changes in moisture content and pH; however, noticeable color alterations were observed after 14 days, likely due to exposure to light and air. The findings provide valuable insights into the impact of specific ingredients on the sensory attributes and stability of sugar-free hard candies, laying a foundation for future research and potential commercialization.

Keywords : Chili, Erythritol, Isomalt, Sensory evaluation, Sugar-free hard candy, Sorbitol
106 abs-110
Diversity and Potential of Endophytic Fungi in the Roots of Arabica Coffee Plants, Bentenge Village, Maros Regency

Sofyan1,2,, Ade R3, Nasaruddin4, Haris B5

Bentenge Village, Mallawa District, Maros Regency, has great potential to produce organic arabica coffee, but faces problems related to increasing productivity. endophytic fungi, which live within plant tissues without causing disease symptoms, have the potential to be biofertilizers. This study aims to identify the diversity of endophytic fungi in Arabica coffee roots with different ages (<3 years and >10 years). Root samples will be taken from farmers' arabica coffee plantations that are integrated with tree plants. Isolation of endophytic fungi will be carried out using the in vitro culture method on PDA media. The identification of endophytic fungi is carried out conventionally through morphological observations. The analysis of endophytic fungal diversity was carried out to determine the influence of plant age on the potential of endophytic fungi. The results of the research obtained, at the age of coffee > 10 years, 11 isolates were obtained, while in coffee with a < age of 3 years, 6 isolates were obtained which dominated the genera Aspergillus sp, Penicillium sp and Trichoderma sp. Endophytic mushrooms play a role in increasing the availability of nutrients, fighting pathogens, and improving soil ecosystem conditions in supporting plant growth to increase coffee productivity.

Keywords : Arabica Coffee , Aspergillus sp, endophytic fungi, Penicillium sp, Trichoderma sp
107 abs-111
Fermentation Kinetics of Xanthomonas campestris Using Sago Substrate During Xanthan Gum Production

Sri Wahyuni, Amran Laga, Andi Dirpan

Sago starch is a potential alternative substrate for xanthan gum production because it consists of long chain glucose. This study aims to analyze the acquisition of xanthan gum with sago hydrolysate substrate. This research was conducted in two stages. The first stage was differentiated based on the type of sago hydrolysate (maltodextrin, dextrose) and fermentation time (0-72 hours). The best fermentation time from the first stage was then used in the second stage, which was differentiated by substrate type (pure dextrose, sago dextrose, sago maltodextrin) and substrate concentration (2%, 4%, 6%, 8%). The process of xanthan gum formation by Xanthomonas campestris begins with the entry of the substrate into the cell through phosphorylation reactions and is used in the process of catabolism and anabolism for the formation of polysaccharides. It is expected that the results of this study can show that sago hydrolysate substrate can produce xanthan gum with optimal yield, and provide a new alternative in the use of local resources for the production of high-value biopolymers.

Keywords : fermentation, sago hydrolysate, xanthan gum, X. campestris
108 abs-112
Determinants of milkfish production in polyculture systems in Pangkep Regency, Indonesia

Asruddin, Muslim Salam, Rahmawaty Andi Nadja, Andi Adri Arief

The milkfish farming system in Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia uses monoculture and polyculture management models. The polyculture system has involved interactions between milkfish and other species with the aim of increasing efficiency and productivity. In an effort to better understand the polyculture system, the objective of this study was to analyze the effect of production input use on milkfish production in the polyculture system. The data used in this study were primary data, which were collected through structured interviews. A sample size of 91 respondents was used, selected by simple random method. The data collected were analyzed using the Cobb-Douglas model, by testing the influence of 7 (seven) variables on milkfish production, which was the dependent variable in this study. The independent variables tested were the variable of land area of fish ponds, application of seed stocking, additional feed, application of fertilizer, application of medicine, labour, and capital. The results showed that the independent variables simultaneously had a significant effect on milkfish production. Then partially it was found that the variable of land area of fish ponds, application of seed stocking, application of fertilizer and additional feed had a significant effect on milkfish production. Therefore, in an effort to increase milkfish production, it is recommended that farmers manage their fish pond farms by optimizing the area of ponds they manage, increasing the use of seeds, fertilizers and the amount of additional feed.

Keywords : Production inputs, milkfish production, Cobb-Douglas function, polyculture model, Pangkep Regency
109 abs-113
Physical Characteristics of Selayar Tangerines (Citrus reticulata Blanco)

Ilham Ahmad, Mursalim, Salengke, Abdul Waris

Tangerine (Citrus reticulate Blanco) is a superior local citrus and is known as Indonesia's mandarin orange. Tangerines are highly favored by the public because they have a sweet fresh slightly sour taste, attractive fruit skin color and the skin easily separates from the inside of the orange so it is easy to peel. The quality of tangerines is determined by their physical properties. These physical properties include size, weight, volume, and diameter. Post-harvest tangerine technology can be done by grading in order to obtain tangerine quality according to its standards. This study aims to determine the physical properties of tangerines used in the grading process. Determination of roundness and roundness is measured using a caliper. Determination of volume and density was measured using a beaker. Analysis of research data using the normal distribution one-way z-test to the left. The results of data analysis showed that the z-count values of roundness, roundness, volume, and density were 1.07; 0.82; 0.57; 0.51 and -ztabel of -1.65. This means zhitung ≥ -ztabel, where the average value of the physical properties of siam oranges is greater or equal to the object of research, roundness of 0.94, roundness of 0.94, volume of 86 cm3 and density of 1.03 g/cm3. Thus, the results of these physical properties can be used as a reference during the grading process of size 2 code siam oranges.

Keywords : density, roundness, sphericity, tangerine, volume.
110 abs-114
The Effect of Eggshell Flour Fortification as a Source of Calcium on the Organoleptic and Proximate Levels of Sago Crackers

Pelangi Prahari A. Nadja1,*, A. M. Rusli2, A. Lukman Irwan3

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of egg shell flour fortification on the organoleptic and proximate values of sago crackers. Organoleptic and Proximate Value of Sago Crackers. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments, namely Z0 (100% Sago Flour: 0% Eggshell Flour), Z1 (99.75% Sago Flour: 0.25% Flour Eggshell Flour), Z2 (99.50% Sago Flour: 0.50% Eggshell Flour), Z3 (99.25% Sago Flour: 0.75% Flour Eggshell Flour). Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance, if the effect was very significant, it was followed by with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at 95% confidence level (α=0.05). Selected treatment or Z3 with an average Hedonic liking of color 3.90 (like), aroma 3.87 (like), texture 3.83 (like), and taste 4.03 (like) with a chemical content including water content of 4.03 (like). Chemical content includes water content of 4.01%, ash content of 0.96%, protein content of 0.48%, fat content of 18.22% and calcium content of 12.81%. Calcium content of 12.81%. Water content and ash content are in accordance with SNI standards while protein content is not in accordance with SNI 2714.3:2009.

Keywords : Calcium, Eggshell, Fortification, Sago Crackers
111 abs-115
Molecular Advances in Rapid Detection Methods for Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis on Bananas: A Review

A. Dinda Namirah Sarilla, Muhammad Junaid, Baharuddin Patandjengi*

Plant disease caused by Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis (Rsc) pose a serious threat to banana production in Indonesia and Malaysia. Banana blood disease is a systemic disease that live in xylem cells causing less-symptoms in initial attack. Early and accurate detection is crucial to reduce the impact of this disease on crop yields. The development of rapid detection methods for Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis, including Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFIA), PCR, and LAMP, represents a significant advance in plant disease diagnosis. Disease testing with real-time PCR is capable of detecting Rsc isolates as well as symptomatic plant part samples as evidenced by meeting validation parameters. PCR has various advantages, including high sensitivity and specificity, multiplexing capabilities, quantitative analysis, flexibility in primer design, and sequencing capability. Both immunoassays and LAMP offer substantial benefits in terms of speed, convenience of use, and cost-effectiveness. However, immunoassays may lack the sensitivity of PCR, while LAMP requires more complex primer design and less suitable for sequencing applications. These methods enable timely and accurate detection for effective disease management strategies. This review demonstrates the potential application of rapid banana blood disease detection technologies. It will be applied to produce Rsc-free banana seedling trough tissue culture.

Keywords : Immunoassay, PCR, LAMP, diagnosis, banana blood bacterium, primer
112 abs-116
Increasing The Seed Germination of True Shallot Seeds (TSS) Using Plant Growth Regulators Priming

S Himawati1, D Maretta1*, D P Handayani1, E Nurhangga1, R Aprianti1, I S Bidara1 and S A Syaiful2

Shallot cultivation using TSS is the right choice to answer the problems in shallot cultivation using bulbs. However, long-term seed storage can reduce viability. The objective of this research was to study the effect of the application of plant growth regulators priming to increase seed germination and growth of germination. The research was conducted in the greenhouse of Agro-Industry and Biomedical Laboratory, South of Tangerang. An experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with 3 replications. The TSS seeds were soaked with water as control and plant growth regulators priming consisting of GA3, NAA, BAP, B1, Na2S2O3.5H2O, AgNO3, and ecoenzyme. Then, TSS was planted in the growth medium and watered weekly using priming. The research results showed that the treatment significantly affected total germinated percentage (TGP), seedling height, root length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, and root dry weight. The highest TGP was found in the treatment of soaking and watering with ecoenzyme (92%). Meanwhile, the treatment of soaking with GA3 and NAA had the highest seedling (7.11 cm), the weighest seedling fresh (310.40 mg), and the weighest root fresh (72.17 mg).

Keywords : Allium ascalonicum L, GA3, NAA, priming solution, seedbed, seed vigor
113 abs-117
Study on Making Subtitution Red Bean (Phaseoulus vulgaris) and Yellow Pumpkin (Curcubita moschata) Flour Biscuits

Sri Suharningsi1, Andi Rahmayanti Ramli1*, Zainal Zainal1

In general, wheat flour is used in making biscuits, but the wheat in this ingredient is imported, so research is being conducted on substitute ingredients for red beans and pumpkin flour as an innovation in biscuit processing. This research aimed to determine the best formulation for making biscuits from red bean and pumpkin flour as raw materials and to determine the characteristics of biscuits produced. The method used in this research was divided into two stages. The first stage was making biscuits with the formulation of wheat flour, red bean flour, and pumpkin flour, namely A0 (100%:0%:0%) as the control, A1 (26.6%:17.7%:14.7%), A2 (26.6%:20.6%:11.8%), and A3 (26.6%:23.6%:8.8%), which was carried out by a hedonic test to determine the most preferred biscuit formulation from the organoleptic test. The second stage, was to characterized the properties of the best formulation biscuits and compared it to the control biscuits. The research showed that the best formulation was A3 with water content 6.43-6.7%, ash content 1.43%–2.28%, fat content 17.6%–16.21%, crude fiber 19.12%–21.71%, protein 10,24%–12.67%, carbohydrates 64,47%–61.59%, calories 470 kcal–455 kcal, iron 0,16 mg–0.30 mg, and texture 1000.32–2402.22 N, and is in accordance with SNI. These biscuits deliver a unique nutritional profile poised to revolutionize snack foods, offering a delicious yet wholesome alternative.

