All submitted papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process. The accepted papers will be issued in the conference proceedings published by Scopus Indexed Publisher

Full paper manuscript must be submitted through our conference management system. Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

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Preparing your manuscript

Please prepare your full paper according to the following instructions, and submit it through our conference management system by the given deadline.

Article preparation checklist:

  • File(s) must be submitted in *.doc or *docx format
  • Each manuscript must be 8-10 pages in length (including all figures, tables, and references)
  • Prepare your manuscript in Letter paper size (8.5 x 11 inch) single column template. All pages are portrait.
  • The text is single spaced. Use Times New Roman The point size will vary by section.
  • The paper includes the author names, affiliations, and full affiliation address including country
  • One author is appointed as a corresponding author.
  • Do not add page numbers, or headers and footers, within the paper.
  • Make sure that figures, images, and tables appear within the text, cited in text and make sure that all images and tables fall within the margins of the template.
  • Use clear, legible graphics, and diagrams. The font, formulas, tables and figures should be clear and easy to read. Avoid unnecessary grids and shadings in the figures/graphics/tables/diagrams.
  • Number all tables, figures, and formulas sequentially. Place all captions or other information associated with a table, image, or figure on the same page as that table, image, or figure.
  • Check all figures and images carefully to ensure that they are complete and that no parts are missing or cut off.
  • If you have included previously published figures/tables in your article, you must provide written approval from the copyright holder to re-use the figure/table. Also, include the appropriate credit line associated with the figure in the caption.
  • Reference lists are checked for accuracy with CrossRef. Use the most original source possible and the most reliable source available. Cited scholarly references only and recent materials of twenties or less sources.
  • Include DOI for all works that have DOI, regardless of whether you are using an online or printed version to assist the committee in checking the suitability of references.

No Show Policy

The selected paper that will be published, must be presented at the conference by one of the authors. Papers which are not presented at the conference shall be deemed “no-show”