Keywords : Biscuits, red bean, and pumpkin
114 abs-118
Exploration of the Diversity of Physical, Chemical, and Biological Composition of Virgin Coconut Oil

Andi Wilda Wijaya1 , Andi Nilawati Usman1*, St. Maisuri T. Chalid2, Sartini3, Andi Ariyandy4

Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is a virgin coconut oil that can be used in various industries, including food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics. This study aims to explore the physical, chemical, and biological composition of VCO, as well as identify the effect of processing methods and harvesting time on its quality. This research utilized a literature review of relevant sources from 2014-2024, which was systematically selected to avoid bias. The results showed that VCO has density, viscosity, and organoleptic properties such as color, aroma and taste that are influenced by fermentation method and process duration. Chemically, VCO is rich in medium-chain fatty acids, especially lauric acid, which has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Biologically, VCO has antimicrobial activity and supports skin health and the immune system. The use of VCO as an industrial raw material and functional food makes it a high-value oil that can also be used in the health sector and based on an exploratory study using bibliometric analysis with visualization using VOSviewer which shows that, the use of VCO is more in health

Keywords : Virgin Coconut Oil, Lauric Acid, Antimicrobial, Anti-Oxidant.
115 abs-119
A comparison of various medium compositions for photosynthetic bacteria

Elisurya Ibrahim1, Baharuddin2*, Fahruddin3 Sarjiya Antonius4

Photosynthetic bacteria (PSB) belong to the Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) that can potentially promote plant growth, biofertilizers, and biocontrol that can be explored from surface water. The aim was to find an appropriate media to reproduce photosynthetic bacteria (PSB). Five types of media composition were used to find suitable media to grow PSB based on the growth rate number PSB obtained and the amount of time needed for color change to occur during incubation. Two water samples were collected from pond (K) and wells (S). The treatment is V1 (Protein, monosodium glutamate, probiotic fermented, water sample); V2 (Protein, monosodium glutamate, fermented shrimp, water sample); V3 (Protein, monosodium glutamate, Nacl, water sample); V4 (golden snail egg, monosodium glutamate, fermented shrimp, water sample); and V5 (Protein, monosodium glutamate, fermented shrimp, tajin water/rice-water). The result showed that KV2 media shows the best media for colony growth with the number of colonies 35,31 x 10 5 cfu/ml on the seventh day, while KV1 media is a growth medium for the acceleration of maturity, which is indicated by the color change achieved on day 7.

Keywords : PSB medium, media color change, bacterial colonies
116 abs-120
Encapsulation of Dry Starter of Lactic Acid Bacteria by Freeze Drying Method with Gelatin Concentration as Coating Material

V Amelia1, Fitri Fitri2, A B Tawali3, Z D Zainuddin4, Zainal5, N Nur6

Civet coffee, which is produced through a natural fermentation process in the digestive tract of civets, has a unique flavor but raises animal welfare issues. This study aims to develop an alternative to civet coffee production by utilizing lactic acid bacteria as a starter. The research was conducted in two stages. The first stage focused on determining the optimal incubation time of lactic acid bacteria liquid starter. The second stage involved the preparation of dry starter with various concentrations of gelatin-coating material. The results showed that the best incubation time for lactic acid bacteria liquid starter was 32 hours. The dry starter with 7% gelatin dressing had a moisture content of 10.9% and good bacterial viability during storage. The use of 7% gelatin as a dressing material was able to maintain bacterial viability with a colony count of 106 at week 4 storage.

Keywords : Coffe, freeze drying, LAB, and starter
117 abs-121
The Effectiveness of Biopriming Rice Seed with Endophytic Bacteria Bacillus sp. In Controlling Bacterial Seedling Rot Disease (Burkholderia glumae).

Syifa Annisa Zulfa Hasyim1, B Patandjengi 1*, A Rosmana1 dan Nurmujahidin1

Burkholderia glumae is the causal agent of seedling rot and bacterial panicle blight disease in rice. This bacteria can be infested in the grain without showing symptoms. Seed treatment using biological agents is needed to control this disease. This study aims to determine the effect of biopriming rice seeds using Bacillus sp. 1, Bacillus sp. 2, Bacillus sp. 3 and Bacillus sp. 4 on the severity and incidence of disease in the vegetative phase. The stages of the research included rejuvenation of bacterial isolates, gram test and catalase test, HCN test, siderophore test, antagonist test, biopriming test with a concentration of 108 CFU mL-1 for all the treatment and coating seeds. The results showed that the treatment of Bacillus sp. 1, Bacillus sp. 2 and Bacillus sp. 3 was able to suppress the growth of B. glumae with a disease severity and incidence of 0%. Treatment of Bacillus sp. 4 showed symptoms of disease with a disease incidence of 40% and disease severity of 20,8%. This study shows that the treatment of Bacillus sp. 1, Bacillus sp. 2, Bacillus sp. 3 was able to reduce the severity and incidence of disease in the vegetative phase compared to Bacillus sp. 4.

Keywords : Disease Incidence, Disease Severity, Seed Coating, Vegetative Phase
118 abs-122
Isolation of Endophytic Bacteria Potential as Biological Control Agents of Bacterial Ring Rot Disease (Clavibacter michiganensis subps. spedonicus) in

W Indriani1*, B Patandjengi1*, A Nasruddin1*, and Nurmujahidin1*

The attack of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp sepedonicus (Cms) caused the decline in potato production causes Bacterial Ring Rot disease in potato plants. The utilization of endophytic bacteria as biological control agents in potato plants includes environmentally friendly control and can synergize with other controllers. This study was conducted to determine that the diversity of endophytic bacteria isolated from healthy potato tuber tissue can suppress the development of Bacterial Ring Rot (Cms) disease in vitro. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from tubers of Kalosi and Granola varieties and tested for their antagonistic ability against the Cms pathogen. Selection of bacteria with potential as biological agents was carried out using the inhibition test method, and some isolates showed significant antagonistic activity by inhibiting the growth of Cms through the production of secondary metabolite compounds and competition mechanisms. The results showed a diversity of endophytic bacteria in potato tubers. Eight of the 12 isolates of endophytic bacteria that were successfully isolated could inhibit Cms. Three of them have the highest inhibition criteria compared to other treatments with storng to moderate inhibition, named isolates BEK 03, BEK 06, and BEK 07.

Keywords : diversity, in vitro, inhibition index, inhibitory test, potato tuber.
119 abs-123
Molecular early detection of Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) for sustainable banana production: A review

Aminah, Andi Nasruddin, Baharuddin Patandjengi

Banana Bunchy Top Disease (BBTD) caused by the Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV) is a major threat to global banana production, with potential yield losses of up to 100%. The systemic transmission of BBTV from infected mother plants to their suckers, often asymptomatic or symptomless, complicates disease management. Consequently, prevention, particularly through the use of virus-free banana seedlings, is crucial, highlighting the need for robust early detection methods. Molecular detection techniques are essential for effective management of BBTD, offering greater sensitivity and specificity than conventional methods. Key techniques include Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Real-Time PCR (qPCR), Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP), and Recombinase Polymerase Amplification (RPA). PCR and qPCR are highly accurate but require costly equipment and longer processing times. In contrast, LAMP and RPA offer rapid, portable alternatives, making them more suitable for field applications. This review synthesizes recent advancements in molecular detection technologies, assessing their effectiveness and exploring the challenges and future prospects in BBTV control. Application of molecular early detection systems is important for producing BBTV-free tissue cultures, which are indispensable for preventing the spread of BBTD and ensuring sustainable banana production.

Keywords : LAMP, Nanoparticle-based biosensor, PCR, Sensitivity, qPCR
120 abs-124
Population Development of Pseudomonas fluorescens Antagonist Bacteria Population in Biopriming Treatment of Rice Seeds To suppress bacterial seedling

Gaizka Azzahra, B Patandjengi, A Nasruddin, Nurmujahidin N

Bacterial panicle blight, a disease that is becoming increasingly significant in the world's rice supply, is caused by Burkholderia glumae. Bacterial panicle blight is thought to be caused by seed-borne; however, its disease cycle is not fully understood. Despite its significant economic impact, no rice types are entirely resistant to the disease, nor are there any efficient control methods for bacterial panicle blight. However, it is advised that seed quality be improved by using a biopriming technique, utilizing antagonistic bacteria to lower the occurrence of bacterial panicle blight. This study aimed to obtain a method of treating rice seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescens that can suppress B. glumae bacteria during the vegetative period. The experimental setup was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD), including five treatments and four replications. The results showed that the population of P. fluorescens bacteria at PF8+BG8 treatment isolated from the roots of rice plants was able to maintain bacterial conditions with a bacterial population of 16.4×104 CFU mL-1 and suppress the growth of B.glumae by 14%. The PF8+BG8 treatment isolated from rice stems was able to maintain the bacteria with a bacterial population of 12.3×104 CFU mL-1 and suppress the growth of B. glumae by 22%.

Keywords : Resistant, Roots, Seed borne, Stems, Vegetative
121 abs-125
First report of Stewart’s wilt disease on maize in South Sulawesi, Indonesia

F K Sahlan1, T Kuswinanti1 and B Patandjengi1*

Stewart's wilt disease caused by Pantoea stewartii subsp stewartii (Pss) is devastating maize disease that cause yield losses ranging from 40-100%. This seed-borne pathogen is primarily infected by vectors. As a maize producing country, the spread of Pss in Indonesia is still limited in some provinces, such as West Sumatra, Bali, West Java and East Java. However, there have been no reports of Stewart's disease in South Sulawesi. Therefore, this study is necessary to determine the occurrence of the disease and identify based on morphological and physiological characteristics. More than 40 yellow-pigmented isolates with entire and circular colonies were found. All isolates were gram-negative, rod-shaped, facultatively anaerobic, catalase positive but negative for oxidase and indole production, which are characteristic of Pss. Pathogenicity test was conducted using 1 mL of 10^8 CFU/mL of bacterial suspension. Each isolate was injected into healthy 14-day-old maize. The result showed that 5 isolates were able to infect maize and cause symptoms similar to Stewart's disease. Further research is needed to accurately identify the bacterial causal agent and determine the diversity of bacterial isolates based on biochemical and molecular analysis, as well as to determine maize lines and varieties resistant to Stewart’s wilt disease.

Keywords : bacteria identification, corn, Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii, pathogenicity
122 abs-126
The Growth and Yield of Three Sorghum Varieties by Applying Biochar and NPK Fertilizer

Sri Rustianti, Rakheen Hidayat, Nurseha, Danner Sagala*, Risvan Anwar, Nurlianti

This research aimed to determine the effect of combined doses of biochar and NPK fertilizer on the growth and yield of three sorghum varieties. The experimental design used was a Randomized Block Design arranged factorially. The first factor was the combined dose of rice husk biochar and NPK fertilizer, consisting of 7.5 tons/ha of biochar + 0 kg/ha of NPK, 7.5 tons/ha of biochar + 450 kg/ha of NPK, and 0 tons/ha of biochar + 450 kg/ha of NPK. The second factor was the sorghum variety, which consisted of Pahat, Samurai-2, and Kawali varieties. Each treatment was repeated three times. The research data were analyzed using an analysis of variance to determine whether the treatment had a significant or insignificant effect, followed by Duncan's Multiple Range Test at the 5% level if it had a considerable impact. This research result showed that the combined dose of rice husk biochar and NPK fertilizer significantly affected the growth and yield of three sorghum varieties. The combination dosage of 7.5 tons/ha of biochar + 0 kg/ha of NPK provided the best growth and yield on three sorghum varieties. The combined dose of biochar and NPK fertilizer significantly affected the performance of the three sorghum varieties. The Pahat variety provided the best growth and yield compared to the Samurai 2 and Kawali varieties.

Keywords : food crop, Soil amendment, cultivar
123 abs-127
The Effect Of Giving Trichokompos and Actinomycetes On The Production Of Cocoa Plants (Theobroma Cacao L.)

Indah, Nasaruddin, Asmiaty Sahur

The decline in cocoa plant productivity due to climate conditions and land degradation has resulted in a decrease in soil fertility. One effort to overcome this is by providing nutrient needs through fertilization, namely using organic fertilizer trichokompos and biological fertilizer actinomycetes. The aim of this study was to investigate and analyze the effects of trichocompost and Actinomycetes on the growth and production of cocoa plants. The research was conducted using a Two-Factor Factorial Design (F2F) based on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The first factor, trichocompost, consisted of 3 levels: control, 5 kg/tree, and 10 kg/tree. The second factor, Actinomycetes, consisted of 3 levels: control, 103 CFU/mL, 106 CFU/mL, and 109 CFU/mL. The interaction between trichocompost and Actinomycetes significantly influenced parameters such as pod formation (76.17), pod drop percentage (66.32%), harvested fruits (9.67), seeds per fruit (34.15), production per tree (337.5 g/tree), and production per hectare (374.96 kg/ha). Trichocompost treatment significantly affected parameters such as pod formation (39.44), pod drop percentage (62.92%), and fruit retention percentage (37.08). actinomycetes treatment had a significant effect with the best results on stomatal density parameters (452.65). Conclusion. Trichokompos 5 kg/tree and actinomycetes 106 CFU/mL treatment showed the best results on almost all parameters.

Keywords : actinomycetes; cocoa; trichocompost
124 abs-128
Effectiveness of the use of trichocompost and azotobacter on cocoa plant production (Theobroma cacao L.)

Andi Nursafitri, Ambo Ala, Nasaruddin, Reynaldi Laurenze

Cacao productivity in Indonesia in the last five years has continued decrease. Used trichocompost and Azotobacter as an effort increasing plant productivity. Trichocompost can contribute nutrients for plants. Azotobacter can act as a nitrogen fixing biological agent. This research aims to determine and study the influence of trichocompost and Azotobacter on cocoa plant production. The research used a factorial 2 factor design following a pattern Randomized Block Design with the first factor trichocompost consisting of 3 levels, namely without trichocompost, 5 kg/tree, and 10 kg/tree and the second factor Azotobacter which consists of 4 levels, namely without Azotobacter, 104 CFU/mL, 108 CFU/mL, and 1012 CFU/mL. The research results show the best results in trichocompost treatment 5 kg/tree and Azotobacter 108 CFU/mL. Analysis results bivariate correlation shows that th trichocompost treatment is 10 kg/tree with a dose the optimum is the use of Azotobacter 107 CFU/mL on the parameters of chlorophyll a (285.41 μmol.m-2), chlorophyll b (118.66 μmol.m-2), total chlorophyll (409.46 μmol.m-2). Results bivariate correlation analysis showed that the trichocompost treatment was 5 kg/tree with the optimum dose is the use of Azotobacter 107 CFU/mL on the parameters of stomata opening area (35,50 µm2), fruits servive (10.97 fruits), harvest fruits (7.16 fruits), seed number per fruit (35.40 seed), weight of 100 dry seeds (130.45 g), production per tree (330.70 g), and production per hectare (367.41 kg), then at a dose the optimum is the use of Azotobacter 106 CFU/mL on the parameter of fruit valve formed (39.59 valve). The treatment of trichocompost 5 kg/tree and Azotobacter 108 CFU/mL gave the best results in almost all parameters.

Keywords : Azotobacter, cocoa, trichocompost
125 abs-129
Effectiveness of Corn Cob Biochar Application Technique and NPK Fertilizer Dosage on Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Plant Production

Hefsi Afriana, Rusnadi Padjung, Nasaruddin, Reynaldi Laurenze

Indonesia has experienced a decline in cocoa productivity in the last five years. The use of corn cob biochar application techniques and NPK fertilizer doses as an effort to increase plant productivity. Biochar application techniques affect the percentage of nutrients that can be absorbed by plant roots. NPK fertilizer plays a role in providing nutrients needed by plants. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of corn cob biochar application techniques and NPK fertilizer doses on cocoa plant production. The study was designed using a Split Plot Design with the main plot being the biochar application technique consisting of: broadcasting technique, ring placement technique, and spot placement technique. Subplots are NPK fertilizer doses consisting of: NPK 0 g/tree (control), NPK 175 g/tree, NPK 350 g/tree, and NPK 525 g/tree. The results of the bivariate correlation analysis showed that the treatment of biopore application technique, spreading, and ring placement biochar corn cob gave a linear response and was significantly correlated and the treatment of NPK fertilizer 525 g/tree showed the best results on the parameters of chlorophyll a (295.84 µmol.m-2), chlorophyll b (124.94 µmol.m-2), total chlorophyll (746.30 µmol.m-2), clusters formed (62.89 clusters), nipples formed (33.67 nipples), percentage of fallen fruit nipples (75.83%), percentage of retained fruit (24.17%), number of harvested fruits (3.83 fruits), number of seeds per fruit (32.76 seeds), dry weight of 100 seeds (129.72 g), production per tree (163.32 g), and production per hectare (181.45 kg). The treatment of biopore application technique, spreading, and ring placement of corn cob biochar and NPK fertilizer 525 g/tree showed the best results in the parameters of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, clusters formed, nipples formed. percentage of fallen fruit nipples, percentage of retained fruit, number of harvested fruits, number of seeds per fruit, dry weight of 100 seeds, production per tree, and production per hectare.

Keywords : application, biochar, cocoa, NPK, production, technique
126 abs-130
The Effect of Providing Trichocompost and Auxin Types on Flowering and Production of Cocoa Plants (Theobroma cacao L.)

Fatma Pramudita, Nasaruddin, Rusnadi Padjung, Reynaldi Laurenze

The productivity of cocoa crops in Indonesia over the past five years has been declining. Then it is necessary to improve the quality and quantity of the production of cocoa plants by using trichokompost and adding the hormone oxygen to supply in order to sustain the flowers. This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of the administration of trichocompost and the use of the type of oxygen on the growth and production of the best cocoa. The study was structured using a 2-Factor Factor Plan (F2F) based on a group random plan (RAK) pattern with 4 levels of trichocompost controlled (without trichocompost), 2.7 kg/ plant, 5.4 kg/ plants, 8.1 kg/ crops) and four levels of the type of oxygen namely IBA, IAA, NAA, 2,4-D. Treatment of trichocomposis and auxin interacted with the number of fruit blades formed, the percentage of falling blades, and the percent of young survivors, as well as the amount of crops. Treatment of trichocompost doses has a real influence on the number of flowers that are formed and weigh 100 dried seeds. And treatment of this type of auxin had a significant effect on the number of seeds per fruit and the weight of 100 dry seeds. The 8.1 kg/plant trichocompost treatment showed the best results in the parameters of the number of flower dots formed, the number of fruit dots that appeared, the number of fruit harvested, the weight of 100 dry seeds. The NAA auxin type treatment showed the best results in the parameters of number of fruit nipples formed, percentage of fruit nipples falling, percentage of surviving fruit, number of harvested fruit, weight of 100 dry seeds.

Keywords : auxin; cocoa; resilience; productivity; trichocompost
127 abs-131
Comparison two formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis in control Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda J. E Smith

Ade Sugiarti1,*, Baharuddin2, Itji Diana Daud2, Melina2

In the few years, Fall Armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda J. E. Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) known as the destructive pests of maize in many agricultural land. The problem against FAW, they are spread very faster and yield loss potential in maize. Entomopathogen bacteria such as Bacillus thuringiensis able to control population of FAW. B. thuringiensis is known as the most successful microbial insecticide worldwide used against lepidopteran insect pests in agriculture. Native isolate of B. thuringiensis believing as effective insecticidal activity against FAW was characterized on a morphological and molecular basis. Recent research has shown that B. thuringiensis can be established as an endophytic organism for controlling insect pests including FAW. The most common virulence factors of B. thuringiensis are the crystal toxin proteins produced during the sporulation phase of its growth cycle when ingested by susceptible insect larvae. The cry toxins solubilize in the gut and are further activated by the host gut protease. The active fragments cross the peritrophic membrane and bind to the protein receptor located on the brush border membrane of midgut epithelial cells and create pores that induce osmotic cell lysis and subsequent death. B. thuringiensis colonization playing role as endophyte in five maize cultivars by seed treatment, soil drenching, foliar application and combination of all methods. Related the formulations, based the laboratory research used feed dipping methods, 10% paste formulation of B. thuringiensis caused 100% mortality more effective than liquid (only 85% mortality) of FAW.

Keywords : Bacillus thuringiensis, entomopathogen, fall armyworm, maize
128 abs-132
Vegetation Composition and the Presence of Pathogenic Fungi that cause Agarwood from the Marumana Forest Ayamaru Papua

Y. Y. Salosa1,2, T.Kuswinanti3, I.Raya4, E.A. Martanto5

A species of tree called Aquilaria filaria produces agarwood in its trunk due to a pathogenic fungal infection.A. filaria appeared to be distributed along the shores of Ayamaru Lake and up to a few hundred yards from the edge of the lake. The first step in the artificial production of original Maibrat agarwood is the identification of pathogenic fungi. The study aimed to know the variation in vegetation stands containing A. filaria was sampled and to find out which types of pathogenic fungi occur in the strain of Aquilaria filaria. Between January and March 2023, both infected and uninfected A samples were used for the study. Filaria comes from 40 plots (50 x 50 m each) in the Marumana Forest District in Ayamaru from the primary and secondary forests of Papua. A fungal sample was isolated and identified in the microbiology laboratory of the State University of Papua. Sample plots were selected (purposive sampling) to represent differences in human influences and plant communities were distinguished by TWINSPAN. And A descriptive methodology is used in this study. There were 40 releves and 146 plant species were recorded and three different plant communities within the A. filaria habitat: Community of Pometia pinata-Parkia seciosa (undisturbed), Community of Frecynetia sp-Sceflera sp (disturbed) and Community of Hebenaria sp- Spathiostemon javanensis (moderately disturbed). Aquilaria filaria from the Marumana forest is infected with five pathogenic fungi according to the results of pathogenicity tests. These include Rhizopus sp. and Trichoderma sp. Fusarium sp. Penicillium, Aspergillus niger, and others.

Keywords : Key words: Vegetation composition, Identification, Pathogenic fungi, Aquilaria filaria
129 abs-133
Biological Control of Blast Disease (Pyricularia oryzae) in Rice Plants through the Application of Penicillium sp., Aspergillus flavus, and Trichoderm

Tutik Kuswinanti1, Alfani2,*

Rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) are the main commodity for the people of Indonesia. Rice is consumed to meet the main carbohydrate needs. Blast disease is a major disease that can reduce the quality and quantity of rice production. Antagonistic fungi in rice plants can become biological agents of pest and disease control in plants. This study aims to determine the effect of biological control of blast disease on rice plants using antagonistic fungi. This research started from the propagation of isolates, then the provision of test plants, seed seeding, plant transfer, fertilization, then the application of antagonistic fungi followed by inoculation of P. oryzae fungi. The results of the fungal application showed that the incubation period of the pathogen (P. oryzae) in the control was faster than that of plants given antagonistic fungi. The incidence of disease in control was 55% and the lowest in treatment with Trichoderma sp. treatment which only reached 28%. The intensity of the disease with the highest attack was also observed in the control at 62,33%, while in treatment with antagonist were 35.18% in treatment with Aspergillus sp., 30,38% in Penicillium sp. treatment, and the lowest in Trichoderma sp. treatment at 18,85%.

Keywords : Bioagents, Antagonistic fungi, Incubation period, Disease intensity
130 abs-134
Application of Mulch and Trichocompost Types to the Growth and Production of Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.

Fatimah Nurul Hikmah, Nuniek Widiayani, Nasaruddin

Cocoa productivity in Indonesia has declined in the last five years. One of the causes is the level of attack by plant pests, especially cocoa fruit rot disease caused by the fungus Phytophthora palmivora. One solution that can be used is the use of organic mulch and organic trichocompost fertilizer. Aim. This study aims to determine and study the effect of the application of mulch and trichocompost types on the growth and production of cocoa plants. Method. The study was arranged using a Split Plot (RPT) design with the main plot being the type of mulch consisting of: without mulch, dry leaf mulch, and coconut fiber mulch. The subplot is trichocompost consisting of: without trichocompost 0 kg/tree, trichocompost 2.5 kg/tree, t2 trichocompost 5 kg/tree, and trichocompost 7.5 kg/tree. Results. The interaction of using coconut fiber mulch with 5 kg/tree of trichocompost had a significant effect on the parameters of fruit bud formation (35.76 buds). The use of trichocompost had a significant effect with the best results in the trichocompost treatment of 5 kg/tree on the parameters of stomatal density (565.61 stomata/mm2), chlorophyll a (268.56 µmol.m-2), chlorophyll b (110.39 µmol.m-2), total chlorophyll (706.61 µmol.m-2), flower clusters formed (65.89 clusters, percentage of fallen fruit nipples (72.38%), percentage of retained fruit (27.62%), number of fruits, production per tree (185.26 g), production per hectare (205.85). Conclusion. The application treatment without mulch, dry leaf mulch, and coconut fiber mulch and trichocompost kg/tree showed the best results in the parameters of stomatal density, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll, clusters formed, nipples formed. percentage of fallen fruit nipples, percentage fruit survival, number of harvested fruits, number of seeds per fruit, dry weight of 100 seeds, production per tree, and production per hectare. Key words: cocoa plants, mulch, trichokompos.

Keywords : cocoa plants, mulch, trichokompos.
131 abs-135
Decomposition of cacao pod husk waste using a combination of trichoderma harzianum, trametes versicolor, pleurotus ostreatus, and mikrobatTM

Fitrianti1,*, Tutik Kuswinanti2, Melina3 ,Jayadi4 ,Ratnawaty5

Cocoa pod husk is a waste product that can be converted into nutritious organic fertilizer, which improves soil structure and increases cocoa producers' income. Microorganisms can be a more efficient way to convert cocoa residue into organic fertilizer. Three isolates, Trichoderma harzianum, Trametes versicolor, Pleurotus ostreatus, and a bacterial formula MikrobatTM, were tested in vitro for their ability to degrade cocoa pod husk and prevent the growth of Lasiodiplodia theobromae. Three replications were performed to test various combinations of isolates and bacterial formulae. The results indicate that all isolates and the Mikrobat formula effectively break down cocoa pod husk waste. In the dual culture test, T. harzianum demonstrated the most inhibitory effect against L. theobromae on both potato dextrose agar and potato dextrose broth. Trichoderma harzianum's interactions and antagonistic mechanisms include antibiosis, competition for space and nutrients, mycoparasitism, and lysis, all of which have an inhibitory effect of 66.8%. Trametes versicolor's interaction type and antagonistic mechanism is mycoparasitism, which has an inhibitory effect of 40.3%. The Microbat formula features an antibiosis mechanism that inhibits growth by 19.74%.

Keywords : decomposition, dual culture ,white rot fungi
132 abs-136
Development of molecular early detection technique of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense on banana: a literature review

Rezki Meylansari1, A Nasruddin1, Baharuddin Patandjengi1

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) is a soil-borne pathogen that invades the root system and causes blockage of xylem vessels, posing a significant threat to global banana production by causing Fusarium wilt disease. Detecting this plant pathogen early is essential for effective disease management. Traditional methods such as symptom visualization and microscopic observation have proven to be inaccurate. To address this case, molecular detection technologies have been developed to provide more accurate and sensitive methods for early detection. Several methods such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Real-Time PCR (qPCR), Isolated isothermal PCR (iiPCR), and Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) have been used. PCR and qPCR are highly accurate and sensitive but require optimization and validation. iiPCR enables rapid field detection and high sensitivity. LAMP offers rapid and portable detection, making it suitable for field use, although contamination remains a challenge. This article reviews recent developments in Foc molecular early detection technologies, evaluates the effectiveness of each method, and discusses the challenges and future prospects in implementing these technologies for Foc control. Furthermore, the results of the review will be applied to produce Foc-free banana seedlings through tissue culture.

Keywords : Moleculer diagnosis, wilt disease, iiPCR, LAMP, PCR, qPCR
133 abs-137
Review: Diversity and function of Rhizosphere fungi in controlling downy mildew on maize

Hikmahwati(1)(2), Tutik Kuswinanti (3), Ade Rosmana(3), and Andi Nasruddin (3)

Downy mildew is caused by an obligate pathogen of the family Peronosporaceae (class Omycetes) that attacks many crops, causing significant economic impacts on cultivated crops with high economic value. The loss rate of downy mildew on maize (Zea mays) is between 20 and 100%. The purpose of this review article was discuss the abundance and role of the rhizospheric microbiome in downy mildew control in maize. The method used was systematic literature analysis and bibliometric review using VOSviewer software to deterrmine the novelty. The Result five main clusters are identified by the findings of the literature research and VOSviewer analyses, which are as follows: downy mildew, metagenomic, rhizosphere fungal diversity, and biocontrol. The abundance of fungi in the rhizosphere is highly diverse, may be examined using metagenomic approaches, and has the ability to manage plant diseases such as downy mildew in maize plants, including Trichoderma spp., Fusarium spp. Aspergillus, Paecelomyces, and Acromonium. In summary, metagenomics can be employed to assess the abundance of rhizosphere fungi, and several of these fungi exhibit promise as disease control agents, most notably downy mildew in maize plants. The rhizosphere area contains an abundance of prospective fungi that may be beneficial for the purpose of downy mildew control in maize.

Keywords : maize, biocontrol, abundance, plant disease
134 abs-138
Living on easy acces to finance and markets, will women entrepreneurs in MSMEs with prior experience be able to survive in the agriculture region?

Almas Farah Dinna Dewi, Handriyono, Isti Fadah, Dea Nova Agustiyaningsih

This study examines whether women entrepreneurs in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in East Java, which is an agrarian region, can sustain their businesses with easy access to finance, markets, and entrepreneurial experience. Using logistic regression analysis, this study reveals that access to markets and entrepreneurial experience have a positive impact on MSME performance, but access to finance has a negative impact. Contrary to common expectations, these findings suggest that having easy access to finance does not necessarily improve the performance of women-led MSMEs in agrarian settings. This highlights the need for a deeper understanding of the specific challenges facing women entrepreneurs in the region and suggests that other factors may play an important role in ensuring the sustainability of these enterprises.

Keywords : Agrarian, Finance, Market, MSMEs, Women Entrepreneurs
135 abs-139
Revitalizing Rural Agribusiness through Gender Equality: A Study on the Role of MSMEs in Tourism-Driven Economic Development

Handriyono1, A F D Dewi2, I Fadah3, dan S R Ramadhan4

The growing tourism industry offers significant growth opportunities for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), which play a significant role in the sector. This study aims to investigate and analyze the factors influencing the expansion of MSMEs in Indonesia's tourism industry, with a focus on the implications of gender differences among entrepreneurs. Using a quantitative approach, this study used a survey distributed through questionnaires to collect primary data samples from 217 MSMEs in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Consisting of 93 male genders, and 124 female genders The path analysis method using SmartPLS was carried out to assess the direct and indirect relationship between variables that affect the performance of MSMEs. This study reveals that while innovation directly contributes positively to the growth of MSMEs, its indirect effects through destination branding are detrimental. This shows that the misalignment between innovation and brand strategy can hinder the growth of MSMEs. In addition, product quality, entrepreneurial orientation, and information technology significantly affect the growth of MSMEs through effective goal branding. However, communication and networking did not show a significant impact, pointing to the need for a more focused and efficient strategy in this area. In particular, gender-based analysis highlights the differences between male and female entrepreneurs, Through the study revealed that there was no striking difference in the factors affecting the growth of MSMEs no different from the gender differences of MSME actors. This reflects the broader gender equality goals outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reveals how these goals are represented in the tourism MSME sector. This research offers a new perspective by linking innovation strategies and destination branding with the growth of MSMEs in the tourism sector, while addressing the gender gap among entrepreneurs, thereby contributing to the discourse of gender equality in the context of tourism MSMEs.

Keywords : Destination Branding, Gender Equality, Innovation, MSME growth, Tourism Industry, SEM-PLS,
136 abs-140
Effect of Water Supply Level on Growth and Quality of Corn Straws as Animal Feed in Vertisol from Kupang Regency

Masria , M Syarifuddin , MK Salli, CBDP Mahardika,

This study investigates the effect of different water levels on Vertisol treated with biochar on the growth and quality of maize stalks as animal feed. The research employs a completely randomized design with a single factor of water content, namely K1 (100% field capacity), K2 (90% field capacity), K3 (80% field capacity), and K4 (70% field capacity) with six replications. The plant growth components observed include height, number, and leaf area. Proximate analysis determined feed quality with observed parameters, including dry weight, nitrogen, ash content, crude fat, crude fibre, and crude protein. The study shows that treatments K1 and K2 provide the best outcomes for plant growth, while treatment K4 yields the best results for dry weight, ash content, and crude fat. Conversely, treatment K3 provides the best nitrogen content, crude protein, and crude fibre results.

Keywords : Water Supply Level, Growth and Quality of Corn Straws, Animal Feed, Vertisol
137 abs-141
Interaction of Irrigation Pattern and Nitrogen Dose on Growth and Productivity of Some Maize Varieties

Abd. Rahman Arinong1,2, Rusnadi Padjung3*, Muh. Farid3, Burhanudin Rasyid4, Harry5

Maize productivity cannot be separated from the interaction between genetics and the environment. An optimal environment must support genetic potential. The environment needs to be engineered to optimize maize productivity potential. The growing environment can be engineered by adjusting irrigation patterns and fertilization, especially nitrogen fertilizer. The interaction between the two will give a dynamic pattern to the growth and productivity of corn. Therefore, research related to the interaction of irrigation patterns and nitrogen doses is essential in supporting the sustainability of corn productivity. This research was conducted with a split-plot design that was repeated three times. The main plot was the irrigation system (three irrigation patterns), followed by the sub-plot, nitrogen dose (seven nitrogen doses). Observations focused on the agronomic characteristics of maize plants. based on the results of this study, irrigation patterns and/or nitrogen doses significantly affected all maize growth characters with various interaction patterns. Productivity, as the main character, showed a significant interaction between the interaction pattern of irrigation and variety, the interaction of nitrogen and variety, and the interaction of the three factors. These results indicate that each irrigation pattern has specific potential for the interaction dose and variety. Therefore, the results of this study can be a recommendation for modeling maize productivity, especially in the face of diverse rainfall patterns

Keywords : Hybrid corn, Interaction analysis, Nitrogen fertilizer, Plant modeling, Zea mays
138 abs-142
Honey Marketing Strategy in Jayawijaya Regency (Case Study of Beekepers by the Jayawijaya Regency Agriculture Office)

Herlyani. S, Ahmad Ramadhan Siregar, Nurdjanah Hamid

The strategy related to company targets is vital to achieving the company’s goals. It helps companies to make appropriate decisions to compete in the market. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze internal and external factors, formulate marketing strategies and develop alternative priorities for honey marketing strategies in Jayawijaya Regency by applying informant interviews, observation, and documentation as research techniques by taking two groups of beekeepers as informant, namely the Rahma and Kim Akim Groups located on Sinakma. According to the study's results, honey in Jayawijaya Regency is in quadrant III, so a turnaround strategy is required to take advantage of better market opportunities by improving product packaging, expanding the range of available products, and spreading awareness of the financial advantages of honey bee farming, particularly among young people. The alternative strategy carried out by beekeepers is to maintain honey quality with low water content, and goods taste is also a certified geographical identification.

Keywords : Distric Wamena, marketing strategy, SWOT
139 abs-143
A Preliminary Report on the Diversity of Bacterial Isolates from the Maize Rhizosphere in Acidic Soil

Akhmad Syakur1 Baharuddin Patandjengi*2,Fahruddin3 Muhammad Fuad Anshori4

This study aimed to the diversity of rhizosphere bacterial isolates associated with maize (Zea mays L.) cultivated in acidic soils of Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province. Acidic soils characterized by low pH and limited nutrients, but the ability of microorganisms can adapt according to their habitat. However, microorganisms, particularly rhizosphere bacteria, exhibit remarkable adaptability to such conditions. The research employed serial dilution and culture on Nutrient Agar (NA) media to isolate bacteria from rhizosphere soil samples. A total of 14 bacterial isolates were toward will different morphological characteristics. All bacterial isolates found are Gram-positive bacteria. The findings reveal a high diversity of rhizosphere bacterial isolates, suggesting their potential role in enhancing plant growth as biofertilizers. Further research is necessary to evaluate the physiological and molecular potential of these bacterial isolates in nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, and the production of plant growth hormones. Additionally, exploring the potential application of these bacteria as biocontrol agents or biofertilizers could contribute to improving maize productivity in acidic soils.

Keywords : Bacteria, Rhizosphere, Maize, Acidic
140 abs-144
Indigofera sp. As an Amendment to Ruminant Feed: An Overlooked Potential

M. Jurhadi Kadir1,, Asmuddin Natsir2*, Jamila Mustabi3 , Ihsan A Dagong4

In this study, the existing literature data on the study of Indigofera plants as ruminant animal feed is described with fifty reference sources. Until now, fifty have been described from various species of the genus Indigofera. Description of the plants diversity of various species of Indigofera used as animal feed, the nutritional components that make up it, the effect on the level of consumption, weight gain, feed digestibility and feed efficiency as well as the benefits of Indigofera on livestock rumen and its chemical components are mostly phenolic and flavonoids and compounds that act as antihelminths, phytochemicals and antimicrobials. Metabolites from crude extracts from plants of the genus Indigofera found showed that bioactivity included antimicrobials, insecticides, phytotoxics, antiulcergics, hepatotoxics, teratogenic and cytotoxicity. Another description of the symbiotic ability of plants, soil and livestock and their sustainability. Other constituents isolated from the genus Indigofera showed inhibitory activity against lipoxygenase enzymes and gastrointestinal activity. This journal article review is a scientific review of Indigofera as an amended forage crop as a neglected ruminant fodder.

Keywords : Indigofera sp, nutrition, feed amendment, ruminant livestock
141 abs-145
Determining Rice Planting Time Based on Water Requirement and Water Availibility in the Kalola Irrigation Area

Indriani, Muh. Ansar*, Zulkarnain Chairuddin

Wajo Regency is the second largest rice production center in South Celebes. Farmers often encounter challenges such as insufficient irrigation water to meet the water requirements of rice plants and the timing of harvest coinciding with the rainy season, mainly due to unpredictable weather patterns. Adjusting planting times and patterns based on water availability and sufficiency is essential to address these issues. This research aims to determine optimal rice planting times by evaluating water requirements and availability. Water requirements were calculated using Cropwat 8.0, while water availability was assessed based on the 80% Weibull probability method. The findings indicate that the lowest water requirement during the Rendeng season occurs in the early planting period of April II and the Gadu season in October III. The recommended planting periods for the Kalola Irrigation area are from April II to August I for the rendeng season and from October III to February II for the Gadu season. The water requirement for the rendeng season is 202.3 mm/dec, while for the Gadu season, it is 397.7 mm/dec. The reliable discharge ranges from 0.57 to 5.12 m³/s during the rendeng season and from 0.21 to 0.45 m³/s during the Gadu season.

Keywords : Reliable Discharge, Cropwat 8.0, Planting Time, Cropping Pattern
142 abs-146
Transformation of Agricultural Waste with Biostimulants: A Natural Solution to Enhance Resilience of Maize Zea Mays L. to Abiotic Stress

Dwi Lestari1,*, Amir Yassi2, Elkawakib Syam’un3, Muhammad Azrai4

Abiotic stress is a major challenge in maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. The use of biostimulants from agricultural wastes offers an environmentally friendly solution to enhance plant resistance to extreme environmental conditions. This review will review the different types of agricultural wastes that have potential as sources of biostimulants, as well as the mechanism of action of biostimulants in enhancing root growth and development, water and nutrient use efficiency, and inducing plant defense responses to stress. In addition, factors that influence the effectiveness of biostimulant application, such as crop type, growth stage, and type of stress, will also be discussed. The results of this review are expected to provide more specific recommendations regarding the formulation and application of agricultural waste-based biostimulants in increasing corn productivity in a sustainable manner.

Keywords : Abiotic stress, Biostimulant, Agricultural waste, Maize (Zea mays L.), Plant Resilience
143 abs-147
Dryland Optimization Using Biochar Enriched with Alginate-Producing Bacteria to Improve Morphophysiology of Pakchoy (Brassica Rapa L)

Salensia Haryati Afonso1, Baharuddin Patandjengi2*, Burhanuddin Rasyid3, Ifayanti Ridwan Saleh4

The decline in the quality of drylands is hampering global agricultural production due to the low capacity of the soil to store water and nutrients. Biochar, with its high porosity and surface area, has the potential to improve soil structure as well as increase water retention capacity and nutrient availability. In addition, biochar combinations enriched with alginate-producing bacteria such as Azotobacter sp., Bacillus sp., and Pseudomonas sp. Can improve plant morphophysiology through nitrogen fixation mechanisms, phosphate solubilization, and systemic resistance to environmental stress. This study aims to review the role of alginate-producing bacteria-enriched rice husk biochar in increasing the growth and adaptation of Pakchoy plants (Brassica rapa L.) in dry land. This systematic review was carried out based on PRISMA guidelines, with literature selected from international journals in the last three years. Research shows that biochar acts as a carrier of microorganisms that can improve nutrient retention, water use efficiency, and overall soil health. The integration of biochar with microbes has been shown to increase crop yields, improve soil structure, and support nutrient cycling through increased soil microbial activity. Microbe-enriched biochar also increases the diversity of soil microbes that play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter and nutrient availability. However, research on the specific interactions between biochar and microbial strains is still limited, so further studies are needed to understand the mechanisms underlying this synergistic relationship. It is hoped that biochar materials enriched with microorganisms have the potential to be an innovative solution in facing the challenges of agriculture in dry land.

Keywords : : Dryland Challenge, Biochar, Pakchoy, Bacteria, Alginate
144 abs-148
Prevalence and Identification of Fungal Pathogens Causing Postharvest Diseases in Cayenne Peppers from Traditional Markets in Makassar, Indonesia

Eirene Brugman*1, Auliah Mufliha1, Gledis Rahmawati1, Nurul Fadilah Sari1, Muhammad Rifqy Fauzi1

Postharvest diseases caused by fungal pathogens lead to significant economic losses in horticultural commodities in Indonesia, including cayenne peppers. These diseases often occur during storage and transportation, thus increasing losses for farmers and traders. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of postharvest diseases in cayenne peppers and the pathogens associated with these diseases. Cayenne peppers were collected from three traditional markets in Makassar. Sample collection was conducted using the cluster sampling method. A total of 1 kg of cayenne peppers was randomly collected from 5 subgroups (traders) from each market. The samples were then incubated separately at room temperature for 7 days. The prevalence of postharvest diseases was calculated based on the percentage of samples showing signs and symptoms of disease during the incubation period. Koch's postulates were tested to confirm the pathogens causing the postharvest diseases. The pathogens associated with the samples were identified based on symptomatology and morphological characteristics. The results showed that the prevalence of postharvest diseases reached 87%. The identification results indicated that the fungal pathogens associated with these diseases were Colletotrichum spp. and Lasiodiplodia spp.

Keywords : anthracnose, postharvest fungal pathogens, Colletotrichum spp., Lasiodiplodia spp.
145 abs-149
Prediction of Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) Change Using CA-ANN Model in Bila Catchment, Indonesia

R Asra1,2, A Munir3*, H Zubair4, M Achmad5

Spatiotemporal analysis of land use and land cover (LULC) change is crucial due to rapid land conversion and its environmental impacts. Anthropogenic activities accelerate LULC changes, significantly affecting water quantity and quality in watersheds. Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies are widely employed to monitor LULC patterns and simulate future scenarios. This study focuses on the Bila catchment, where the Bila River serves as the primary water source for agriculture. The research evaluates LULC changes between 2012 and 2024, using the Maximum Likelihood Supervised Classification (MLSC) method to classify six LULC type: forest, shrubs, dryland agriculture, wetland agriculture, built-up area, and water bodies. The results from 2012 to 2024 show an increase in dryland agriculture (22.6%), wetland agriculture (17.65%), built-up area (29.65%), and water bodies (3.48%), while forests and shrubs decreased by 3.34% and 29.23%, respectively. Future LULC changes, using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and cellular automata (CA), predict that between 2024 and 2036, dryland agriculture, wetland agriculture, and built-up area will increase by 12.76%, 15.35%, and 15.35%, respectively, while shrubs, forests, and water bodies will decrease by 25.12%, 2.94%, and 3.15%, respectively. These findings support sustainable land management and inform government decision-making for environmental protection.

Keywords : Bila catchment, CA-ANN, LULC, Prediction model
146 abs-150
Determination of Physical Characteristics of Selayar Tangerines (Citrus reticulata Blanco): roundness, roundness, volume and density

Ilham Ahmad, Mursalim, Salengke, Abdul Waris

Tangerine (Citrus reticulate Blanco) is a superior local citrus and is known as Indonesia's mandarin orange. Tangerines are highly favored by the public because they have a sweet fresh slightly sour taste, attractive fruit skin color and the skin easily separates from the inside of the orange so it is easy to peel. The quality of tangerines is determined by their physical properties. These physical properties include size, weight, volume, and diameter. Post-harvest tangerine technology can be done by grading in order to obtain tangerine quality according to its standards. This study aims to determine the physical properties of Selayar tangerines used in the grading process. Determination of roundness and roundness was measured using a caliper. Determination of volume and density was measured using a beaker. Analysis of research data using the normal distribution one-way z-test to the left. The results of data analysis showed that the z-count values of roundness, roundness, volume, and density were 1.07; 0.82; 0.57; 0.51 and -ztabel of -1.65. This means zcount ≥ -ztabel, where the average value of the physical properties of Selayar tangerines is greater or equal to the object of research, roundness of 0.94, roundness of 0.94, volume of 86 cm3 and density of 1.03 g/cm3. Thus, the results of these physical properties can be used as a reference when grading Selayar tangerines with size code 2.

Keywords : Selayar tangerine, roundness, sphericity, volume, density
147 abs-151
Fermentation of duck bone meal using mixed microorganisms to improve its nutritional quality

Surianti, Zainuddin, Siti Aslamyah, Hasni Yulianti Azis

Fermentation of duck bone meal using mixed microorganisms, such as Bacillus sp., Rhizopus sp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is proven to be an effective method in improving the nutritional quality of feed ingredients. The fermentation process is able to break down complex compounds, such as protein and crude fiber, into simpler forms that are easily digested by cultured organisms. In addition, fermentation also increases the bioavailability of essential minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus, which support optimal growth of aquatic animals such as vaname shrimp. This research is expected to produce cheaper and environmentally friendly alternative feed ingredients to support the aquaculture industry, especially in the production of feed for vaname shrimp. This study aims to improve the nutritional quality of duck bone meal through fermentation using mixed microorganisms, namely Bacillus sp., Rhizopus sp., and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The method used in this study involves variations in dosage and length of fermentation time. Duck bone meal was fermented with three doses of mixed microorganisms (0.5 mL, 1 mL, and 1.5 mL/100 g bone meal) and three lengths of incubation time (12, 24, and 36 hours). Proximate composition measured included protein, crude fat, crude fiber, Extracted Material Without Nitrogen (BETN), ash, and calcium. The analysis showed that fermentation significantly increased protein, crude fat, and calcium contents, and decreased crude fiber. The best treatment was obtained at a dose of 1.5 mL/100 g with an incubation time of 36 hours, which resulted in the highest protein content (42.7%), crude fat (23.46%), and calcium (10.46%). This improvement in nutritional quality is due to the enzymatic activity of microorganisms that can break down complex protein compounds, increase mineral bioavailability, and reduce anti-nutritional compounds. The results of this study indicate that fermentation with mixed microorganisms can be an effective method to improve the nutritional value of duck bone meal as a feed ingredient in the aquaculture industry.

Keywords : Duck bone, fermentation, in vitro, mixed microbes, nutrition
148 abs-152
Characteristic and Anticholesterol Agents of Dendrocalamus asper And Chromolaena odorata Extract Encapsulated in Maltodextrin-Chitosan by Spray Drying

D T Dermawan1, M Mahendradatta1, Zainal1*

Rebung (Dendrocalamus asper) and balakacida (Chromolaena odorata) leaves extracts have shown potential in lowering cholesterol. However, these extracts are prone to oxidation and damage. Therefore, encapsulation proves to be an effective way to enhance the stability and effectiveness of these extracts. This research aimed to analyze the impact of different concentrations maltodextrin and chitosan on the characteristics of the encapsulant. Additionally, we aim to identify the optimal concentrations and examine the effect of encapsulation on the reduction of cholesterol levels. This research method use utilizes a factorial complete randomized design to compare maltodextrin and chitosan. The comparative treatment of maltodextrin and chitosan carried out was A1 (95%:5%), A2 (90%:10%) and A3 (85%:15%), which was then used to determine the best treatment to be used in the anticholesterol test by comparing it with A0 (extract without encapsulation). The results of this research show that a higher concentration of chitosan affects the viscosity of the emulsion. This can result in lower efficiency, higher water content, and the formation of microporosity on the surface of the particles. Additionally, the ratio of maltodextrin to chitosan impacts the increase in water content during storage, color intensity, particle size, and water solubility. The optimal ratio of maltodextrin to chitosan is A2 (90%: 10%). The optimal ratio of maltodextrin to chitosan is A2 (90%: 10%). Furthermore, the spray drying encapsulation process does not impact the effectiveness extracts as anticholesterol agents, cholesterol reduction decrease of 21.33 ± 4.93 mg/dL for A0 and 23.33 ± 2.31 mg/dL for A2.

Keywords : Balakacida, cholesterol, emulsion, encapsulated and rebung.
149 abs-153
Analysis of Water Availability in Rainfed Rice Field in Mangarabombang District, Takalar Regency Using the Thornthwaite-Mather Method

Asrar Bayu Risaldy Adil1,*, Syamsul Arifin Lias2, Sartika Laban3

Mangarabombang District is one of the areas in Takalar Regency where the agricultural sector is the main livelihood. The use of rice field in Mangarabombang District is rainfed rice field where meeting water needs is determined by rainfall patterns. Rainfall patterns affect air availability, planting patterns, length of planting period and crop commodities on agricultural land. The condition of air availability on agricultural land can be determined using air balance analysis. Estimation of potential water availability can be done using the Thornthwaite-Mather method. This research aims to analyze the potential for water availability in rainfed rice field in Mangarabombang District and determine surplus and deficit months. Soil sampling was carried out on rainfed rice field with Alfisol and Entisol soil types. The soil samples used are intact soil samples and disturbed soil samples. Analysis of physical and chemical properties of soil in the form of permeability, bulk density, texture, C-organic. The Thornthwaite-Mather method uses a surplus and deficit approach. Surplus is determined by subtracting the average monthly rainfall (P) from the amount of potential evapotranspiration (ETp) and changes in soil moisture (∆ST). Deficit is determined by subtracting the potential evapotranspiration value (ETp) from the actual evapotranspiration value (ETa). The average rainfall for the last ten years (2013-2022) is 2231 mm/year while the average ETp value is 2589 mm/year. The surplus in Mangarabombang District reached 645 mm/year on rainfed rice field with Entisol soil type and 647 mm/year on rainfed rice field with Alfisol soil type which occurred from December to March. The deficit in Mangarabombang District reached 1002.6 mm/year in rainfed rice field with Entisol soil type and 1004.6 mm/year in rainfed rice field with Alfisol soil type which occurred from April to November. The soil texture in Mangarabombang District is dominated by the clay fraction, the soil organic C content is in the medium category, the average bulk density value is <1.30 g/mm and the soil permeability is in the medium category. The results of the analysis of potential water availability using the Thornthwaite-Mather method in Mangarabombang District show that there is a surplus from December to March and a water deficit occurs from April to November.

Keywords : Evapotranspiration, Rice field, Thormthwaite-Mather, Water availability
150 abs-154
The Influence of Land Use Changes on the Water Management Conditions of Tallo Watershed

Engki Fatiawan1,*, Hazairin Zubair2, Syamsul Arifin Lias3

Land use conversion affects the water management of a watershed, leading to flooding, erosion, and sedimentation. Tallo Watershed located in South Sulawesi is considered critical due to frequent flooding. This study aims to analyze the water management aspects resulting from land use conversion in Tallo Watershed. The methods used include spatial analysis with supervised classification to examine land cover changes and the Ministry of Forestry Regulation No. P61 of 2014 for water management evaluation. The largest land use conversion occurred in paddy fields, which decreased by 3,731.37 hectares, shrubs decreased by 1,484.87 hectares, mixed dryland agriculture by 1,017.29 hectares, water bodies by 317.60 hectares, mangrove forests by 218.27 hectares, and swamp shrubs by 26.99 hectares. These areas were converted into settlements covering 4,348.42 hectares, dryland agriculture 2,070.95 hectares, plantation forests 155.63 hectares, secondary dryland forests 34.01 hectares, airports 93.80 hectares, fish ponds 68.16 hectares, open land 19.16 hectares, and savannas 6.25 hectares. From the water management aspect, Flow Regime Coefficient value was >110, classified as very high, Annual Flow Coefficient was >0.5, also very high; sediment load and flooding were categorized as very high, and Water Usage Index value was <1700, categorized as very poor. As a result, the water management of the Tallo Watershed is classified as very poor, with a score of >130. The water management carrying capacity of Tallo Watershed falls into very poor classification from 2003 to 2022, mainly due to land use conversion and forest area covering only 11% of the total Tallo Watershed area.

Keywords : Flood, Flow Coefficient, Sediment, Water
151 abs-155
Measuring the Success of Gojek's GoGreen Program and its Partnership with the Ministry of Environment: A Case Study in Makassar

Era Jessica Paramma

This research examines the effectiveness of Gojek's GoGreen program and its collaboration with the Ministry of Environment in mitigating carbon emissions in Makassar, Indonesia. As a significant contributor to carbon emissions in Southeast Asia, Indonesia faces critical environmental challenges, particularly in urban areas like Makassar, which is marked by economic disparities and ecological degradation. The GoGreen initiative, which includes tree planting to offset transportation-related carbon footprints, exemplifies a strategic approach to fostering sustainability while engaging various stakeholders. Utilizing qualitative methods, including interviews and surveys, the study evaluates the partnership's success based on equity, effectiveness, efficiency, and exportability. Findings indicate that the program has successfully engaged stakeholders, reduced greenhouse gas emissions through innovative practices, and optimized resource use. The insights gained from this partnership provide a replicable model for other urban contexts facing similar environmental issues, emphasizing the importance of collaborative governance and technological integration in sustainability efforts.

Keywords : Carbon emissions, Gojek, GoGreen program, Makassar, public-private partnership, sustainability.
152 abs-156
Red rice rhizosphere fungi and their potential as biocontrol agent of pyricularia oryzae in vitro

Syatrawati12,Tutik Kuswinanti3*,Andi Nasruddin3, Ade Rosmana3

The rhizosphere of red rice plants is a typical ecosystem inhabited by beneficial microorganisms. One of them is a group of fungi that play an important role in nutrient provision and biocontrol agents against various rice plant diseases. This study aims to isolate, identify and test inhibition against blast disease caused by P. oryzae in rice plants. Soil samples were taken from rhizosphere of organically grown red rice. Isolation of rhizosphere fungi using the spread - plate method, morphological identification and dual culture inhibition test against the pathogen P.oryzae. The results showed that there were 15 isolates of fungi that had been isolated and purified. Antagonistic test of rhizosphere fungi against P.oryzae found 2 isolates of fungi classified as very potential category with a percentage of inhibition (79%), 10 isolates of fungi potential category (50 -73%), and 3 isolates of fungi potential category (40-48%). Based on the dual culture test, the reaction type of rhizospheric fungi against P.oyzae varied. The highest percentage of inhibition of fungal isolates was antagonistic fungi in the genus Trichoderma. Further research is needed to optimise the potential use of beneficial fungi for soil and plant health.

Keywords : blast, disease,control, fungi, red rice
153 abs-157
Extraction and characterization of lignin microparticles from coconut fiber with alkaline treatment and its potential as an antibacterial agent

I W Arnata1,*, A A M D Anggreni1, G Arda2 , N Masruchin3 and A I Wahyudiono1

Coconut fiber is produced in abundant quantities and utilized in various fields, but lignin, one of the most significant components, has not been optimally explored. This study aims to extract and characterize lignin microparticles from coconut fiber with alkaline treatment and to determine its potential as an antibacterial agent for Escherichia coli at various concentrations. The study was conducted through the stages of lignin extraction with alkaline treatment, characterization, and determination of lignin concentration as an E. coli antibacterial. The concentration of lignin as an antibacterial was carried out at 6 levels, namely 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%. Lignin characterization includes lignin content, surface morphology, functional groups, thermal stability, and clear zone diameter. The results showed that coconut fiber lignin had a reasonably high yield with a homogeneous morphology in the form of a round shape, microparticle size, evident peak intensity of the lignin functional group spectra, and relatively high thermal stability. Lignin microparticles produce a clear zone diameter that is increasingly higher with higher lignin concentration, so they have the potential to be used as an antibacterial agent for E. coli in food product applications.

Keywords : alkaline treatment, antibacterial, coconut fiber, Escherichia coli, lignin microparticles
154 abs-158
Comparative biology and damage potential of Callosobruchus maculatus on commercial mung bean and cowpea in Makassar, Indonesia

Asra Asra1,2, Wardani Syahrani1,2, Bhintang Maharani1,2, Laila Al Atsariyah1,2, Ravindra Chandra Joshi3,4, Ito Fernando5, M Bayu Mario1,2,*

The cowpea weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is a primary pest of legume beans, including mung bean and cowpea. Infestation during storage can result in substantial economic losses due to larval consumption of the seed endosperm, leading to hollow seeds and reduced quality and quantity. This study investigated the biology of C. maculatus and its impact on commercial mung bean and cowpea in Makassar, Indonesia. The result showed that mung bean supported a higher population growth of C. maculatus compared to cowpea. This was evident in the higher number of adult C. maculatus produced on mung bean (228.22 adults) compared to cowpea (190.22 adults). Additionally, adult weight was influenced by host species, with females and males being heavier on mung bean than on cowpea. However, cowpea experienced a higher percentage of bean damage. Infestation by C. maculatus resulted in a greater number of damaged beans (95.16%) and a higher percentage of bean weight loss (31.69%) in cowpea compared to mung bean (78.95% and 22.65%, respectively). This damage poses serious challenges to bean storage, leading to perforated beans, reduced nutritional value, and decreased bean weight. Ultimately, these damages can have significant economic consequences for stored legume commodities. Understanding the biology of C. maculatus and its damage potential are essential for developing effective pest management strategies to protect legume crops from infestation.

Keywords : Adult weight, Cowpea weevil, Grain weight loss, Legume beans, Population growth, Primary pest
155 abs-159
The pairwise host preference method of the maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais to four Indonesian cereal grains

M Bayu Mario1,2,*, Muhammad Taufik1,2, Ahmad Komaini1,2, Idul Anshar1,2, Paridah1,2, Ravindra Chandra Joshi3,4, Safira Nurul Izzah5, Ito Fernando6

The maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major stored-product pest of cereal grains in Indonesia. This pest causes significant economic losses by reducing grain quality and quantity. This study investigated the host preference for four Indonesian cereal grains, i.e. rice seed (Mekongga cultivar), milled rice (IR-64 cultivar), maize seed (Jakarin cultivar), and sorghum seed (Soper 7 cultivar). The study employed the pairwise comparison method using six combinations namely (1) rice seed vs. milled rice, (2) rice seed vs. maize seed, (3) rice seed vs. sorghum seed, (4) milled rice vs. maize seed, (5) milled rice vs. sorghum seed, (6) maize seed vs. sorghum seed. The adults showed significant preferences among these tested grains. Milled rice was more attractive to S. zeamais adults than rice seed and maize seed. Sorgum seed was more attractive than rice seed and maize seed. However, S. zeamais adults showed no significant preferences when rice seed paired with maize seed and milled rice paired with sorghum seed.

Keywords : Adult preference, Major pest, Maize seed, Milled rice, Sorghum seed, Stored-product pest, Rice seed
156 abs-160
Comparative Analysis of Extraction Times in Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction (UAE) for Albumin from Snakehead Fish (Channa striata)

E Sulkifli1, A B Tawali2,*, N Andarwulan3

Albumin is a vital protein that plays an essential role in various physiological functions, particularly in the medical and therapeutic fields, such as wound healing and nutritional supplementation. Snakehead fish (Channa striata) has been identified as a valuable alternative source of albumin, offering potential benefits over traditional sources. However, conventional extraction methods for albumin are often time-consuming and inefficient, highlighting the need for more advanced extraction techniques. This study aims to optimize time extraction of albumin from snakehead fish using the Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction (UAE) method with distilled water as the solvent. The research investigates the effect of extraction time as a critical factor, with varying durations of 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes. The objective is to determine the optimal extraction time that yields the highest albumin concentration. Two primary parameters were measured: soluble protein content and albumin concentration. The results of this study are expected to provide insights into the most effective extraction time for maximizing albumin yield using UAE. This method could offer a more efficient and sustainable approach to albumin extraction compared to conventional methods, contributing to the development of better processing techniques in the fish processing industry.

Keywords : Albumin, Snakehead fish, Ultrasonic Assisted Extraction
157 abs-161
Land Degradation Mapping Prediction in Prafi Watershed, West Papua: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Classifiers

S H Kubangun1*, S Baja2, H Zubair2, S Arif3

This study aims to produce a land degradation prediction map in the Prafi watershed, West Papua, using machine learning algorithms. The research begins with the identification of parameters contributing to land degradation, including climate, topography, environment, and anthropogenic factors. Land degradation has become a global issue, leading to reduced land productivity, loss of ecosystem services, and impacting the socio-economic conditions of local communities. The Prafi Watershed, which spans the Pegunungan Arfak Regency and Manokwari Regency, faces challenges of land conversion due to ecological, social, and economic changes in Manokwari as the capital city of West Papua Province. Spatial data was collected through the Google Earth Engine platform, with training data sourced from the Critical Land Map of BPDAS-HL Remu Ransiki and field verification. The data was split into 70% for training and 30% for validation using two classification algorithms: Random Forest (RF) and Gradient Tree Boost (GTB). The validation results showed that the RF algorithm achieved 98% accuracy with a kappa score of 97%, while GTB achieved 96% accuracy with a kappa score of 94%. Both algorithms proved effective in predicting land degradation and can serve as a basis for land management decision-making in the region.

Keywords : Land degradation, Prafi watershed, machine learning, random forest, gradient tree boost, google eart
158 abs-162
Production of Mini Tuber Seed of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) with Aeroponic System at Various Concentrations of Auxin, Gibberellin, and Cytokinin

Zulfardi Ashar1,3*, Elkawakib Syam’un2*, Fachirah Ulfa2*, Ifayanti Ridwan Saleh2*.

Potato is a horticultural crop that has excellent development prospects, due to its high economic value with a wide potential for local and foreign markets. Propagation of seed potatoes using aeroponic method in a green house using cuttings is one of the efforts to overcome the low availability of seed potatoes in the midst of changing climatic conditions. Growth regulators commonly used in potato cultivation practices are Auxin, Gibberellin, and Cytokinin. This research was conducted in Pattapang Village, Tinggimoncong Subdistrict, Gowa Regency. This research was conducted from January 2023 to November 2023. Three types of growth regulators were used, Auxin, Gibberellin, and Cytokinin applied to potato shoots grown aeroponically at levels of 5mL/L, 10 mL/L, and 15 mL/L, repeated three times. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the treatment of growth regulators significantly affects the vegetative and generative parameters of potato plants developed aeroponically. Auxin application with a concentration of 10 mL/L gives the best average growth. The development of quality mini potato tuber seedlings can be done by applying the hormone auxin with a concentration of 10 mL/L.

Keywords : Potato, Aeroponics, growth regulators, Production
159 abs-163
The Potential of Combining Loranthus morinda citrifolia and Stevia rebaudiana as a Herbal for Diabetes: A Review

A Nurmuksin1, A Iriany1,*, A Wahyudi1, W Warkoyo2, R Tonda3, N S Sebayang4, D E Puspita5, and M Sa'adu6

Abstract. Diabetes mellitus is a global chronic disease with a significantly increasing prevalence. The management of diabetes involves effective blood sugar control, often trough conventional therapy and lifestyle changes. Loranthus morinda citrifolia and stevia rebaudiana have the potential to serve as natural alternatives in diabetes management. Loranthus morinda citrifolia, a parasitic plant on the morinda citrifolia tree, contains bioactive compounds such as saponins,flavonoids, tannins, and alkaloids, which exhibit antidiabetic activities, including enanching insulin sensitivity and reducing blood sugar levels. Stevia, a natural sweetener with a glycemic index of zero, does not affect blood sugar levels and may help control blood sugar and insulin resistance. Based on literature review, their combination in tea offers dual benefits: lowering blood sugar levels and providing calorie-free sweetness. Although the literature suggest potential benefits, further research is required to confirm the effectiveness and safety of long-term use. With the growing interest in herbal and organic products, the development of noni mistletoe tea with stevia could meet the market demand for healthy alternatives in diabetes management.

Keywords : Antidiabetic properties, Blood sugar control, Insulin sensitivity, Organic diabetes treatment, Phyto
160 abs-164

Makmur1, M Farid2, A Ala2, K Mandja2, M F Anshori2, A K Akfindarwan3

Maize (Zea mays L.) is one of the food crops that has a strategic role in the economy of a country, including Indonesia. Increasing productivity is closely related to variety assembly activities. Selfing in the third generation (S3) is one of the early stages of generations that carry out the breeding process through self-pollination so as to produce pure strains that act as elders in forming hybrid varieties. This study aims to determine the selection criteria, as well as to determine the strains of transgressive segregants selection results. This research was conducted in Rea Village, Binuang District, West Sulawesi from July to November. The study used an augmented design consisting of 4 blocks using 16 populations of three types of crosses namely Single Cross, Duoble Cross, and Magic Population from S2 generation and 9 comparison varieties (NK7328, Pioneer 36, NK99, Bisi 18, Bisi 2, Nasa 29, JH45, HJ28 and NK212). The results of this study found the best strains of transgressive segregants selection results based on the character of seed weight per cob, namely there are 32 strains identified transgressive segregants from 3 types of crosses.

Keywords : maize, seed weight, selection, third generation, transgressive segregants.
161 abs-165
Effect of Biofertilizer on Growth and Productivity of Multiple-Cross Functional Cayenne Pepper

Ashriyah Irfiana1, A. Masniawati1* dan Muhammad Fuad Anshori2

Cayenne pepper is a high-value horticultural commodity with a large market demand. However, the production of cayenne pepper in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi, has decreased due to the use of chemical fertilizers that harm the environment and health. This study aims to increase the production and quality of cayenne pepper through multi-cross (MC) crosses and the use of biofertilizers, as well as to examine the effect of biofertilizer concentration and F5 stable strains from MC crosses on the growth and productivity of cayenne pepper. The study used a Separate Plots Design with the main plot in the form of biofertilizer concentration: 0 ml/L (B0), 10 ml/L (B1), and 20 ml/L (B2), and the subplots were F5 cayenne pepper strains: G8-1-1 (V1) and G10-5-5 (V2). Data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance and the Least Significant Difference test for significant results. The results showed that the biofertilizer concentration significantly affected plant height, crown width, number of fruits per plant, and fruit length. The cayenne pepper line also significantly affected plant height, crown width, fruit weight per seed, and fruit length. However, there was no significant effect of the two treatments on stem diameter, number of productive branches, and fruit weight per plant, and there was no interaction between the two. The concentration of 10 ml/L and the G8-1-1 strain gave the best results for the growth and productivity of cayenne pepper.

Keywords : cayenne pepper, productivity, biofertilizer, multiple-cross, functional crops
162 abs-166
Diversity Study of South Sulawesi Food Taro Based on Morphometric Analysis

Ireneus Seno Prasojo1, Wulan Syahril3, Nun Ainun2, Sri Wahyufita2, Rinaldi Sjahril4,*, Rafiuddin4, Muh Riadi4, Ahmad Fauzan Adzima4, Yunus Musa4, Edi

Taro is one of the underutilized food crops cultivated locally, and one of them is Indonesia. As a resilient crop, it can be developed to fulfill food security in areas with difficult food access. Few recent evidence related to taro plant diversity studies has been researched for some regions of Indonesia, especially Sulawesi Island. This plant has broad life niches and can withstand flooded and drought conditions. The effects of different environmental conditions can lead to differences in the characteristics of plants. Tracing the diversity of food taro by studying morphological appearance is one of the processes for taro variety characterization. This study uses morphometrics to evaluate the difference between taro plants from the Bantaeng and Tana Toraja district through leaf blade morphology. The sample was explored using a snowball sampling approach. Plants were planted ex-situ and observed for leaf morphological appearance; data were analyzed using morphoJ® software. Taro plants from Bantaeng (Colocasia esculenta, Xanthosoma sagittifolium) have larger sizes, although they have similar leaf shapes to taro from Tana Toraja. The results indicate that differences in environmental conditions impact morphological characters such as leaf size and shape variation among taro species. Further research is needed to evaluate taro morphology in broader areas, especially South Sulawesi, although samples and locations of this study are still limited.

Keywords : Diversity, Food-security, Local-wisdom, Morphometry, Resilient, Taro.
163 abs-167
The Effect of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae Combination on the Survival of Spodoptera exigua Larvae in Vivo with Single and Combined T

A I M Taufan1, I D Daud2,* and V S Dewi3

Entomopathogens are microorganisms capable of infecting and causing death in pest insects, making them a potential environmentally friendly biological control agent. Two commonly used entomopathogens in pest control are Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, which are fungi known to effectively infect various insect species, including Spodoptera exigua, a major pest of onion crops that is difficult to control. The combination of these two entomopathogens is considered to enhance pest control effectiveness through synergistic interactions between the fungi. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of a combination of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae on the survival of Spodoptera exigua larvae in vivo. The treatments included the individual application of each fungus as well as their combination. This research was conducted in the Laboratory of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University. Laboratory tests were performed using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method. The results showed that the combination of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae provided more stable control of Spodoptera exigua larvae compared to the single treatments, with 100% mortality achieved at 6 DAA and a Lethal Time50 value of 2.943, while the efficacy was in the good category with a value of 52%.

Keywords : Entomopatogen, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Spodoptera exigua
164 abs-168
Research Trends of Bacterial Panicle Blight on Rice using Scopus Database: A Bibliometric Analysis

Nurmujahidin N

Bacterial panicle blight (BPB) disease is dreadful in rice-producing countries. Burkholderia glumae, a Gram-negative, rod-shaped, and flagellated bacterium, was identified as the primary culprit for BPB disease. In 2019, the disease was reported in 18 countries, and it has been spotted in 26 countries. Rice yield has been reduced by up to 75% worldwide due to this disease. Thus, these trends must be mapped to inform future studies. This research aims to define the current trends in research BPB using a bibliometric analysis based on the Scopus database. We collected bibliographic data from the Scopus database and analyzed it using the Bibliometrix tool in VOSviewer and Tableau. Based on the keywords, the research collected 1,000 documents for further review. This study reports research results using standard bibliometric measures such as publication year, document type, source type, subject area, keyword analysis, geographic distribution, authorship, affiliation, and citation analysis. The findings indicate that BPB publications have increased significantly since 2000 in recent years. Further, future research should analyze relevant research clusters for emerging trends in BPB.

Keywords : Burkholderia glumae, VOSviewer, rice production, major pathogen, biological control
165 abs-169
Erosion Prediction Using Musle Method In The Bijawang River Area, Bulukumba Regency

Ahmad Buyung Nasution, Muh.Ansar*, Sartika Laban

Bijawang watershed is one of the watersheds in Bulukumba Regency with an area of about 17,138.92 ha which is used by the surrounding community as a source of irrigation. Soil erosion in the catchment area can cause sedimentation in irrigation canals. Sediment carried by water flow will settle at the bottom of the channel, reducing the channel's capacity to drain water and slowing the flow of water. The study aims to predict the erosion rate and erosion hazard level of mixed dryland agriculture in Bijawang Sub Das, using the MUSLE (Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation) equation. This research was conducted in Bijawang Watershed, Bulukumba Regency and the analysis of soil physical and chemical properties was conducted at the Soil and Water Physics Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar in January - March 2024. This research predicts erosion with the MUSLE method, while the data used are the maximum daily rainfall data of Bulukumba Regency in 2014-2023, soil characteristics (texture, bulk density, structure, C-Organic, and permeability), length and slope, and crop management. The highest erosion is found in Mixed Garden I with mixed land use which is 2946.14.58 tons/ha/year. While the lowest erosion is found in Mixed Garden II with a pesebesar 33.16 tons / ha / year. The highest IBE value in the Bijawang watershed in Bulukumba Regency is 133.92 (very high), indicating that IBE is greater than the tolerated erosion. Very high TBE occurs in the land use of Kebun (clove) with an erosion value of 1530.55 tons/ha/yr and Mixed Garden I (clove and coffee) which is 2946.14 tons/ha/yr. High TBE is found in Mixed Farm III (cocoa, banana, durian and clove) with erosion of 396.93 tons/ha/yr and moderate TBE occurs in Mixed Farm II land use (pepper and clove) with an erosion value of 33.68 tons/ha/yr.

Keywords : Erosion, MUSLE, TSL, IBE.
166 abs-170
Effect of cadmium concentration on microbial abundance in rice field soils: a case study of Tallo Watershed, Makassar

R Nurhikmayani1,*, A S Dewi1, M Jayadi1, N Juita1, B N Aisyah1

Soil contamination with cadmium (Cd) is a critical issue that demands urgent action, mainly due to its enduring consequences. Cd levels in the Tallo River exceed the maximum threshold set by environmental quality standards, which poses a contamination risk to rice farms in the Tallo watershed. Cd contamination in rice fields not only affects human health but also reduces crop productivity and has the potential to disrupt the delicate balance of soil microbial communities. This study aims to analyze the effect of Cd contamination on soil microbial abundance in rice fields around the Tallo watershed, Makassar. The measurement results showed that Cd levels in three locations ranged from 0.151 to 0.161 ppb, which is still below the pollution threshold. The total abundance of bacteria at site L1 was 7.4 x 10⁷ CFU/g dry soil, L2 was 5.6 x 10⁹ CFU/g dry soil, and L3 was 4.1 x 10¹⁰ CFU/g dry soil. The total abundance of fungi at location L1 was 7.4 x 10⁴ CFU/g dry soil, L2 was 5.1 x 10⁵ CFU/g dry soil, and L3 was 4.8 x 10⁷ CFU/g dry soil. Site L3, located in the Pampang area and further away from the Tallo River, showed the highest microbial abundance and lowest Cd levels (0.151 ppb). In contrast, site L1, close to the Tallo River and the Makassar industrial area, had the highest Cd levels and lowest microbial abundance.

Keywords : Cd, Microbial Abundance, Soil Microbes, Tallo Watershed
167 abs-171
Growth and Yield of Soybean Plants (Glycine max L) on Shoot Pruning and Application of Growth Regulators

Danner Sagala1,*, Haris Rifki Hidayat1, Prihanani1, Asfaruddin1, Risvan Anwar1, Rahmansyah Dermawan2, Tigin Dariati2

This research aimed to determine the effect of shoot pruning combined with spraying growth regulators on the growth and yield of soybeans. The experiment was arranged in a factorial randomized block design and was repeated three times. Pruning treatments were performed 10, 20, and 30 days after planting. The growth regulators applied were Cytokinin, Auxin, and Gibberellin. The growth and yield of soybean plants were observed through plant height, number of branches, percentage of canopy coverage, leaf area, number of pods, weight of 100 seeds, and number of seeds per plot. The results showed that the interaction of the two treatments had no significant effect on soybean growth and yield. The Gibberellin PGR treatment significantly affected plant height at 6 weeks after planting, number of branches at 4 weeks after planting, number of pods, and yield per plot.

Keywords : Food crop, hormone, plant production
168 abs-172
Organic Fertilization Innovation: Effect of Banana Peel Liquid Organic Fertilizer on Seed Growth of Cocoa Clones

Nurlina Kasim1*, Rusnadi Padjung1, Syatrianty A Syaiful1, Firayunita2, Kasmiati3

Abstract. Utilization of banana peel waste as liquid organic fertilizer is one of the solutions in managing household waste that is rich in nutrients. This study aims to analyze the effect of cocoa clone type (Theobroma cacao L.) and banana peel liquid organic fertilizer application on cocoa seedling growth. Three types of cocoa clones, namely MCC 02, Sulawesi 01, and Sulawesi 02, combined with various concentrations of banana peel liquid organic fertilizer (25 mL/L, 50 mL/L, 75 mL/L) as well as control, were applied to cocoa seedlings in this study. The results showed that MCC 02 clone gave the best results in terms of number of leaves (29.93 leaves), leaf area (190.1 cm²), and crown wet weight (64.38 g). Meanwhile, the combination of Sulawesi 02 clone with 25 mL/L banana peel liquid organic fertilizer application produced the largest stomatal opening area (129.79 μm²). Application of banana peel liquid organic fertilizer with a concentration of 50 mL/L gave optimal results in increasing leaf area (196.3 cm²), crown wet weight (60.90 g), and crown dry weight (25.83 g). This study proves that banana peel liquid organic fertilizer can increase the vegetative growth of cocoa seedlings, especially in leaf and crown parameters. Cocoa clone MCC 02 showed a better growth response than other clones, while banana peel liquid organic fertilizer concentration of 50 mL/L was the optimal dose to support seedling growth. Thus, the use of banana peel liquid organic fertilizer can be an environmentally friendly alternative to improve the quality of cocoa seedlings.

Keywords : Nutrition; Seedling; Stomata; Physiological_Observation
169 abs-173
A Systematic review : plant parasitic nematodes associated on Indonesian shallot crops (Allium cepa L.)

Asti Irawanti Azis*, Ade Rosmana, Tutik Kuswinanti

Plant parasitic nematodes (PPNs) are microscopic roundworms that can seriously harm Indonesian shallot crops. These pests can reduce yield, quality, and market value of shallots, resulting in financial losses for farmers. In Indonesia, the most common PPNs affecting shallots are root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), cyst nematodes (Heterodera spp.), lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.), and Aphelenchoides fragariae. This article provides an overview of the major PPN species that infect shallots in Indonesia, including their life cycles and symptoms. It discusses how PPNs affect shallot production and the economic losses they can cause. The review also investigates different management strategies for controlling PPNs in shallot fields, such as cultural practices, biological control, and chemical nematicides. Understanding the biology and impact of PPNs on shallots allows farmers to implement effective management strategies to reduce damage and ensure long-term shallot production in Indonesia.

Keywords : shallot, systematic review, Plant Parasitic Nematodes (PPNs)
170 abs-174
Infiltration behavior in diffrent land use patterns: a case study in Tanralili Sub-watershad

B N Aisyah, Z N Asma, H Zubair, S Laban

The infiltration process plays an important role in the concept of water balance in a watershed. This process is influenced by soil conditions and land use. Allegedly, changes in water management in the Tanralili Sub-watershed are caused by changes in land use due to the conversion of forest land and shrubs into forms of land use with low vegetation density and water absorption. This research aims to study infiltration behavior on various land use patterns on Ultisol soil type in Tanralili Sub-watershed. Measurement of infiltration rate using double ring infiltrometer with calculation analysis using Horton method. The results showed that the highest infiltration rate was found in dry land agricultural land use with an infiltration rate of 67 mm/hour. The use of scrub land infiltration rate value of 46.7 mm/hour and forest land use infiltration rate value of 60.4 mm/hour. The infiltration rate on Ultisol soil types in various land uses is different, on dry land agricultural land use is classified as rather fast criteria, scrub land use is classified as medium criteria and forest land use is classified as rather medium criteria.

Keywords : Horton, Infiltration rate, Maros, Ultisol
171 abs-175
Mapping crops in Tompobulu District, Maros Regency

Haerani Haerani1,*, Muhammad Tahir Sapsal1, Husnul Mubarak1, Evy Masruroh2, Anugrah Feri Hermanto1, Sitti Nurhidayatullah Rahim1, Sartika Laban3,

Tompobulu District – Maros Regency is a famous agricultural area, with its crops mostly rice paddies and corn. It is located near the capital city of South Sulawesi, Makassar, which has resulted in significant growth and development of the area. This study aimed to map the crops in the Tompobulu District using Sentinel 2 imagery satellite. The Sentinel imagery of 13 May 2024 was mapped using the supervised classification method under the Gaussian Mixture Model algorithm in Quantum GIS software. The training area was generated using Google Earth imagery and fieldwork data in May 2024. The study classified the Tompobulu District into five classes: rice-paddy fields, corn fields, forests, water bodies, and settlement areas. The study showed that Gaussian Mixture Model classification method produced crop mapping in the Tompobulu District with high overall accuracy, i.e., 92.33%. Specifically, producer accuracy and user accuracy for rice-paddy fields were 92.95 and 80,43%, respectively, while corn field accuracies were 84.12 and 89.83%, respectively.

Keywords : Corn, Rice-paddy, Gaussian Mixture Model, Quantum GIS, Sentinel-2, and Supervised Classification.